Aug 13, 2022 10:24 am
Setting: SR 5e
Story Background:
Ask a hundred shadowrunners how they got into the biz, and I guarantee you’ll get a hundred answers. Maybe even more, since sometimes there’s no easy response (and some people are just smartasses). If you ask a kid what she wants to be when she grows up, she might say "shadowrunner" in the same way she’d say "test pilot" or "trid star," but she doesn’t really mean it.
When you get down to it, not too many people start out wanting to be shadowrunners. Despite how the profession is glamorized in the media, it’s a dirty, dangerous job, full of risks and backstabs and almost guaranteed to get you a nice cozy little hole in the ground before you’re old enough to have grandkids.
But there are a lot of us out there, and we all had to come from somewhere. How did that bright-eyed kid end up dodging bullets, slinging spells, or breaking into places where the best you can hope for if they catch you is that they’ll just kill you? And while we’re on the subject: You know those hundred runners with a hundred different stories? They’ve also got a hundred different personalities. A hundred quirks, annoying habits, prejudices, and traits that their teams are going to have to put up with if they want to get anything done.
Who hasn’t been on a run with That Guy—you know, the one who likes to eat limburger-and-onion sandwiches an hour before a run, or the one who obsessively pops his cyberspur every five seconds? Or the chica who won’t shut up about her pet whackdoodle cause? Face it: You’re going to be spending a lot of time in close proximity to these people while you’re doing biz, so it’s in your best interest to figure out how to overlook some things and learn to play nice together. Because killing them is unprofessional. Usually ...
Let’s face facts: It really does take all kinds, and the shadows are no exception. Sure, there are plenty of runners who are consummate professionals, doing their job without bringing pesky things like personality into the operation. They do what they need to do, hit all their marks, and when they go on their way, you barely remember them. This isn’t a bad thing in the shadows, of course.
When you’re picking qualities you want in teammates, "competence" ranks about a thousand times higher than "charmingly quirky." But the fact is, there are quite a few folks in our biz who suffer from, as it was once called in a pretty wiz old flatscreen movie, "a deplorable excess of personality." So go ahead. I’m gonna open it up now. Tell us about some of the more memorable runners you’ve worked with. Entertain us.
For a while I ran with a sam who was addicted to really horrible puns. We couldn’t even get through the meet with a Johnson without him dropping three or four groaners. We all wanted to kill him, and we would have if he hadn’t been so damned good at his job ...
> Hard Exit
When I was in DeeCee, I knew a rigger who was so picky about his van that he wouldn’t even let you inside it unless you wiped your feet first. No food or drink, no smoking, nothing. The one time we came tearing out of a run site covered head to toe in mud and slime, I thought he was gonna cry ...
> Pistons
One guy I knew wouldn’t hurt a woman. It didn’t matter if she was a corp princess type or a three-meter troll waving an HMG in his face. If there was a female, he couldn’t hurt her. Nice ideals, but it didn’t work out too well for him. He got blown away by a female sec-guard when he refused to fire on her ...
> Thorn
Couple of years ago my team was hired to extract a particular researcher from a particular South American corporation. Everything went great—except that the researcher developed a raging love-at-first-sight crush on our mage. Which would have been bad enough even if the mage hadn’t decided that the feeling was mutual. We had to put up with the two of them all over each other the whole trip back ...
> Turbo Bunny
I used to know a germophobic shaman. Seriously, this guy wore a rebreather mask, gloves, the whole bit, and used the Sterilize spell like they were paying him by the casting. He ended up having to leave the team after one of our runs took us into the Chicago sewers. Thought the poor guy’s head would explode when he tripped and went face-first into the drek. He was never quite the same again.
> Sounder
Visibility: Game will be private.
RPG Rules: SR 5e
Character Generation:
Modify the resources column on the Priority Table as follows:
• Priority A: 500,000 nuyen
• Priority B: 325,000 nuyen
• Priority C: 210,000 nuyen
• Priority D: 150,000 nuyen
• Priority E: 100,000 nuyen
• Karma: Each player receives 35 Karma to customize characters (maximum of 70 Karma).
• Gear Restrictions: Device Ratings must be rated at 6 or less. Maximum Availability is 15 or less.
• Nuyen Restrictions: Characters may convert up to 25 Karma into nuyen (50,000 nuyen).
• Karma Restrictions: Instead of the normal Charisma x 3 Karma for contacts, increase this amount to Charisma x 6 Karma for contacts.
• Follow all other rules for Character Creation/Advancement as laid out in 'Creating a Shadowrunner'.
Special Rule — Relationships create!
Posting Frequency: A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2-3 times each day, just let the group know if you need to be absent some days or weeks. It’s always good to keep the frequency up and moving.
Game Duration: The first adventure will be 1-2 months. After each adventure arc will be part of the full blown campaign.
Leadership: This is up for discussion, but I am thinking it’s either democratic (everyone has a say) or you elect a leader and have at it! Maybe the 'FACE' of the group.
Inclusivity: I am looking for players who are tolerant of differences both in and out of game, and who appreciate that their words (however chosen) can impact the wellness of other people. If you have any specific boundaries on what you’d like to experience in the game, please message me privately and we can discuss. We can also discuss in the OOC thread once a game begins. :-)
How to Apply: Comment below! If the game makes it we need to have a great party of 5-6 players. I have allowed for 6. :-)
Story Background:
Ask a hundred shadowrunners how they got into the biz, and I guarantee you’ll get a hundred answers. Maybe even more, since sometimes there’s no easy response (and some people are just smartasses). If you ask a kid what she wants to be when she grows up, she might say "shadowrunner" in the same way she’d say "test pilot" or "trid star," but she doesn’t really mean it.
