Delete, mark thread for removal

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Feb 10, 2015 4:30 pm
Is there a way I can, as the GM or author of a thread, delete the thread,more mark it for deletion and have a Cron job or the like purge it after marked for XX days?

My group wants to take time to develop strategies in there game, yet not interrupt actions. I was thinking I could give them a separate thread....and when they are done, mark it deleted or ready for delete. Both would hide the thread from the rest of the players, leaving it visible for the author so that if he screws up and marks the wrong one, it can be marked/toggled back.

Feb 10, 2015 4:49 pm
At this time, no, you can delete a thread whenever you want, but there's no way to mark a thread for deletion. I never considered that as a feature that may be wanted in fact; I'll think about it. You may just wanna create a discussions thread per encounter, and then delete that when its done, or just lock.

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