1880, March -- East Texas (IC)

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Nov 14, 2022 3:12 am
two moons?! Nathaniel thinks to himself after listening to what Ms. Evans has to say. is there a second beast out there?. Seeing the mark of Baphomet again gives him an uneasy feeling, seems blasphemous in my opinion, pretty sure Mr. Cross and I won't be adhering to it
can I do a sense motive/notice check on Ms. Evans to see if anything stands out about her demeanor, etc
Last edited November 14, 2022 3:13 am


Notice - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (61) = 7

1d6 : (1) = 1

Nov 14, 2022 5:04 pm
Horace feels empathy for the woman. "There, there dry your tears."

Turning to William Horace says,"Well, young man I don't rightly know. But I do have something. You see I was working on a longevity elixir and ... well ... the potion went rogue on me. I called up some kind of entity. Perhaps if you have nothing to lose you would be interested in drinking it?
Nov 14, 2022 9:42 pm
Peakin' In To The Cabin | Nathaniel (Success)
You'd be certain that nothin' seems amiss about her demeanor. In some way, she seems ambivalent to it all, but definitely NOT malicious or misleading.
Nov 14, 2022 9:47 pm
Out Near the Creek | Horace

William Hayes
William takes a deep breath, and winces at the pain it causes his belly.

He shrugs. "What else do I have to lose?"

"Tell me aboit this elixer and what you expect from it..."
Haha, you can add some OOC thoughts if you like as Im not sure at all what you're thinking lol!
Nov 15, 2022 12:09 am
Neither am I! 😁
Nov 15, 2022 3:55 am
Nathaniel decides to risk it and pops his head up over the windowsill. With a sheepish grin, "Pardon the intrusion ma'am but I overheard you talking to my companion. We're in a rush to find this beast before it hurts others. What was that about two moons?"
Nov 15, 2022 2:05 pm
The Cabin | Nathaniel
Alta Evans
She glances at Nathaniel as if she knew he was there the whole time--spooky.

"Come in boy; no need to lurk round my house."

"As to your question, I can only interpret what I see--ancient lore says the curse that creates the monster you seek to stop wishes to spread itself, to cause more misery in the world."

"Indeed, the poor young man afflicted in this town was himself given the curse by another. The curse will seek to spread itself when it fears its end is near."
Nov 15, 2022 4:42 pm
Dunko says:
Out Near the Creek | Horace

William takes a deep breath, and winces at the pain it causes his belly.

He shrugs. "What else do I have to lose?"

"Tell me aboit this elixer and what you expect from it..."
Haha, you can add some OOC thoughts if you like as Im not sure at all what you're thinking lol!
"Well, you see I don't rightly know. It could potentially rid you of your dilemma. But it might kill you too."

Horace scratches his head and adds, "I suppose it could make you worse."
He withdraws his potion, holding it up for the young man to see. "Your choice young man."
How about I roll and if it's a favorable result we could see? Lots of raises could mean an even more favorable result? Unless it totally hoses your plot plans....he could refuse it too.
Last edited November 15, 2022 4:43 pm
Nov 15, 2022 6:58 pm
What about this....
[ +- ] From the Horror Companion
We could Horace has an idea of what he might need...though he made need a "stronger" spell caster to assist him... maybe there is one nearby...??
Nov 15, 2022 10:40 pm
There's a blush to his face at getting caught. He enters the cabin, a few steps through the door. Pointing at the red sign, "We saw that at the town inn as well. Who's Baphomet?"
Nov 16, 2022 3:05 am
It sounds good but how would that work exactly? We'd have to get the heart from an animal doe starters, right?
Nov 16, 2022 7:19 pm
The Cabin | Kaladin and Nathaniel

Alta Evans
Alta smiles and stirs her stew with a large wooden spoon. She answers Nathaniel.

"Baphomet is manifestation of balance--neither good, nor evil," she motions with her free hand, palm up then flipping it over.

"Baphomet has always been, and will be long after the world has moved on. Crusader Knights learned of Baphomet, in the hidden places of the world, and brought him back to the Christian west where he was labeled a demon."

She cackles softly. "Demon is too small in scope, and crude. That is something my sisters and I knew well."

She raises an eyebrow, indicating she will answer more questions should you have them.
Nov 16, 2022 7:22 pm
Near the Creek | Horace

William Hayes
He nods, decided. "I'll do whatever it takes," indicating his willingness to drink whatever you have to give him.

May Decker
May shivers. "Let's take this conversation elsewhere. Back to my store. I'm closed for the day and I can sneak ya'll in the back. Then you can tell us your plan Mr. Phinney. Unless there's somethin' else you'd rather us do..."
Nov 16, 2022 7:48 pm
Looking at Kaladin with his own raised eyebrow, then back at Ms. Evans, "How...how do you know all this? Have you, and your sisters, dealt with this before?"
Nov 17, 2022 9:36 pm
The Old Hermit Nods at Nathaniel
Alta Evans
"My sisters an' I keep all sorts of company, and know all sorts'a things. We gather, and share knowledge from time to time."

"I've given my help to the townsfolk, when they've asked. But they only do when they're desperate, generally."
Nov 17, 2022 11:10 pm
"May I ask ma'am where your sisters are?"
Nov 18, 2022 2:08 pm
In the Cabin
Alta Evans
Her stool creaks as she sits up straighter. "No you may not."

A sly smile. Relents a bit. "We're all over, dearie. I have hundreds o'sisters. We, too, often meet when the moon is full. But only on occasion. An' that's all I'll say on that."
Nov 19, 2022 2:40 am
"Alright May, let's go back to your store and discuss this in private and comfort perhaps with a nip of something warming, if you understand what I mean, eh?"

Apart from some kind of alcoholic beverage to wet his own whistle, Horace plans to let the young man drink his potion. He's done for anyway in his estimation. A life not worth living is his future.
Nov 19, 2022 9:58 pm
Decker General Store and Dry Goods | Horace

The day is quickly passing by. Not much longer 'til the sun will be settin'.

May goes first through the back alleys of the small, wooden town. She leads ya'll up next to the back door and unlocks the padlock with a large key from around her neck.


The store is cozy and smells of wood and burlap.

May goes behind the counter, picks up and opens a pack of cigarettes then lights one off a large red match.

William Hayes
William leans against the counter, his face even paler than before.

Jeremiah walks casually round the store lookin' at the merchandise. The floor creaks loudly under his heavy tread.

He looks to Horace and Asks, "So you know what you'd need? To make this elixir?"
Horace Make an Occult roll.
Nov 20, 2022 3:56 am
Nathaniel nods at her insistence about wanting to keep her sisters private, understanding some things you just don't want to talk about.

"Just a few more questions. You mentioned a poor young man in town being afflicted. Do you know who it is that has this disease? Is there a cure? If not, how do we bring the beast down, and make sure this disease no longer spreads?"
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