1880, March -- East Texas (IC)

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Oct 25, 2022 10:01 pm
Horace would have preferred less wind. That would have enabled him to hear things in the woods. He'd have to rely on his eyes and they were old and bespectacled. Still, this was the situation and he would make do. He kept his eyes peeled for a bookish-looking boy wandering aimlessly around the countryside and failing that he would see about finding some lumberjack camps with men willing to point him toward the boy.
Oct 26, 2022 9:09 pm
Walkin' Among the Pines | Horace
The thickly packed trees make, and, as you noted, the strong wind make it hard to spot anything out here. But still...
Go ahead and make a Notice -2 OR a flat Survival roll.

Or you may end up wanderin' straight to lumber camp with no sign.
Oct 26, 2022 9:46 pm
Can I use boost lower trait for the roll? I've never used that power before so I am unclear how it works exactly and if it can be used in this case to mitigate the -2 penalty.
Oh! I didn't need it. Haha
Last edited October 26, 2022 9:47 pm


Notice * - (1d6-2, 1d6-2, RA)

1d6-2 : (664) - 2 = 14

1d6-2 : (2) - 2 = 0

Oct 27, 2022 1:09 pm
Beneath the Wind Blown Pines | Horace
The massive trees keep the forest floor clear of bushes and brambles, at least. It's dense, but at least you can walk easy enough.


Despite the rough day, it's not long before you see a young man walk between the trees, muttering to himself as he goes.

Wander Young Man
If Horace let's him pass by, it's likely the youth won't even notice him.
Oct 28, 2022 9:38 pm
Horace pulls up short when he sees a man walking. He hasn't been spotted yet so he has time to think. Seeing as they are still trying to figure things out he decides to approach the man in as unthreatening a posture as he can muster. Mustering up a big smile he casually saunters toward the young man waving calmly.

Hello there friend! I wonder if you could help me?
Oct 29, 2022 3:08 pm
A Forest Encounter | Horace
Surprised Young Man
"Gah!" The young man startles and whips round to face you. He obviously wasn't expectin' to meet a strange looking fellow out here among the Pines.

"God Almighty man, you spooked me." His hand wanders to his shoulder and holds it as if the quick movement had caused him pain. "What sorta help you need?"

Despite your unthreatening approach he seems suspicious. He's also barefoot.
Oct 29, 2022 3:27 pm
"What did you do with your shoes man? That must be sore on a foot what with the rocks and what have you in these parts. But sorry to scare ya. It wasn't my intention. You startled me too. I didn't expect anyone in these woods especially with the murders and beasts about and in fact that is why I too am trudging in these woods. Have you heard or seen of such?"

Horace scans the woods and the man up close. He seems like he might be running from something and didn't want to scare him further with a flurry of questions. Let the man speak of his on accord he decides.
Oct 30, 2022 6:49 pm
Higher in to the Pine Covered Hills | Kaladin an' Nathaniel
We'll assume no objection to Nathaniels plan. 😄
Y'all trudge up the hill, the wood round you gettin' thicker as you go.

Suddenly, the hill levels out and a clearly is before you. You smell woodsmoke and earth. A small rickety cabin sits tucked near the trees, chickens scratchin' the dirt nearby.

Oct 30, 2022 7:02 pm
Cagey Young Man
He narrows his eyes at Horace. "Your feet get used to walkin' on earth. Its better than makin' a mess of my boots an' catchin' hell from my pa." He shrugs and winces in pain from the movement.

Horace, there's no sign of any pursuer, through the trees.

"But yeah, I've heard the stories of a monster loose round these parts. And I know many round here believe it. But I read 'bout the natural world, so I ain't so taken by superstition as easy. An' ain't never seen anything bad in these woods, except a bear once."

The young man fidgets. "Sides, I'm from round here and know these woods like the back of my hand. Maybe I should be askin' you why you're creeping about."
Oct 30, 2022 7:47 pm
Now let's not get snippety young fella. I am trying to do a service. I have seen a demon in these parts and that's what I seek and I want to find the locations of the lumberjack camps. Maybe you passed one or two in your travels? And where would you be heading yourself?

