[IC] In the starving time

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Sep 13, 2022 10:55 pm
Tibbius, how many rations and gold do we have?
Sep 14, 2022 12:08 am
We're abstracting both those things. Sustenance die (currently at 1) is the rations, Resource die (currently at 2) is the gold. When one of them is used, we roll it to see whether it gets smaller (or in case of Sustenance, maybe we find a way to augment or stretch it further than expected).
Sep 14, 2022 9:01 am
Eldar motions everyone to get closer and lean to the side of the mountain as to be able to hide from them and also to talk among themselves in soft voice.
"We can't have a clear view of that group, they may be friendly, or not. I think we do need allies if we are to make a stronghold in the future, and if they are not friendly, I trust that we are a big enough party to control the situation if it comes to battle.. so I tend to think we should hail them and meet.
What do you think?"
Sep 15, 2022 7:56 am
"Yes, those are very uncertain times, so we must be very careful... but if we will make assumption that ALL other beings are enemies... we will never find any aid in this troubled times. And as Eldar said we need such. So let's hail them and see what will happen. Let try to figure out how many of them is really there. If there is fewer of them then us - we can risk meeting, as the stakes will be on our side in case of battle. Let us not lose what remains of faith for the good things that could happen."
Sep 15, 2022 9:56 am
Ulfheddin stoic as ever said nothing - instead he just did what needed doing and began to lock the straps on his Brigandine. He pulled his horn holder over his left arm and loosened the straps of the sling upon it then double checked the hook holding his axe and shield. Satisfied he tucked his head to the right towards the stranger as if to imply someone else should lead but he was intent on going.
Sep 17, 2022 3:20 pm
Boldly, Alfred calls out to the distant figure: "Well met! How's your morning?"

The figure raises an empty hand above its head, waves, pauses in its steps, and then sits down on a big rock to wait for your approach.

As you get closer up the slope, you see that this person is an Elf equipped with a hunting bow, arrows, a limp pack, and a falchion. Like those of many elves, his feet are bare. He has no beard. His expression is curious and friendly.

"Well met," he says when you're barely within a conversational distance of about a hundred feet. His voice carries clearly down the slope. "I'm Lligarond, of Dienstal Wood." He says nothing more, just waits for you to speak.
Sep 17, 2022 3:37 pm
Eldar waves to the elf, and start to approach slowly. With a keen eye on any area around him where more people could be hiding.

"Well met Lligarond! I'm Eldarenth from the Silver Moon Monastery, travelling north. I remember the Diensal Wood, to the south of Tulith, beautiful place with tall and old trees. When I visited, before the war, it had a lot of travelers and merchant from both Tulith and Lullwyn. What takes you to this mountains so up north?"
Sep 17, 2022 9:52 pm
"Suilad Wigarond. Q Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo."

Perhaps a literal greeting so early in these morning hours. Sindarin came out as it should but Quenya sounded strange in the Dunėdain's mouth. Guttural, still poetry but darker than the cheerful lilt of most Elven speakers. Ulfheddin was on his hackles at this point, he did not trust an Elf that did not offer him friendship immediately. But he did lower the axe to a low position. "Caed'mil?" He asked with genuine concern for the lone Elf.
Sep 18, 2022 12:59 am
"Misfortune and woe, mostly," answers Lligarond with a sad look in his eyes. He shakes his head once, firmly. "Fire came to the forest, blood and steel. But - I can tell by your looks, you know the same stories. My pack is flat, I've barely food remaining for the day, and have had no luck foraging. There seems to be a curse on my bow in this land, I've broken almost all my arrows missing sheep." He shrugs. "Well, no good complaining of it. I'm looking for any place that I can find shelter and food. Where are you headed?"
Sep 18, 2022 7:16 am
Eldar notices Ulf greetings, he usually doesn't speak much, but it brough joy to Eldar hearing the familiar tongue he has learned not to use anymore.
Then, to the stranger...
"Yes, we are familiar with misfortune, blood and steel. In this land, even when the aim is true the weather takes high tolls. We also look for shelter and a better place to call home, and hope the northern area, shielded by the desert as it is, may provide better opportunities. Why don't you come closer so we can talk without shouting?"
Sep 19, 2022 8:11 pm
"See! I told you!" - Alfred says with lowered voice and with healthy dose of naivity still proper for his age. Relaxes a little, but still checks his sword - if it is properly attached to his back.
"We know the hardships of the area quite well too. Especially this "hunting curse" as you called it. - he shouts a little to loud in the direction of newcomer, clearly pleased that he is not the only one who has trouble hunting in those lands. -
"So - as my friend said - we are moving from here. Come to us, so we will exchange what we know and maybe we will consider inviting you to our little company?
- he ended with hearty laugh, and slight nod towards Eldar , which was meant to show him that he agree with him that it was good plan not to go any further. Being further from eventual trap is a good idea.
Sep 20, 2022 3:13 pm
Lligarond stands and slowly moves down the slope. It becomes apparent, as he approaches, that he limps as if injured in the leg or foot.

