[0] Morgrave - Skyship Tower

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Oct 6, 2022 12:52 am
"Alright then, lets move along. I'll take the rear post to keep a lookout there and help anyone along that falls behind." Rythorn tightens his pack, checks his sword for accessibility, and waits for the group to move so that he can take up his position.
Oct 7, 2022 3:53 pm
With the route decided, you head off into the brush. It's clear that something has passed this way before and on a pretty regular basis. Over time, many paths have been formed through this section of the jungle. Smaller limbs are broken or pushed back, and larger limbs grow higher, leaving tunnels through the undergrowth that are slightly taller than the average humanoid, partially obscured by fast-growing vines and leaves.

The ground too, is worn smooth, and only dirt and creepers cover it; the grass is obviously either trampled too often or it's too dark on the jungle floor for much to grow. It makes for good traveling - other than the occasional rock that sticks up through the dirt to provide a convenient tripping post.

Within minutes you've left the beach behind so far that you can't see it through the trees any longer, and now you're in the jungle proper. The paths begin to converge - and as a result, widen - and soon you come to a road that's wide enough to cause a break in the canopy above. It stretches east and west from your position, and to the east you can once again see the blazing light of Stormreach's beacon shooting up into the sky.

You make good time on the road, and before nightfall, you're within sight of the walls. It is however, fairly obvious that you won't make it there before night falls. Do you want to push ahead through the dark, or make camp and rest up?

Oct 7, 2022 3:56 pm
S'sylin keeps up the pace, eager to be out of the jungle. His legs are tired from the long journey, his body aches from the crash, but the prospect of safety kept him moving. It helped he could see in the dark so it would not be him to call for a halt...
Oct 7, 2022 5:03 pm
Verin keeps up, but sweat is beading up and rolling down her rich, red skin. Her breathing seems controlled, but in the way of someone making a conscious effort to take measured breaths. As darkness begins to creep in at the edges she pipes up, her voice a bit labored but still resolute.

"We can't afford to stop... the Professor can't afford to stop... We can see the damned city, so that should be all the motivation we need to push through. Stay together, keep your eyes open, mind your step, and let's go."
Oct 7, 2022 7:26 pm
I am struggling to keep up with this pace. I started this march injured. That and my short stride and my general lack of endurance have made it hard to keep up thus far. But now that it's getting dark I'm stumbling and falling behind. I realize for the first time that I'm the only one in the group that cannot see.
Guys! Guys! I can't keep up. I was doing okay but now I can't see to keep up.
Last edited October 7, 2022 7:27 pm
Oct 7, 2022 9:16 pm
Here Lash, walk with me. I don't think this is a great place to stop. I don't want to meet whatever creature dug these paths do you?

Cualli will stay near Lash and offer an assist if he needs it,

Here you are, he pulls a long branch from the debris of the forest. This'll make a fine walking stick. You and I can keep watch over the back of the group. What d'ya say?
Last edited October 7, 2022 9:17 pm
Oct 7, 2022 10:20 pm
That savior complex I predicted shows itself early. I better take advantage of it.
Thanks Cualli.
I accept the walking stick and match pace with Cualli.
Oct 8, 2022 1:32 am
Rythorn keeps a wary eye turned towards the denser parts of the forest and follows along after the others. He stops shortly behind Cualli and Lash as they take a moment to regroup. "I'll be glad to stick with you guys as we move in. Another set of eyes certainly can't hurt."
Oct 10, 2022 7:06 pm
You march through the night, and soon the moons above you cast enough light that everyone can see - if only in blacks and greys. It's only as you're about to come around the last bend in the road that you hear voices coming from up ahead. They do not sound happy. There are a few breaks in the trees, and through them, you can see a group of five or six waiting on the road, blocking the way to the main gate of Stormreach. You might be able to sneak closer to make out exactly what they're saying, but you can already get the gist of it - they're waiting for survivors of the airship. They're also brandishing weapons.

You've got a decision to make. Do you trust these people? Are they armed because of the dangers of the jungle, or are they planning to attack? Do you go to speak with them? Do you try to get past them to the gate? Do you try to find another way into the city?
Oct 10, 2022 8:05 pm
I don't think we're all going to be able to sneak around them, and, the professor may not have a lot of time, I say we call out to them and hope for the best.
Oct 10, 2022 8:57 pm
Verin shakes her head. "One of us should go. I'll do it, I don't care. That way the rest of us know if we're walking into a trap, and they don't know how many of us there are. If it is a trap, we run intererance and someone takes the professor in a dash for the gates or whatever."

