OOC/Character Creation

Sep 12, 2022 12:30 pm
This is where we will talk about OOC stuff and currently how to create characters
Sep 13, 2022 4:15 am


Playbook: The Authority
Gender: Masculine
Clothes: Pristine Uniform, rumpled and overworked
Eyes: Watchful eyes
Age: Teen


Before your first delve, work through these, and answer:
What’s your personal connection with the Vassal?

Auteur: Leadership, structure, grand vision. Grants the power to wield authority,
reject other’s rules, and dominate opponents.
Ask: Which of you works for me?

Justice: Truth, fairness, accountability. Grants the power to unearth crimes,
hold authorities to account, and fire up your allies.
Ask: Which of you did I help find justice?

Sage: Guidance, tradition, spiritual wisdom. Grants the power to offer counsel, draw on your status, and twist the castle to your will.
Ask: Which of you regularly comes to me for advice?


Create a signature weapon with one perk, one flaw (p. 68). Also pick one to have every delve:

Gleaming armour (expend to avoid marking a condition from a blow).

Signal flare (expend to show everyone the route to you, no matter how distant they are).

A noble sword (piercing, close).

A bow (long range, reload)

Castle Form
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing power. When you gain a rank of World or Void, pick one from the lists below (or make your own) to add to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one.

Myth: Angel halo

Clothes: military dress uniform

Accesories: echoeing voice

Mien: More terrifying


When you return to reality, decide on these:
Pick a category and main occupation:

Delinquent: Class president, team captain, gang leader, Class President Put a black mark in Infamy.
Prodigal: Store manager, apprentice, vigilante, Put a black mark in Lack.
Traitor: Lawyer, politician, doctor, Put a black mark in Fealty.
Add the place where you meet with others in your organisation to the relationship map.

You're self-assured and resourceful. Mark one tick in Infamy and Lack, two in the rest.


Pick one to gain as a Major Covenant, and give them a name:
Chariot: The rival who spurs you to excel. Grants the power to get places fast and stampede your enemies.
Fool: The novice you’re teaching. Grants the power to throw your fate to the winds, and escape the most desperate dangers.
Magician: The headhunter scouting you. Grants the power to finish tasks with a flourish, and improvise powerful magic.

Add another NPC on the map as a Major Covenant,
saying what links you.


Core Moves:
You may always ask: Who here most needs my advice? The Architect will answer truthfully.
When you Vent, you may also pick this effect:
Choose someone in your presence. They cannot contradict you or physically block your actions until you leave their presence.
Shelter Move: You inspire one of the others. The next time they would fade their Crew Covenant, they may ignore that cost.

Shadow Moves:
Just You And Me
:If a foe’s within arm’s reach, you can mark Void to reshape the castle and trap
you both within an empty room. The previous state is restored when you will it, or when you Push Through Pain.

Heroic Intervention
:When a foe is bearing down on an ally, mark Void to immediately close the
distance between you and Pressure them, gaining fleeting Advantage on the roll.

War Cry
[When you let out an intimidating war cry, mark Void to give every rebel who joins in fleeting Advantage.]
Voice Of Command
:When you give someone an order, mark Void and roll +Cups. On a 7-9, they must
either do it, freeze, flee or attack you. Ona 10+ give them only two of those options.


Certain moves will tell you to mark Void or mark World. When you do this, mark a box in the appropriate track on your character sheet and once you filled it, erase both tracks and gain a rank in either World or Void.

Void Rank:0
World Rank:0

World Advances:

Commit to a Major Covenant.
Pick one of your castle abilities; get lasting Advantage using it with Vent.
Mystically provide a friend or follower with financial security.
Minions arrive in the hideout, eager to help with research or red tape.
Organisational charts and pinboards appear in the hideout, automatically updating as you learn more about the castle.

Void Advances:
Add +1 to a Castle stat
Add +1 to a Castle stat
Gain a Shadow Move.
Gain a Shadow Move
Gain a second Gear option.
Add a perk to your signature weapon.



