After last night's harrowing event and the long days travel getting here, Nathaniel parted ways with everyone and got a room at the inn. Exhaustion hit him like a brick and he barely made it to the bed. After a comatose like slumber though, he felt better, moreso than usual in his travels West so far. Probably because it's not my usual train car, the outdoors, or someone's barn. It's rare he got to sleep in a proper bed these days, which made it all the more difficult to get out of this one. His groan turning into a sigh, These people need our help and time is short. Do the job. Nathaniel got out of bed, dressed, and headed downstairs in hopes of getting some breakfast and a coffee, all while formulating a plan on how to best tackle getting information from the townsfolk.
1880, March -- East Texas (IC)
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Oct 7, 2022 3:48 am
Nathaniel slowly blinked his eyes open as the sunlight streamed into his room. For a moment he forgot where he was, but then the heavy smell of wet wood and sap hit him through the open window in his hotel room, and he groaned in remembrance. He shivered at the memory of it's fangs and claws, eyes both wild yet strangely lucid, and steaming, hot breath almost tickling his skin. That was too close. Lord, please protect us and give us the courage and fortitude to carry-on ... And thank you for giving me companions to fight with...even if they are a bit oddball, ahem. Amen.
After last night's harrowing event and the long days travel getting here, Nathaniel parted ways with everyone and got a room at the inn. Exhaustion hit him like a brick and he barely made it to the bed. After a comatose like slumber though, he felt better, moreso than usual in his travels West so far. Probably because it's not my usual train car, the outdoors, or someone's barn. It's rare he got to sleep in a proper bed these days, which made it all the more difficult to get out of this one. His groan turning into a sigh, These people need our help and time is short. Do the job. Nathaniel got out of bed, dressed, and headed downstairs in hopes of getting some breakfast and a coffee, all while formulating a plan on how to best tackle getting information from the townsfolk.
After last night's harrowing event and the long days travel getting here, Nathaniel parted ways with everyone and got a room at the inn. Exhaustion hit him like a brick and he barely made it to the bed. After a comatose like slumber though, he felt better, moreso than usual in his travels West so far. Probably because it's not my usual train car, the outdoors, or someone's barn. It's rare he got to sleep in a proper bed these days, which made it all the more difficult to get out of this one. His groan turning into a sigh, These people need our help and time is short. Do the job. Nathaniel got out of bed, dressed, and headed downstairs in hopes of getting some breakfast and a coffee, all while formulating a plan on how to best tackle getting information from the townsfolk.
Oct 10, 2022 7:01 pm
Early Morning, East Texas Lumber Town
The tavern room of the saloon has cleared out since last night. I'd imagine a few tables have some woodsmen, and perhaps a townsperson or two sittin' at the bar.
As advertised via chalk and bark, coffee & breakfast will run any of ya'll 25 cents.
The tavern room of the saloon has cleared out since last night. I'd imagine a few tables have some woodsmen, and perhaps a townsperson or two sittin' at the bar.
As advertised via chalk and bark, coffee & breakfast will run any of ya'll 25 cents.
Anywhere in particular Nathaniel will be askin' questions?Oct 11, 2022 1:43 am
Horace thinks on everything Kaladin and Sue have said.
"Looks like we have another moon's time to get those silver bullets made and formulate a plan. We are too late this time. I can see about talking to James Hayes if someone else wants to go see May Decker?"
"Looks like we have another moon's time to get those silver bullets made and formulate a plan. We are too late this time. I can see about talking to James Hayes if someone else wants to go see May Decker?"
Oct 11, 2022 3:15 am
Heading back into the main saloon area from yesterday, Nathaniel sees a few town folk and lumbermen milling about. He'd have preferred to question the townsfolk yesterday when the majority of the them were sheltered here, but honestly was in no condition to do so. He perks up as the smell of bacon and coffee waft through the air and he's suddenly ravenous with hunger. The boy orders a whopping .50ยข worth of items and quickly, almost embarrassingly, scarfs it down. Once satisfied, he looks around the room again, and nods to himself. Heading over to a part of the room where most patrons should be able to hear him, he loudly clears his throat. "Excuse me everyone. I was hoping to talk to y'all about what happened last night, with the, erm, well you know. Time is of the essence, for we believe it will attack again soon, with the full moon and all.". With an earnest look on the boy's face, "We can end this. Tonight. But we need your help. Anything at all that might help us narrow down who or where the beast might be? Any little thing that seems out of the ordinary, gossip or rumor you may have heard?"
Nathaniel will walk around town, giving a similar speech to whichever buildings are currently open, including the red light district (if one exists) and see if anyone offers anything. He'll try and head back to the hotel around late morning/early afternoon to check up with his new comrades.Rolls
Networking - Persuasion - (1d6, 1d6, RA)
1d6 : (3) = 3
1d6 : (5) = 5
Charismatic - Free reroll - Persuasion - (1d6, 1d6, RA)
1d6 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (5) = 5
Oct 11, 2022 3:19 am
Using a Benny. Not sure if I also get to reroll the Charismatic roll, but just in case.Rolls
Networking - Persuasion (Benny) - (1d6+2, 1d6+2, RA)
1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3
1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7
Charismatic - Persuasion (Benny) - (1d6+2, 1d6+2, RA)
1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3
1d6+2 : (63) + 2 = 11
Oct 11, 2022 7:59 pm
On the Still Muddy Streets of the Muddy Town | Nathaniel
I picture a montage of folk gawkin' at the young boy and his earnestness. Most folks look away, embarrassed or disbelieving that any of this is real...
But, on the rickety wooden porch outside the cathouse a young, disheveled man whistles to get Nathaniel's attention.
"Hey boy." He draws from his hand rolled smoke. "I jus' came from on of the lumber camps, up stream. Seems your beast was spotted there last night too. You want I can take ya up there."
I picture a montage of folk gawkin' at the young boy and his earnestness. Most folks look away, embarrassed or disbelieving that any of this is real...
But, on the rickety wooden porch outside the cathouse a young, disheveled man whistles to get Nathaniel's attention.

