Nov 27, 2022 9:05 pm
Verrain says:
Gwydion will forage as before.OOC:
Gwyndion - roll WIS or INT test at advantage to see if you find anything.You push and slash your way through the thick vines, ferns and flowering bushes that crowd the space between the trees. Halor continues to focus on the path ahead and checks higher ground whenever he can. Finally, the sky breaks through the heavy canopy and the trees begin to thin. The group climbs to the top of a ridge and you look out over the expanse of a once beautiful city of palaces, sculptures and other buildings. Standing at the highest point in the city is a massive building topped by a large domed tower.
The city now lies in ruins. The encroaching jungle works to reclaim the remnants of the visible buildings. The sea has swallowed much of the lower quarters. A massive wall of smooth white stone, some thirty feet tall surrounds the coastal resort, though it has collapsed in many areas. Long stretches of wall still stand, untouched by time but for the vines that curl and blossom in their joints.
[ +- ] Hot Springs City