Gauge Check Against Roll
Blood 1 2d6+0
Lack 1 2d6+0
Infamy 1 2d6+0
Heat 1 2d6+0
Fealty 1 2d6+0

Ability Score Roll
Swords -1 2d6-1
Coins 1 2d6+1
Wands 0 2d6+1
Cups 1 2d6+1

Sep 13, 2022 4:16 am
Use this as a character sheet, feel free to edit this and make an addition to it.
Sep 13, 2022 7:22 pm
Thanks for the invite, looking forward to the game!

Rolling 1d8 to pick a playbook (excluding Provider since I've played quite a few support type characters recently)!

Edit: Looks like I'm going for the Captive!
Last edited September 13, 2022 7:28 pm


Playbook selection - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Sep 14, 2022 6:42 am
Do we plan to use the game setup process outlined in the core rulebook?
Sep 14, 2022 7:01 am
Yeah, we'll use that.

Now, are there any topics you don't want mentioned?
Sep 14, 2022 7:14 am
Personally, my only line is sexual assault and my veils are explicit content and extreme violence or torture. We can hint at the veils if they're part of a Shard's inherent nature or a Vassal's or their victim's backgrounds, but I'd prefer we didn't play them out on screen.

Edit: Also, if we're looking into picking playbooks, I'm thinking I'll go for the Harlequin.
Last edited September 14, 2022 7:15 am
Sep 14, 2022 1:18 pm
@witchdoctor, what about you? What playbook did you choose?
Sep 14, 2022 1:33 pm
I'm still looking through the playbooks. I didn't see my invite until late last night so I didn't get a good chance to go over them at that time. I'll have one chosen pretty soon.
Sep 14, 2022 1:38 pm
Also, what lines and veils do you have?
Sep 14, 2022 5:09 pm
DewickFlame says:
Also, what lines and veils do you have?
I'm on board with JackGonzoMD's lines and veils, they pretty much align with mine.
Sep 14, 2022 5:39 pm
As for lines and veils, I like stories that are not afraid to have some punch, so no lines or veils for me!
Sep 14, 2022 6:11 pm
Out of all the playbooks, I'm leaning towards the Authority. Everyone could use a good attorney...
Sep 14, 2022 10:40 pm
For my basic concept, I'm thinking my character's a 23-year-old recent college graduate. He used to be your fairly typical straight-laced antisocial nerd from an upper-middle-class sheltered white family, but going to uni and living in a dorm of alt kids, queer folks and leftists opened them up to the rest of the world and some things about herself they hadn't realised. (For one thing, he's nonbinary, and hasn't quite settled on pronouns yet - he uses he/him most of the time out of habit more than anything else, but is looking to experiment and occasionally uses she/her or they/them.) Following graduation and finding some fairly stable remote work (their degree was computer science and he did fairly well, luckily for them), they headed straight down to New Orleans, figuring it seemed like a good place to explore their identity and the world around him some more. Crew Covenant will be the Fool - I'll post the actual sheet shortly.
Last edited September 14, 2022 10:41 pm
Sep 14, 2022 11:04 pm


Playbook: The Harlequin
Name: Jesse Solo
Pronouns: He/They/sometimes She
Gender: Masculine
Clothes: Comfortable clothes, weird clothes
Eyes: Bright eyes
Age: Young Adult


Before your first delve, work through these, and answer:
What did the Vassal do that you can't just laugh off?

Fool: Innocence, spontaneity, new starts. Grants abilities to invite surprise and throw caution to the winds.
Ask: Which of you did I believe in, when no one else would?

Vagabond: Letting go, new perspectives, pauses. Grants abilities to offer wisdom, wait for the right moments and endure pain.
Ask: Which of you enjoys wasting time with me?

Oracle: Intuition, spirituality, subconscious. Grants abilities to reveal wonder, consult dreams and make your faith real.
Ask: Who did I help by showing a third way out of a dilemma?