Horace notes that the young man is a mite bit fidgety.

Did you hurt your feet? I saw you grimace. perhaps I can help?
Nov 1, 2022 8:54 pm
William Hayes
The young man looks slightly embarrassed--seems like he's used to getting scolded by his elders, and his upbringing kicks in. "Uh, sorry sir. I'm William Hayes, my Pa's the smith in town and I'm just headin' back home to help him out." He seems nervous.

He looks down at his feet. "Nah, my feet are fine. I--" half beat hesitation--"stumbled on my climb up hill and knocked it on a rock. It's fine though."

He points uphill and slightly to the right. "If you head that way you'll run in to the closest of the lumber camps."

He turns to leave, though the direction he is about to head off is obviously not back to town...
What does Horace do?
Nov 1, 2022 9:14 pm
Hey now hang on a minute there fella. You are heading in the wrong direction and I know you are hiding something. Look I am not going to hurt you. What are you about exactly?

Horace had no doubt that the boy was hiding something and was pretty sure he didn't knock anything on a rock let alone his feet.
Nov 2, 2022 2:05 am
Nathaniel looks over at Bennie after seeing the cabin, "Do you know who lives there?". He slowly starts walking toward the front door, seeing if there are any open windows that can be looked into.
Smell of woodsmoke as in there's currently a chimney/fire going on inside?
Nov 2, 2022 7:45 pm
Under the Judging Gaze of Young William Hayes | Horace
William Hayes
He stops when you ask him to. He turns and stares at you, thundercloud writ on his face. He seems impatient, like you're keeping him from where he wants to be.

Emotions play across his face as he decides whether or not to continue talking with you--deciding if your words and manner have Persuaded him...

He's used to resisting his father, giving him a greater than average spirit.
Horace, let's get a Persuasion roll, with your -2 from Hinderance of course. The stakes here are some answers vs William shutting down this interaction, perhaps for good.
Nov 2, 2022 7:50 pm
Outside the Cabin in the Wood | Kaladin and Nathaniel
Bennie Hudson
Bennie thinks on Nathaniel's question. "Can't say I do," he says, somewhat quietly.
Smell of wood smoke coming from the cabin's chimney, yes. You'd be able to safely assume there's a fire going in the hearth.

Nathaniel, a window is beside the door, open to the cool March air. No shutter or curtain obscures your view if you choose to peek inside.
Nov 2, 2022 11:03 pm
"I'm going to take a peek inside."

A thought crosses his mind, "Bennie, we really appreciate you taking us out this far, but mayhap you best stay here. If there's someone in there, they may well be very dangerous."

Nathaniel continues on, crouching below the open window and peeking his head up over the sill.
Nov 3, 2022 12:15 am
Outside the Cabin | Nathaniel and Kaladin
Bennie Hudson
Bennie nods at your suggest, leans against a pine, and lights a handrolled cigarette off a match.

Nathaniel, looking inside you'd see a hut that's pretty rough and bare. Dirt floor an' all.


Leaning over a large kettle of bubbling stew is an old hill woman. She crumbles dry herbs of some sort, between her leathery hands, in to the container.

Old Woman
She sips from a wooden spoon and smiles.
Nov 3, 2022 1:33 am
following the young man wandering towards the window, Kaladin moves up and peeks inside. The sight of an old woman living alone in the woods takes him by surprise, certainly not what he expected. Taking a close look around the cabin, hoping to get a sense of the nature of the woman and surroundings before moving towards the door if nothing seems amiss.


Notice - (1d4, 1d4, RA)

1d4 : (41) = 5

1d4 : (3) = 3

Nov 3, 2022 1:46 am
Come on now. No need to be afraid of me. Someone after you? Is that it?


Persuasion* - (1d4-2, 1d4-2, RA)

1d4-2 : (2) - 2 = 0

1d4-2 : (2) - 2 = 0

Nov 3, 2022 3:22 am
Nathaniel slinks back down and makes room for Kaladin at the side of the window. The cabin and old lady remind him strongly of the witch from Hansel and Gretel, and he has an uneasy feeling about all this.
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