When you get down to it, not too many people start out wanting to be shadowrunners. Despite how the profession is glamorized in the media, it’s a dirty, dangerous job, full of risks and backstabs and almost guaranteed to get you a nice cozy little hole in the ground before you’re old enough to have grandkids.
But there are a lot of us out there, and we all had to come from somewhere. How did that bright-eyed kid end up dodging bullets, slinging spells, or breaking into places where the best you can hope for if they catch you is that they’ll just kill you? And while we’re on the subject: You know those hundred runners with a hundred different stories? They’ve also got a hundred different personalities. A hundred quirks, annoying habits, prejudices, and traits that their teams are going to have to put up with if they want to get anything done.
Who hasn’t been on a run with That Guy—you know, the one who likes to eat limburger-and-onion sandwiches an hour before a run, or the one who obsessively pops his cyberspur every five seconds? Or the chica who won’t shut up about her pet whackdoodle cause? Face it: You’re going to be spending a lot of time in close proximity to these people while you’re doing biz, so it’s in your best interest to figure out how to overlook some things and learn to play nice together. Because killing them is unprofessional. Usually ...
Let’s face facts: It really does take all kinds, and the shadows are no exception. Sure, there are plenty of runners who are consummate professionals, doing their job without bringing pesky things like personality into the operation. They do what they need to do, hit all their marks, and when they go on their way, you barely remember them. This isn’t a bad thing in the shadows, of course.
When you’re picking qualities you want in teammates, "competence" ranks about a thousand times higher than "charmingly quirky." But the fact is, there are quite a few folks in our biz who suffer from, as it was once called in a pretty wiz old flatscreen movie, "a deplorable excess of personality." So go ahead. I’m gonna open it up now. Tell us about some of the more memorable runners you’ve worked with. Entertain us.
For a while I ran with a sam who was addicted to really horrible puns. We couldn’t even get through the meet with a Johnson without him dropping three or four groaners. We all wanted to kill him, and we would have if he hadn’t been so damned good at his job ...
> Hard Exit
When I was in DeeCee, I knew a rigger who was so picky about his van that he wouldn’t even let you inside it unless you wiped your feet first. No food or drink, no smoking, nothing. The one time we came tearing out of a run site covered head to toe in mud and slime, I thought he was gonna cry ...
> Pistons
One guy I knew wouldn’t hurt a woman. It didn’t matter if she was a corp princess type or a three-meter troll waving an HMG in his face. If there was a female, he couldn’t hurt her. Nice ideals, but it didn’t work out too well for him. He got blown away by a female sec-guard when he refused to fire on her ...
> Thorn
Couple of years ago my team was hired to extract a particular researcher from a particular South American corporation. Everything went great—except that the researcher developed a raging love-at-first-sight crush on our mage. Which would have been bad enough even if the mage hadn’t decided that the feeling was mutual. We had to put up with the two of them all over each other the whole trip back ...
> Turbo Bunny
I used to know a germophobic shaman. Seriously, this guy wore a rebreather mask, gloves, the whole bit, and used the Sterilize spell like they were paying him by the casting. He ended up having to leave the team after one of our runs took us into the Chicago sewers. Thought the poor guy’s head would explode when he tripped and went face-first into the drek. He was never quite the same again.
> Sounder
Visibility: Game will be private.
RPG Rules: SR 5e
Character Generation:
Modify the resources column on the Priority Table as follows:
• Priority A: 500,000 nuyen
• Priority B: 325,000 nuyen
• Priority C: 210,000 nuyen
• Priority D: 150,000 nuyen
• Priority E: 100,000 nuyen
• Karma: Each player receives 35 Karma to customize characters (maximum of 70 Karma).
• Gear Restrictions: Device Ratings must be rated at 6 or less. Maximum Availability is 15 or less.
• Nuyen Restrictions: Characters may convert up to 25 Karma into nuyen (50,000 nuyen).
• Karma Restrictions: Instead of the normal Charisma x 3 Karma for contacts, increase this amount to Charisma x 6 Karma for contacts.
• Follow all other rules for Character Creation/Advancement as laid out in 'Creating a Shadowrunner'.
Special Rule — Relationships create!
Posting Frequency: A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2-3 times each day, just let the group know if you need to be absent some days or weeks. It’s always good to keep the frequency up and moving.
Game Duration: The first adventure will be 1-2 months. After each adventure arc will be part of the full blown campaign.
Leadership: This is up for discussion, but I am thinking it’s either democratic (everyone has a say) or you elect a leader and have at it! Maybe the 'FACE' of the group.
Inclusivity: I am looking for players who are tolerant of differences both in and out of game, and who appreciate that their words (however chosen) can impact the wellness of other people. If you have any specific boundaries on what you’d like to experience in the game, please message me privately and we can discuss. We can also discuss in the OOC thread once a game begins. :-)
How to Apply: Comment below! If the game makes it we need to have a great party of 5-6 players. I have allowed for 6. :-)
Last edited August 13, 2022 10:24 am