Create a signature weapon with one perk, one flaw (p. 68). Also pick one to have every delve:

Lucky charm (expend to re-roll a missed roll).

A fancy jacket (expend to put it on a minion and make everyone think they're you).

Confusing fighting style (cleave, close).

Signature weapon:

Castle Form
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing power. When you gain a rank of World or Void, pick one from the lists below (or make your own) to add to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one.

Myth: Will’o’the’wisp aura, siren scales, rabbit ears, monkey tail,

Clothes: Jester motley, shapeless habit, catwalk fashion, dandy coat,

Accesories: Laugh track, narcotic
haze, prism eyes, quicksilver mask,

Mien: More glorious, more terrifying, more true, more serene,


When you return to reality, decide on these:
Pick a category and main occupation:

Delinquent: Class clown, dropout, dreamer, ... Put a black mark in Infamy.
Prodigal: Stoner, artist, temp, Put a black mark in Lack.
Traitor: ‘Independent means’, scam(?) psychic, cashier, Put a black mark in Fealty.
Add the place that most earns your disdain to the relationship map.

You laugh it all off. Mark one tick in Heat and Infamy, two in the rest.


Pick one to gain as a Major Covenant, and give them a name:
Temperance: The co-worker/classmate who’s always free to hang. Grants abilities to find moderation and act as a mediator.
Hermit: The recluse you bonded with over a common interest. Grants abilities to spot hidden details and find a way out of the spotlight.
Moon: The fellow survivor who reminds you of a time you’d rather forget. Grants abilities to find solace in chaos and reshape your form.
Add another NPC on the map as a Major Covenant,
saying what links you.


Core Moves:
You may always ask: Who here most would appreciate a distraction? The Architect will answer truthfully.
When you Vent, you may also pick this effect:
Begin a performance. Until it's over, nobody outside the crew can look away from you or disrupt you.
Shelter Move: You kick back and relax; say how. You and anyone who joins you erases a condition, but gains fleeting disadvantage.

Shadow Moves:
Made You Look
When you make yourself the centre of attention, mark Void to pick one:

• The enemy reveals a hidden weakness.
• The enemy ignores your allies.
Your allies have fleeting Advantage making use of this, though the enemy will act against you.
Tears Of A Clown
When you put on a pantomime of emotion, mark Void to overcome an enemy with the emotion you were performing. Each rebel gets fleeting Advantage taking advantage of it.
I Was Never Here
When you succesfully Dodge, mark Void to leave a duplicate in your place to distract the enemy. Mark Void] again to blow it up (stun, close).
And Next You'll Say...
When you tell an opponent what they'll do next, mark Void to make them pick: do exactly what you predicted or stumble, hesitate or flinch. If they do what you predicted, say how you planned for this and get fleeting advantage on Strike.


Certain moves will tell you to mark Void or mark World. When you do this, mark a box in the appropriate track on your character sheet and once you filled it, erase both tracks and gain a rank in either World or Void.

Void Rank:0
World Rank:0

World Advances:

Commit to a Major Covenant.
Pick one of your castle abilities; get lasting Advantage using it with Vent.
Give an enemy or rival unexpected good fortune that will shock and unsettle them, giving them a new perspective on life.
Rolled dice, shuffled decks, and flipped coins will tell you the result they expect to give before anyone else knows.
Add a relaxation space to the hideout: a karaoke bar, a cafe, a library, etc.

Void Advances:
Add +1 to a Castle stat
Add +1 to a Castle stat
Gain a Shadow Move.
Gain a Shadow Move
Gain a second Gear option.
Add a perk to your signature weapon.



Gauge Check Against Roll
Blood 0 2d6+0
Lack 0 2d6+0
Infamy 0 2d6+0
Heat 0 2d6+0
Fealty 0 2d6+0

Ability Score Roll
Swords 0 2d6-0
Coins 0 2d6+0
Wands 0 2d6+0
Cups 0 2d6+0

Last edited September 18, 2022 9:12 am

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