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Aug 19, 2022 2:45 pm
Important question for GM:

What books are allowed? Is it core only or can we use books like Data Trails and Kill Code?
Aug 19, 2022 5:09 pm
Here's a pure decker I built in-case my combat elf seems too spread out:

Gloria Palmer "GloWorm"
Aug 19, 2022 6:32 pm
My new concept is a fully chromed up catwoman. (Including cyberpsychosis!)

Last edited August 19, 2022 6:36 pm
Aug 19, 2022 7:41 pm
Hi all :) Excited to join you. I’m quite new to SR but find it really interesting. I know basically nothing of setting or system, however I’v played rpg for decades.

I’m just consulting Grezen about how to best create a character. Aiming for a Rigger type, human. I hope I can learn as we go and tag along for the ride
Aug 19, 2022 8:24 pm
It's a really interesting and involved setting. TL;DR: cyberpunk mixed with fantasy set on Earth circa 2060-2070. I'd definitely watch a few ShadowRun lore videos on YouTube to get caught up. The system is really crunchy but there's a couple of other players and the GM who can help walk you through the mechanics.

Here's a couple of links to some short-ish videos that help explain the setting:
Aug 19, 2022 10:22 pm

How does magical tradition Teutonic sound to you?
Aug 19, 2022 11:05 pm

I don't mind what your Character looks like, feels like, is made up or smells like all I ask is that you stick to this:

Modify the resources column on the Priority Table as follows:
• Priority A: 500,000 nuyen
• Priority B: 325,000 nuyen
• Priority C: 210,000 nuyen
• Priority D: 150,000 nuyen
• Priority E: 100,000 nuyen
• Karma: Each player receives 35 Karma to customize characters (maximum of 70 Karma).
• Gear Restrictions: Device Ratings must be rated at 6 or less. Maximum Availability is 15 or less.
• Nuyen Restrictions: Characters may convert up to 25 Karma into nuyen (50,000 nuyen).
• Karma Restrictions: Instead of the normal Charisma x 3 Karma for contacts, increase this amount to Charisma x 6 Karma for contacts.
• Follow all other rules for Character Creation/Advancement as laid out in 'Creating a Shadowrunner'.

It is when you don't that I will have a problem. Other than 1 person who I am negotiating with right now, everybody else needs to stick to the PRIME RUNNER BUILD exactly. Then no problems!
Aug 20, 2022 7:44 pm
Jomsviking says:

How does magical tradition Teutonic sound to you?
That would be pretty interesting!
Aug 21, 2022 3:10 am
Our only magic so far seems to be the face, so it seems like I will be filling that role. I'll get an idea drawn up shortly.
Aug 21, 2022 9:51 am
Ripcord says:
Our only magic so far seems to be the face, so it seems like I will be filling that role. I'll get an idea drawn up shortly.
Awesome, Rip!
Aug 21, 2022 5:51 pm
Last edited August 21, 2022 7:22 pm
Aug 21, 2022 6:39 pm
Ok, character submitted. I went with the pure decker girl, my elf combat decker just seemed too arch. GLO[worm] is a dry, sarcastic young know-it-all otaku type who I modeled after Aubry Plaza (lol). She grew up on the mean streets of Chicago making her way by boosting rides and cracking credsticks. She recently borrowed fifty large from a mob loan shark to finance a new arm after a burst from an Ingram shredded the real one and now the pressure's on to pay it back before they come for her legs...

Gloria Palmer "GLO[worm]"
Aug 21, 2022 11:02 pm
Well, got my soulless abomination character done in Chummer5! Lots and lots of math in it because I went with 4 cyberlimbs. Going to transfer it all to a GP character sheet tomorrow.

0.01 Essense! Woooooo!
Will hopefully do nicely in melee like any street sam should.
Super dexterous and physically flexible, good at dodging.
Can throw some shurikens or grenades if she really has to do ranged combat.
Batshit crazy.
Aug 22, 2022 2:44 am
Alright, Onmyoji has been submitted. I went with a bit of a generalist Mage since it's good to have some flexibility as a caster. No summoning, but I'm good at spell casting and astral combat along with con and etiquette. Also decent in banishing and counter spelling and I have some generalist skills like pistols as a backup, sneaking and perception as must-haves, etc.
Aug 22, 2022 2:49 am
Khulod says:
Well, got my soulless abomination character done in Chummer5! Lots and lots of math in it because I went with 4 cyberlimbs. Going to transfer it all to a GP character sheet tomorrow.

0.01 Essense! Woooooo!
Will hopefully do nicely in melee like any street sam should.
Super dexterous and physically flexible, good at dodging.
Can throw some shurikens or grenades if she really has to do ranged combat.
Batshit crazy.
I really can't thank you enough for the chummer recommendation! It's so fun! I also made a four-cyber limb electro-samauri just for kicks. Crazy battle monster with 17 in Assault rifles and 20 armor. I've made about 8 characters so far lol.
Aug 22, 2022 4:04 am
And here I was thinking 14 Dice for Unarmed Combat was cool
Aug 22, 2022 11:09 am
dominion451 says:
Khulod says:
Well, got my soulless abomination character done in Chummer5! Lots and lots of math in it because I went with 4 cyberlimbs. Going to transfer it all to a GP character sheet tomorrow.

0.01 Essense! Woooooo!
Will hopefully do nicely in melee like any street sam should.
Super dexterous and physically flexible, good at dodging.
Can throw some shurikens or grenades if she really has to do ranged combat.
Batshit crazy.
I really can't thank you enough for the chummer recommendation! It's so fun! I also made a four-cyber limb electro-samauri just for kicks. Crazy battle monster with 17 in Assault rifles and 20 armor. I've made about 8 characters so far lol.
It's fun right? Only problem is I absolutely loaded myself out with gear and now I have to copy it all over. :D
Aug 22, 2022 1:49 pm
Jomsviking says:
And here I was thinking 14 Dice for Unarmed Combat was cool
It is cool! 12 and up is more than serviceable!
Aug 22, 2022 1:50 pm
Khulod says:

It's fun right? Only problem is I absolutely loaded myself out with gear and now I have to copy it all over. :D
Haha, it's copying the skills over that takes me the most time.
Last edited August 22, 2022 1:51 pm
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