HSI: The Island

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Sep 13, 2022 12:32 pm
That being decided, Gwydion scans the sailors until he finds the one he's looking for. "Alcott." Gywdion calls over. "If your skill at fixing things includes ships, take stock of our stores. Let me know what we need to fix the damage done so we can scout for it."
Sep 13, 2022 3:40 pm
Mauve wonders if they will ever get the ship off the sandbar. She really doesn't know how high the tide will be and maybe she will like the island better and never leave. It's not like life was a barrel of laughs back where she came from.

And now trouble already. Challenges to her new and possibly short-lived authority. I've been captain how long and already insolence? I have no bloodlust. It's that I do not take insults well. That is all and be warned of it! But you make a good case for yourself and since Fafnir isn't interested you can be the first mate."

Mauve lets her red locks loose, unbraiding the plaits and shaking them free. Satisfied with her hair back to its normal state she turns to Gonnar.

"Now Gonnar, did I say burn him on the ship? Get him off the ship implies .... ah never mind. Just get him off the ship and burn him. Now let's get going, and Alcott, do as Gwydion says. "
Sep 13, 2022 6:14 pm
As everyone aboard moves to action, Gonnar pulls Lothar aside briefly, before lowering the boat into the water and climbing into it.

"You have funeral rites that will keep him from rising?" he asks in his strained voice. "Perform them. No one needs him back among us, complaining of his murder."

Moments later, his eyes on Mauve, some distance away as he finds himself next to Fafnir, the warrior asks, "How well you know this woman?"
Sep 13, 2022 11:54 pm
"Well enough to know to stay on her good side," he grins, responding to the tattooed warrior. He looks Gonnar in the eyes and watches his reaction, and decides to lower his guard.

"She picked my pocket a couple weeks ago. Took something personal from me, though she didn't know it at the time. When I told her what it meant to me, she gave it back without hesitation."
Sep 14, 2022 3:36 am
Halor rests against the side-wall of the ship. He had quietly raised an eyebrow when Mauve had insinuated he wanted to be captain. "I don't know any of you, but I certainly like you, and her, more than I did that captain. But I will have it said, I was not a part of the ship's crew before, and I will not be today. She can give orders this lot as much as she'd like, but I'll be keeping an eye out for myself out here. The only one who gives me order if Vulkir himself."

He scans the area and heads to the boat, casting a look back at Gonnar and Fafnir as he does, "I'm ready to go take a look at this island. How about you two?"
Sep 14, 2022 3:37 am
Day 1 - 2:00 PM
The boat glides through the water towards the island. When you land, the bow slides onto sand as dark as night. You step out onto the beach and your boots sink into the soft, wet sand. It stretches for about 10 or 15 yards and then disappears under long green grass and tall mango trees.

You realized on the ride in from the ship that this is a smaller island just off the main one. You can see a beautiful, blue lagoon of crystal clear water sparkling in the sun between the two land masses. Birds call to each other from the trees above, and the water laps rhythmically against the black sand. It's so peaceful here. This serene stretch of beach would make an excellent spot to build a bungalow and live out your days.
Sep 14, 2022 3:45 am
Halor scans the grass for movement. Once he feels it safe to continue up towards the trees he points, "See those trees? It looks like there may be fruit on them. We should check it out as a possible source of food and water."
Sep 14, 2022 10:42 am
Gwydion nods in agreement. "Looks like a variety of mango. If it is, we are in for a treat."
Last edited September 14, 2022 10:43 am
Sep 14, 2022 3:39 pm
Mauve repeats the order to the sailors to burn the dead captain and not on the ship, especially in light of what Gonnar said about the man coming back to haunt them. She doesn't believe in that voodoo nonsense but it can't hurt. She also knows that her newfound authority will be gone once they were off the ship and that was probably her last order but she decides it was fun while it lasted and joins the others on the boat.

"This place is beautiful," she remarks as they glide through the blue water. "Black sand huh? Is that normal? I've never seen such a thing. But then again I haven't been to too many beaches."

Mauve scans the islands and the lagoon in between them. It seems like a good place to have a wash later but scouting the area first after they land seems like a good idea.

"Halor, I'm not sure we should do anything else when we land before we thoroughly scout the area first. We don't know who or what lives on this island. The mangos, if that's what they are can wait. I'm sure Vulkir would give you the same advice."
Sep 15, 2022 12:30 am
Halor says:
Halor scans the grass for movement.[/b]
A tiny frog leaps through the nearby grass and lands on the trunk of one of the trees. It is no larger than your thumb, but sparkles in the afternoon sun as if a diamond. It leaps again and is gone into the undergrowth. The island is quiet except for the buzzing of insects and the call of exotic birds in the trees.

