Ask Me Anything: SJoyner72

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Sep 8, 2022 1:44 pm
Adam says:
That game was a lot of fun, but I think it was mainly fun because we all posted regularly and often, and we were all polite and courteous to each other (which turns out not to be as common as I expected).

Anyway.... questions:
If you were a character, what would be your class, subclass, and stats?
If your life were a campaign, who/what's the BBEG, and what's the campaign's title?
If you could cast any 5e cantrip IRL, what would it be?
Human commoner straight 11s!
The BBEG in my campaign would be myself, because I am my own worst enemy. The campaign would be called "A Work in Progress, or Sjoyner72's quest to find peace with himself and the world around him and be a good person to his loved ones and decent and fair to others."

Mage hand is probably the coolest and one I would find a lot of use for, especially right now as I'm laid up with an injured foot!

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