"I have traveled north through the badlands and along the western edge of the desert," he says, "I stopped at Donat's Temple, it was untouched by the war, but not a hospitable place for travelers. I do not wish to be cloistered. I am seeking a clan to settle with. I heard there are forests to the southwest. You say that you are heading to the desert. I do not know whether there might be elves in the desert." He shrugs, standing before you at a few yards distant.
Sep 20, 2022 9:12 pm
"I would say: more like around the desert, first: in north east direction from here. And according to our maps there is quite a big forest there. And hopefully some better hunting grounds.... then here." - Alfred says with some enthusiasm.
"But first: can you tell us what's with your leg? Do you need any help with it?"
Sep 21, 2022 12:56 pm
The younger elf looks embarrassed. "I was scrambling down a slope to get away from a bear, I tripped and twisted my knee. It's been hurting for a while. Do any of you have healing skills?"
Sep 21, 2022 1:41 pm
Eldar nods back to Alfred, and considering that he is doing a great job at learning about the newcomer, he remains silent for now. But paying detailed attention to all words and movements of the newcomer.
Eldar also wishes to welcome this elf to the company if he proves to be trustworthy, but he is not willing to risk a trap, nor a liar who could harm his friends.
Sep 25, 2022 7:24 pm
tibbius says:
The younger elf looks embarrassed. "I was scrambling down a slope to get away from a bear, I tripped and twisted my knee. It's been hurting for a while. Do any of you have healing skills?"
Under your silent regard, Lligarond begins to put on not just embarrassment but anxiety and discomfort. "I'm sorry," he says awkwardly, "have I offended you somehow?"
Sep 25, 2022 8:14 pm
Sorry, I was waiting for Alfred to continue to lead the conversation...
"You have not traveler, we are slow to trust as we do care a lot for each of us. I'm sorry to hear about your knee and that I don't have healing skills, but you are welcome to join us on our way to the northern pass.. if that path suits you plans."
Sep 25, 2022 9:47 pm
Cathamber says:
Sorry, I was waiting for Alfred to continue to lead the conversation...
"You have not traveler, we are slow to trust as we do care a lot for each of us. I'm sorry to hear about your knee and that I don't have healing skills, but you are welcome to join us on our way to the northern pass.. if that path suits you plans."
On Eldaranth's character sheet it lists "healing (medicinal herbs, etc.)" as a skill. Do you want to retcon that to some other skill?
Sep 26, 2022 6:29 am
You are right!! I must have been sleeping when I didn't read it... or thinking about healing magic. Sure, Eldar will heal him as soon as Lligarond is with them.
"But please, do approach us, and we'll figure something out to help with with your knee"
Sep 26, 2022 2:11 pm
Lligarond stands among you, uncertainly. He does not touch the long knife at his side or the bow slung across his shoulders. He looks friendly, but anxious. "I would really appreciate your help," he says.
I think that we should wrap up this roleplay with a healing roll by Eldaranth. Then we can move forward to the rest of the day!
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