Halor says:
Halor walks up to the nearest fruit tree and looks it up and down. He reaches up and grabs a thin branch and pulls it down, bringing a couple of fruits with it. He picks those and sets them into the crook of one arm, the long branch held firmly in his other hand.
The fruits are large - measuring about the size of a fist. They are bright red on one end and green on the other. Splitting the fruit reveals a soft, yellowish-orange flesh that has a sweet smell - something akin to melon with hints of pineapple.
Gonnar says:
He throws a glance back towards the ship as they others natter about the island and its fruit, half-expecting the vessel to already be gone.
The boat remains lodged in the sand. You can see sailors jumping into the water with long poles and diving underneath. It appears they are doing what they can to release the ship from it's resting place.
Gonnar says:
the former sellsword's eyes on the skies, looking to see what takes wing here, and the dark sands, to see what crawls, walks, and slithers.
Bright, colorful birds take flight and move from tree to tree. One with long, heavy beak of blue, red and green. Another has a bright red feathers at it's head and neck and blue and green feathers on it's body. It's long tail feathers spread out showcasing bright yellow feathers from underneath.
Gonnar - Roll a WIS test
Gwyndion says:
Gwydion nods to Halor in thanks but chooses to prod the plant with the staff he is holding to see if there is any reaction.
Gwyndion, you move the stick in close to the lobes of one of the plants. You tap it's head and it moves slowly upwards towards the stick, as if in slow motion. As you pull the staff back, it rubs against one of the spiky hairs edging the lobes. The vine pulls back as quick as a viper and lashes out, grasping the end of the staff as if biting it.
Gwyndion: Roll a STR test with advantage