She looks at the group and bites her lip in thought before continuing. "Anybody good with people? Like, reading body language?"
Oct 10, 2022 10:13 pm
"I have some experience in understanding others intentions but sometimes others misunderstand me. I would probably not be a good choice for meeting them but I'll be watching to help divert attention if it comes to that and to keep whoever goes in safe."
Oct 10, 2022 11:42 pm
Verin shrugs. "I'll go. Just be ready to get the professor to the gates."

Pulling herself up to her full height -- as unimpressive as that is -- the Teifling strides through the brush and breaks the treeline, headed towards the group gathered before her.

"Good evening, kind people," she begins. "There was an airship that went down towards the coast. I'm here looking for help, and I am hoping you are that help."
Oct 12, 2022 4:47 pm
From the cruel smiles that spread across the faces of those opposite her, Verin can be well-assured of two things: they were expecting someone to come, and they are decidedly there to help - themselves to your belongings.

The leader of the small group is a elven woman, and she sneers down at Verin. "Aye, we'll help you. Just dump all your valuables out on the ground and then tell us how to get to your friends and we'll make sure you get inside. Won't we boys?"

Falconloft sent a note to MaJunior
Oct 12, 2022 5:37 pm
Of all this kingdom's dangers that I have heard about and read about, I did not expect my first threat to be robbers.
I hide in the shadows and ready my crossbow.
Oct 12, 2022 5:57 pm
I spread out from Lash, do the same with my own crossbow and keep my eyes on the robbers.

quietly let's get a head count....
Last edited October 12, 2022 5:57 pm


Perception (how many robbers we talkin' about?) - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Oct 12, 2022 6:01 pm
MaJunior sent a note to Falconloft
"Do I look like I have anything of value?" Verin replies with a barking laugh. "I'm not getting naked, sweetheart. Anything of value I had is on the downed airship, but you're more than welcome to walk your ass to the coast and take whatever you'd like."

Her eyes sweep across the group of common criminals before her, as she draws her rapier. "All I have on me is this, and if you want it that bad... come take it."
Last edited October 12, 2022 6:03 pm
Oct 12, 2022 9:08 pm
Crouched in the bush S'sylin watched the encounter go down. Verin seemed to be handling it well enough. He was pleased she had so readily volunteered to act as bait. He himself had a greater sense of self-preservation. But now that the party was revealed to be aware of their airship and its crash he pondered the implications. Had they something to do with the airship's crash? Was it sabotage? His insight told the dark one that these men might actually be here to deal with survivors by killing them. But why would someone want an airship downed and its entire passenger list added to the grave book? Surely the university did not have such terrible enemies to wish that upon them.

There was little point wondering. He just intended to get at least one prisoner to ask some pointed questions to...
Last edited October 12, 2022 9:08 pm
Oct 12, 2022 9:17 pm
Rythorn tensed upon hearing the group's ill intentions. He grasps the hilt of his sword and prepares to run into the thick of things should the need arise.
Oct 13, 2022 4:04 am
@TrustyJustin I wasn't going to make you roll a perception check to count heads. Now I feel like I should say something like 75 or 2.45653.
There are five brigands, three in leather and two robed, but you can't entirely discount the chance that there could be more hidden nearby. Any further observation, though, is cut short by the sound of Verin's rapier scraping out of its sheathe. The time for words and wonderings has been overtaken by a present insistent upon violence.

The elven woman draws her sword, a long curved blade, and moves in toward Verin, while the others hold back, readying ranged weapons - or in the case of the robed figures, simply dropping into a readied stance.
No initiative rolls in this, in an odd takeaway from GURPS, your stat is your order. In this case, Verin can use the best of Presence or Agility, while everyone else can use the best of Wisdom or Agility. That means the initiative order is: Verin/Laaesh/Cualli (16) > Rythorn (12) > NPCs (12) > S'sylin (10). Since I'll be parsing all the PC moves at once, To make this easier to parse, we'll have everyone but S'sylin move, then the NPCs, and then alternate all PCs and all NPCs. (If that needs more explanation, let me know.)
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