Young Rake
We can say a conversation was had with Horrace (over breakfast perhaps) and the others and whichever person/place you go check out the others will head off to. It's your call where you want to head to!Oct 11, 2022 10:04 pm
"I would much appreciate it Mister. Name's Nathaniel." as he reaches out to shake the stranger's hand. "Let me just grab my stuff, and let my..." who were they exactly? "...traveling companions know where I'm heading off to. I'll meet you back here!" as he rushes back to the inn, excited to hopefully have a solid lead.
Last edited October 11, 2022 10:06 pm
Oct 13, 2022 5:06 pm
after a sleepless night Kaladin's eyes finally open with the rise of the morning sun. Arching and mildly fatigued after a night of tossing and turning he heads to the saloon for a coffee and some food to fill his belly.
tossing 30 cents on the bar for his breakfast and coffee - Kaladin catches whispers of folks speaking of a young man making a plea for information... his mind drifts to Nathanial and puts the two pieces together.
as Nathanial runs past on his return to the inn, Kaladin catches his arm and stops him. Looking at the young man - "folks be whispering about your requests for help, have you learned anything? "
tossing 30 cents on the bar for his breakfast and coffee - Kaladin catches whispers of folks speaking of a young man making a plea for information... his mind drifts to Nathanial and puts the two pieces together.
as Nathanial runs past on his return to the inn, Kaladin catches his arm and stops him. Looking at the young man - "folks be whispering about your requests for help, have you learned anything? "
Last edited October 13, 2022 5:41 pm
Oct 13, 2022 5:09 pm

