1st-step feature
Prerequisite: none
Health Pool: d8 (8)
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and you gain proficiency with simple weapons and light armor.
Proficiency Bonus. Your proficiency bonus is +2.
And that's all the options. Let's put them all together. If you want to just create an empty sheet for the game, I can stuck everything in there and we can review it, or you can throw it together and let me know if anything seems wrong.
For your abilities, you've gotten a few increases up there, but here's how we do the starting values.
Each character has six abilities (these are really just the six from D&D but partially renamed for some reason):
-- Strength is physical power
-- Agility is aim and nimbleness
-- Health is endurance and fitness
-- Intelligence is reasoning and memory
-- Wisdom is perception and insight
-- Presence is force of personality
Assign the following scores to these abilities: +2, +2, +1, +1, +0, -1. After you assign them you can adjust one by -1 (as long as it isn't the one that's already -1) to adjust another by +1. For instance, +3, +2, +1, +1, -1, -1 is valid, as is +2, +1, +1, +1, +0, +0, but +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, -2 is not.
If you're used to standard D&D scores, you'll recognize these better as the modifiers for the abilities, but this system shortcuts straight to the mods.