[Closed] Starjammer (D&D 5e)

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Apr 18, 2023 2:56 pm
Hello friends! Our D&D 5e Spelljammer Star Trek mash-up game is warping along nicely. We've completed two chapters, have had some players come and go, and are comfortably playing with 5 PCs. I'm about to start the next chapter, and wouldn't mind having another one or two players on board. After all, a bridge crew's rotating cast is typically 6-8 members.

Imagine swords-and-sorcery but spacefaring, elves are Vulcans, orcs are Klingons, Mage Hand is a tractor beam, Invisibility is cloaking, you get the idea. Spelljamming setting ruleset.

Quick synopsis: The PCs are survivors of the Battle of Wolf 359, and find themselves on a strange Enterprise-S. The Enterprise itself survives an encounter with a Borg skullship and escapes, only to find themselves almost accidentally warping into the Neutral Zone. They face down two Romulan ships pursuing a defector in a prototype shuttlecraft and investigating the destruction of their Neutral Zone outposts, and again narrowly escape. Someone is destroying the outposts on both sides of the border.
Other complications. The former Enterprise crew had rescued their ex-captain / now-Borg from the aforementioned Borg ship, and have had to deal with his presence on board.

Hope this gives you an idea of what to expect. It's a shameless ripoff of some of the favourite bits of Trek, played using 5e. We'll restart soon, but can wait a bit if people want in. Thanks for reading!
Last edited April 18, 2023 2:57 pm

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