Bennie Hudson
We'll say he introduced himself to you as well!Mostly cleared out as folk have gone about their days. Gossip round the town is about the dust-up the strangers had at May Decker's.
Where do we see Horace, Kaladin, and Jeremiah (actually, he'll just be in the background 'till KingHotTrash says otherwise)?Are any of you around to be found by Nathaniel? Have you struck out on your own?
Oct 13, 2022 5:43 pm
I misread the post my Nathanial, made an edit so it fits in with the timeline.
I'm chatting with Nathanial at the saloon when he returns.
Oct 13, 2022 6:06 pm
Horace goes to see James the blacksmith and talk to him about making silver bullets in time for the next moon.
Oct 14, 2022 2:03 am
Sleep comes difficultly to the former outlaw, the sounds of the beast and the near-death experience at its hands. He dreams of fire, brimstone, and the screams of many amidst the laughter of an unholy thing. He awakens with a start, grabbing his knife from under his pillow and brandishing to protect himself. The room sits quiet and empty outside of his heavy breath, light filtering in through the window beside him.
"Damn it all, overslept." Jeremiah mumbled, standing up and making his way downstairs after dressing once more. Twenty-five cents was paid as he ate, drinking his black coffee down before standing up and shouldering the variety of weapons he had brought with him.
"Excuse me sir, you see where the others went? That thing ain't done yet." Jeremiah asked, being pointed to the blacksmith's shop. The brawny religious man makes his way to where he was instructed, coming across Horace as he gets ready to talk to the man.
"Morning folks. I see we're of the same mind." Jeremiah says with a small, albeit grim, smile. "I'm sure my acquaintance here was about to ask if you can make us some silver bullets."
"Damn it all, overslept." Jeremiah mumbled, standing up and making his way downstairs after dressing once more. Twenty-five cents was paid as he ate, drinking his black coffee down before standing up and shouldering the variety of weapons he had brought with him.
"Excuse me sir, you see where the others went? That thing ain't done yet." Jeremiah asked, being pointed to the blacksmith's shop. The brawny religious man makes his way to where he was instructed, coming across Horace as he gets ready to talk to the man.
"Morning folks. I see we're of the same mind." Jeremiah says with a small, albeit grim, smile. "I'm sure my acquaintance here was about to ask if you can make us some silver bullets."
Oct 14, 2022 4:08 am
It takes Nathaniel a moment to recognize the man holding him, his hand almost instinctively wandering toward the baton at his hip, before falling back down to his side. "Oh, hey there mister. One of the townsfolk mentioned the beast being at the lumber camp last night. He can take us there now. I'm just going to grab my stuff and go meet him, if you wanna tag along." Looking around the saloon area downstairs, he doesn't spot the others, "I know the other two kept mentioning needing silver bullets last night, mayhap they're at the blacksmith." He quickly goes over to the bartender, "Excuse me sir, if those two from yesterday show up, the big fella and older, sketchy looking one, can you let them know I'll be at the lumber camp and return here shortly after."
He grabs his gear, really just his gun and a few other tidbits, and heads out the door, not waiting to see if the man with a hat follows. we really need to get each other's names.
He grabs his gear, really just his gun and a few other tidbits, and heads out the door, not waiting to see if the man with a hat follows. we really need to get each other's names.
Oct 15, 2022 4:53 pm
The Smithy | Horace & Jeremiah
The forge fires blazes, casting a nice warmth. The smell of hot metal, coal and wood is overwhelming.
James Hayes wipes his brow with his sleeve and stares at Horace an' Jeremiah like the old man an' giant are crazy. "Are you crazy old timer?" He motions toward a large, heavy table nearby, full of metal an' slag. "I'm days behind as it is, and the lumberers already paid me. An' I'm on my own as my boy seems to continue to neglect his responsibility."
Squeals and creaks punctuate the din as wagons and carriages roll by on the muddy street outside.
"You're gonna have ta to do fine persuadin' if you want I should put my reputation on the line. 'Sides, you're gonna need to be buyin' some of my silver stock..."
The forge fires blazes, casting a nice warmth. The smell of hot metal, coal and wood is overwhelming.

James Hayes
Squeals and creaks punctuate the din as wagons and carriages roll by on the muddy street outside.

James Hayes
Oct 15, 2022 5:08 pm
Nathaniel an' Rathgar
The saloon keeper nods in understanding at Nathaniel's request.
An' not long after...
You find yourself trudging uphill, through dense pine forest. Birdsong, and the pitter patter of wet needles drippin' on the forest floor.

Bennie huffs and puffs as he leads you. "See, as I was sayin' the trails is small an' hard to follow if ya don't know the way."
He points to a bend in the trail and a grouping of glacial erratic rocks. "It's right up here, I'll introduce ya'll so there ain't no problems." Benny eyes Nathanial suspiciously. "You know. Ya seem a bit green, and a bit of a dude, if'n you don't mind me sayin'. Where're your parents? You run from your homestead or sumthin'?"

Earnest Whitehead
An' not long after...
You find yourself trudging uphill, through dense pine forest. Birdsong, and the pitter patter of wet needles drippin' on the forest floor.