You walk along the beach keeping an eye to the interior of the small island. You estimate that the island is about a mile long with black sand all along it's western shore. The north point of the island is rocky. It may offer a challenge to climb to the other side. There is a fair sized inlet between the smaller island and the dark, sandy beach of the larger island across the water. The southern point is a bit more forgiving. The sand continues around this point an up the eastern side of the island. The inlet on the south end is larger than the north.

The interior of the island doesn't appear to house anything larger than small animals, birds and insects. The trees are well spaced, but the foliage is thick. Gwyndion spots a grouping of plants that are alien to him. The thick vines protrude from the ground and end in two hinged lobes edged with spiky hair like projections.
[ +- ] New Plant
Sep 15, 2022 1:25 am
When the boat reaches the black sand shore, Fafnir leaps from the boat and promptly falls to his knees, kissing the beach. "By the dead, it feels good to be back on solid ground again!"

He listens to Mauve's suggestion to scout the area thoroughly, but agrees with Halor. "Testing to see if the mangos are edible is part of the scouting, I reckon. And what better way to win the trust of the sailors than to bring them back a tasty snack? As far as a thorough scouting job, I'm not sure what you have in mind but I don't want to go too far afield unless we're properly loaded with food, water, and supplies. So maybe just a look-about right now, bring back some mangos or whatever, and then we take stock of supplies."

He sees Gwyndion observing a weird plant and calls over to him "Whatcha find there, Magi Gwyndion?"
Last edited September 15, 2022 1:28 am
Sep 15, 2022 1:49 am
"I'm not sure." Gwydion admits. "I've never seen anything quite like it. These strange lobes should be flower or fruit but this looks like neither I've ever seen before. Could you cut me off a sample to examine?" He asks Fafnir.
Last edited September 15, 2022 1:49 am
Sep 15, 2022 2:26 am
"No don't do it Fafnir! Mauve makes a grab for Fafnir's arm. I don't like the looks of it. We don't know what it is. Maybe it's poisonous. You won't win the trust of anybody if you kill them."

Mauve wonders if she is being too cautious. But this group is all that stands between them and whatever else might be on this island.

"I'm just saying be careful."
Sep 15, 2022 3:35 am
How big is this plant? Are we talking human-sized?
Sep 15, 2022 3:47 am
the lobes are about the size of your hand if stretched out thumb to pinky
Sep 15, 2022 4:27 am
Halor walks up to the nearest fruit tree and looks it up and down. He reaches up and grabs a thin branch and pulls it down, bringing a couple of fruits with it. He picks those and sets them into the crook of one arm, the long branch held firmly in his other hand. He walks over to the others and hands the stick to Gwydion. "Here, poke it with this," he suggests.
Sep 15, 2022 5:15 am
Gonnar jumps out of the boat and splashes barefoot through the water as they reach the beach, with his boots thrown over his shoulder. He is no stranger to sand, and the man enjoys the feeling of it oozing between his toes. He throws a glance back towards the ship as they others natter about the island and its fruit, half-expecting the vessel to already be gone.

When they come upon the strange plant, he keeps clear of the thing as his fellows try and convince one another to touch the thing. Instead, the former sellsword's eyes on on the skies, looking to see what takes wing here, and the dark sands, to see what crawls, walks, and slithers.
Sep 15, 2022 2:54 pm
Mauve suspiciously eyes the mangos that Halor is carrying and shakes her head. She is glad to see that Gonnar is paying close attention to their surroundings unlike the others investigating the strange plant.

"Your feet are black, Gonnar. Looks funny." Mauve snickers and look at her own black boots. "Ever see black sand like this?"
Sep 15, 2022 3:05 pm
After a moment of silent contemplation, Fafnir finally snaps out of it, roaring with laughter. "Bwahaha! Magi, I am on to you! You are playing a joke on me - and a good one. Imagine if that plant ate my hand or worse! So funny!"

Fafnir gives the plant a wide berth and wanders the beach a bit with Gonnar and Mauve. He looks for signs that people may have been on this beach before, either recently or long ago.
Sep 15, 2022 3:18 pm
Gwydion nods to Halor in thanks but chooses to prod the plant with the staff he is holding to see if there is any reaction.
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