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Aug 18, 2022 9:05 am
Grezen says:

I 'play' negative and positive qualities - just saying!!!!!
I was already operating under this assumption. Just because Ares fired my Face doesn't mean they'd let him out from under their thumb. They've made substantial investment in the new Dragonslayer. He's up to date on his taxes and generally speaking has no issue with wasting bugs for the crime of existing.

I anticipate most if not all of my contacts will be corporate stooges, lackeys, and overlords.

Anything I should know role-playing wise about being a Knight Errant?
Last edited August 18, 2022 9:06 am
Aug 18, 2022 9:13 am
Nobody likes you. Literally nobody.

The other Shadowrunners don't trust you because you're likely still on Ares' leash. And fragging Knight Errant at that.
Johnsons will exploit that tie.
People on the street will spit in your food if they notice your corporate SIN.
Even your mother is so disappointed in you for falling out of the corpo-cradle she might send a kill-squad to erase the shame.
Aug 18, 2022 9:25 am
Khulod says:
Nobody likes you. Literally nobody.

The other Shadowrunners don't trust you because you're likely still on Ares' leash. And fragging Knight Errant at that.
Johnsons will exploit that tie.
People on the street will spit in your food if they notice your corporate SIN.
Even your mother is so disappointed in you for falling out of the corpo-cradle she might send a kill-squad to erase the shame.
But 'ONLY' if they 'FIND' out. Faces are just that many 'faces'.
Aug 18, 2022 9:31 am
It's a good thing Corporate sins just appear to be national sins and people will have to do some digging to see it as anything but that. Which will likely attract the attention of not only Ares Corp, but also my character and neither of them are big on letting those that know that particular secret live.

And honestly those are all okay by me. That's why I roll 9 dice for first impressions and 7 for each time after. And this will be my primary focus for improvement.

If all else fails, an 11 die blast ball solves the most dogged opposition 80% of the time. He might be a baby Dragonslayer, but he's still the Dragonslayer.

Besides I've got you guys and with friends/acquaintances/fodder like you all, who needs a nice world?
Aug 18, 2022 9:47 am
You're in luck. My character follows Omerta. So when she finds out you're KE she'll just drop you like a stone but won't kill you. ^^
Aug 18, 2022 10:06 am
I'm not a big fan of player versus player games which is why I don't play modern video games. I can see you're a sunbro so how about jolly cooperation instead?
Aug 18, 2022 12:31 pm
Well it will definitely something that we'd need to work out when we get to it, since Omerta doesn't allow for disclosing info to cops.
Aug 18, 2022 2:12 pm
Knight Errant??? Who let this fraggin' guy in here?

; )
Aug 18, 2022 2:15 pm
I still can't submit a sheet, only custom sheets are currently allowed. Could you add Shadowrun 5e sheets please?

*Thanks for that chummer5 tip! Now I'm going for an elf Decker build. So easy to weigh out options with that program.
Last edited August 18, 2022 2:16 pm
Aug 18, 2022 3:55 pm
5E has a lot more moving parts than when I last checked in on ShadowRun. I should have a sheet posted up in here for a quick review tonight maybe. Another couple of sets of eyes to spot math or rules errors would be greatly appreciated. I'll definitely have questions though...
Aug 18, 2022 6:40 pm
Ok, here is my new elven decker build... MUCH better than the last one.

Ren Sato "Nero"
Aug 18, 2022 9:38 pm
Are you sure you didn't make a street sam? :D
Aug 18, 2022 10:23 pm
He's a combat Decker ;)

Still a few tweaks to do, I might lower some of his Bioware expense in favor of a better cyberdeck. Every time I get into a 5e game it dissolves before I get to the Matrix so I have to relearn the whole thing each time I play. Suggestions welcome.
Aug 18, 2022 11:57 pm
Build is done need to transpose to the sheet and come up with contacts now.
Aug 19, 2022 5:46 am
Hey there everyone! I see we have a decker, a face, what else do we have so far? I had the idea of playing a gun adept but I'm also perfectly fitting into what we need. Just give me a heads up on what is one the table so far.
Aug 19, 2022 8:09 am
Here's a quick, initial WIP for my character:

Former Merc, now freelance.

A: Attributes (24 pts)
B: Skills (36/5)
C: Finances (210K ¥)
D: MetaType- Human (3)
E: Magic-none

Qualities: (10 Karma remaining: 35+24-49)
5 Bilingual
10 Guts
14 High Pain Tolerance/2
7 Natural Athlete
10 Magic Resistance/2
3 Quick Healer
-5 SIN: National
-10 Insomnia
-9 Addiction: Sedatives (moderate)

Attributes: (+24 pts)
Body: 1+4 (5)
Agi: 1+4 (5)
Rea: 1+3 (4)
Str: 1+ 3 (4)
Will: 1+3 (4)
Log: 1+3 (4)
Int: 1+3 (4)
Cha: 1+1(2)
Edge: 2 +(3) = 5
Essence:. 6

Skills: 36/5
Aug 19, 2022 11:32 am
I've decided to start over on my character, after reading the premise.
Aug 19, 2022 1:49 pm
Looks like we are missing a mage, so I'm willing to jump in that hole.
Aug 19, 2022 2:15 pm
Seemed like Jomsviking was making a mage of sorts

*But can you ever really have too much magic?
Last edited August 19, 2022 2:15 pm
Aug 19, 2022 2:36 pm
Oh, right, never mind then. Good thing because I'm pretty new and magic was not something I've dug into yet. :)
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