He points to a bend in the trail and a grouping of glacial erratic rocks. "It's right up here, I'll introduce ya'll so there ain't no problems." Benny eyes Nathanial suspiciously. "You know. Ya seem a bit green, and a bit of a dude, if'n you don't mind me sayin'. Where're your parents? You run from your homestead or sumthin'?"
Oct 15, 2022 6:18 pm
"Well how's this for persuading? If we don't get silver bullets to kill the beast that roams in these parts, you're all going to die.
He rummages around in his coat for a vial. "And I have this powerful elixir I'm willing to trade ya for 'em. You are coming out on the right side of that deal lemme tell ya."
He rummages around in his coat for a vial. "And I have this powerful elixir I'm willing to trade ya for 'em. You are coming out on the right side of that deal lemme tell ya."
Persuasion* - (1d4, 1d4, RA)
1d4 : (2) = 2
1d4 : (1) = 1
Oct 15, 2022 8:15 pm
With a solemn look on his face, "Not exactly. My parents passed away a few months back, illness. God decided to spare me I guess. I was placed in a young boys ward, but it was ... bad. I have an uncle in California, the only other family I know of, so have been making my way out there."
Nathaniel looks back at the bend that Bennie mentioned, hoping to change the subject, "How did you end up here Mr. Hudson?"
Nathaniel looks back at the bend that Bennie mentioned, hoping to change the subject, "How did you end up here Mr. Hudson?"
Last edited October 15, 2022 8:16 pm
Oct 17, 2022 4:40 pm
The Blacksmith's Shop | Horace
Callin' James' stare at Horace "blank" would be an understatement.
"One: I ain't sure there is a "beast" no matter what the superstitious townsfolk say, an' that felt mighty close to a threat pardner."
"Two: even if there's some penny dreadful creature runnin' amuck, let's say you do put it down; we'll business picks right back up after an' my reputation is shot."
He shakes his head at Horace. "No old timer. I'll take yer money and make you any type of bullet you want. But that's gonna be in three days time. An' that's that."

James Hayes
"One: I ain't sure there is a "beast" no matter what the superstitious townsfolk say, an' that felt mighty close to a threat pardner."
"Two: even if there's some penny dreadful creature runnin' amuck, let's say you do put it down; we'll business picks right back up after an' my reputation is shot."
He shakes his head at Horace. "No old timer. I'll take yer money and make you any type of bullet you want. But that's gonna be in three days time. An' that's that."
Horace, take a bennie for being Ugly, as there ain't no way you'd convince this fellow with those rolls and negative modifier!Oct 17, 2022 4:48 pm
Approchin' the Lumber Camp | Nathaniel
As Nathaniel talks, Bennie makes sympathetic sounds.
In answer to Nathaniel's question he says, "Why I'm a no good, freeloadin' ramblin' gambler. This just happens to be my most recent stop. Spent a week winnin' trinkets and US backed coin from the camps round here. I ain't never knew no family of any kind, nor a life not on the trail. In fact--"
But Bennie stops talking as ya'll round the bend and find yourselves at edge of the camp.
"--What's this now...."
The camp sits in a clearing, pine stumps, branches an' sawdust all around canvas tents. What Bennie is referring to is a cluster of folk gathered round one of the tents near the center of the camp. The mood in the crowd seems to be one of excitement, worry, and curiousity.

Bennie Hudson
In answer to Nathaniel's question he says, "Why I'm a no good, freeloadin' ramblin' gambler. This just happens to be my most recent stop. Spent a week winnin' trinkets and US backed coin from the camps round here. I ain't never knew no family of any kind, nor a life not on the trail. In fact--"
But Bennie stops talking as ya'll round the bend and find yourselves at edge of the camp.

Bennie Hudson
The camp sits in a clearing, pine stumps, branches an' sawdust all around canvas tents. What Bennie is referring to is a cluster of folk gathered round one of the tents near the center of the camp. The mood in the crowd seems to be one of excitement, worry, and curiousity.
Oct 17, 2022 8:49 pm
"Not at all, no threat meant. A few of us saw the beast so one could argue that you are calling us liars. The window to catch the werewolf closes today until another moon. If you're willing to risk the townspeople than take your blessed time."
Horace tips his hat as if to leave...
Horace tips his hat as if to leave...
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