nezzeraj says:
1. How would you rank those game phases from best to worst?
2. What was your favorite character?
3. What's your biggest regret in an rpg?
1. Tough question! They all had their charms. I will say that during my GURPS / Cyberpunk period, my gaming group had the combination of youthful enthusiasm, free time, and RPG experience that I think of as the 'sweet spot' for the hobby. When we played Dungeons and Dragons, we had no idea what we were doing and our stories were kind of stupid. My World of Darkness period overlapped significantly with MUSHing, so I did less traditional gaming during those years. I think I'm doing some of my best writing these days, in my OSR phase. With age comes experience and all of that. My limiting factors now are time and energy, old man that I am.
2. I don't have a favorite character, as I tend not to have single favorites of anything. Some fond memories: Walter Etheridge and his absurdly fast, indestructible but almost unarmed sports car in
GURPS Autoduel (he had a katana because, you know, it was the 80s); Hauptmann Lawrence Ashley of the Lyran Commonwealth, who led a Battlemech company on an incursion into Kurita space at the outset of the Fourth Succession War (
Mechwarrior); T'lor, rider of brown Brolth, who became Weyrleader of Ista Weyr and whose dragon was, as far as I know, the only brown ever to win a senior gold flight on PernMUSH (he kind of cheated); Amipal Chandrima and Zeyd, two very different Varati warriors on Aether and Aether II, who were both, I thought, well-written and through whom I met the person who remains my closest friend. I'm also fond of Odur the Coward, a berserker dwarf in a recently wrapped
Shadow of the Demon Lord game that Harrigan ran. Odur was by no means a heroic character and he came to a bad end, but I thought his story had a satisfying arc, which is rare for me in play-by-post games.
3. Right now, my biggest regret is that I've never been able to get a PbP game off the ground as a GM. I've tried three times, and all three have fizzled out fairly quickly. I don't know whether those failures were due to bad luck, bad GMing on my part, the special challenges of this medium, or a combination of the three.