Character Creation

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Sep 23, 2022 3:18 pm
We'll use this space to discuss characters and relationships in greater detail. At the beginning of the adventure the players have traveled from the major City of Bent Fork and have just arrived in the small town of Brothers (population >20), So I imagine at this point there is probably some relationship between the characters. Perhaps rpgventurer's ranger has enlisted the help of Xur'Tual in Bent Fork in his pursuit of the kidnapper?
Sep 23, 2022 3:54 pm
Is there any method you prefer for character creation? Standard array, roll in thread, etc.? Do you allow the 'variant human' option in the 5e rules (lol- and feats)? Thanks for the invite- sounds like a fun game.

My character- Rook Alderghast-is a former town guard- who left after becoming embroiled in the politics the region. He hated how justice seemed tailored to those with influence (think cop who was fed up with the bureaucracy of the system)- so a chance to do some good (without promise of reward) is right up his alley. Although he has a drive to see justice served he is practical, down to earth, and pragmatic. Lol- is that how to spell Bureaucracy?!?
Sep 23, 2022 4:03 pm
SenorDeebs says:
Is there any method you prefer for character creation? Standard array, roll in thread, etc.? Do you allow the 'variant human' option in the 5e rules (lol- and feats)? Thanks for the invite- sounds like a fun game.

My character- Rook Alderghast-is a former town guard- who left after becoming embroiled in the politics the region. He hated how justice seemed tailored to those with influence (think cop who was fed up with the bureaucracy of the system)- so a chance to do some good (without promise of reward) is right up his alley. Although he has a drive to see justice served he is practical, down to earth, and pragmatic. Lol- is that how to spell Bureaucracy?!?
Yeah, let's go with the standard array and I'll say yes to variant human in order to give us a little more variety in characters.
Sep 23, 2022 4:03 pm
If I were to choose to play a halfling, and I focus on deception as a skill, could we say that my guy often plays off like he is a human child?

If so, I would love to play a halfling rogue.
Sep 23, 2022 4:06 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
If I were to choose to play a halfling, and I focus on deception as a skill, could we say that my guy often plays off like he is a human child?

If so, I would love to play a halfling rogue.
Yeah. sounds great.
Sep 23, 2022 4:50 pm
Awesome! Then I have some questions about character creation rules.

Are we using standard ability score modifiers, or can we use Tasha's adjustments, to allow us to float the +2 and +1 where we want?
Sep 23, 2022 5:06 pm
I did max hp for level 1- let me know if I should roll in thread or modify.
Sep 23, 2022 5:17 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
Awesome! Then I have some questions about character creation rules.

Are we using standard ability score modifiers, or can we use Tasha's adjustments, to allow us to float the +2 and +1 where we want?
I'm not familiar with Tasha's adjustments, but I will say that we will go with standard unless you provide a reason why your character is unique.
SenorDeebs says:
I did max hp for level 1- let me know if I should roll in thread or modify.
Let's go with take the standard HP or roll for it in here.

Sophia Sunmeadow

HeroAmongMenInactive for 5 months

Sep 23, 2022 9:35 pm
Sophia Sunmeadow
Hey @TrustyJustin, can you please allow Custom character sheets, also? I have a modded-out custom sheet ready for Sophia Sunmeadow.
Sep 23, 2022 10:57 pm
Hi everyone!

According to the PHB, 1st level characters start with maximum hit points. Would you prefer us to roll?
Sep 24, 2022 12:07 am
rpgventurer says:
Hi everyone!

According to the PHB, 1st level characters start with maximum hit points. Would you prefer us to roll?
You're right, I'm sorry. max HP is fine.
HeroAmongMen says:
Hey @TrustyJustin, can you please allow Custom character sheets, also? I have a modded-out custom sheet ready for Sophia Sunmeadow.
I thought that I had. But I will do so now.

Edit: Should be good now
Sep 24, 2022 5:22 am
My ranger, Fenhari, is a hunter familiar with the ways of the desert. I can definitely see him asking a former guard for help with a crime.

I am trying to pick an appropriate favored enemy. Are there any local humanoids or creatures that are threats to the city of Bent Fork?

Also, are there other human languages besides Common?
Last edited September 24, 2022 5:24 am
Sep 24, 2022 11:32 am
It makes sense for Rook to be from a city thats on the larger side if he's burnt out from corruption and stuff- Does Bent Fork have a city watch? If so he can absolutely be from there. That's be a good place for him to connect with Fenhari, Xur'Tual, and possibly Sophia Sunmeadow.
Sep 24, 2022 3:52 pm
rpgventurer says:

I am trying to pick an appropriate favored enemy. Are there any local humanoids or creatures that are threats to the city of Bent Fork?

Also, are there other human languages besides Common?
Bent Fork is a mountain town near streams, rivers and forests. The biggest threats come from beasts and humans. There are occasional whisperings of non human humanoids encountered in the woods or further into the desert, but they're rarely taken seriously.

In addition to common there are the indigenous languages of the nomad tribe who follow big game seasonally. Their language is called Xchiqua. There are also a couple of non migratory tribes that live outside Bent Fork who speak their own languages: Choitll or Sagnwa In addition there is a community of traders and fur trappers who live inside Bent Fork. They speak the language of their home country: Trenasch.

Other exotic languages or normal d&d languages are available, but they would be highly specialized and rare and most likely require specific study.
Sep 24, 2022 3:53 pm
SenorDeebs says:
It makes sense for Rook to be from a city thats on the larger side if he's burnt out from corruption and stuff- Does Bent Fork have a city watch? If so he can absolutely be from there. That's be a good place for him to connect with Fenhari, Xur'Tual, and possibly Sophia Sunmeadow.
Yes to all of this
Sep 24, 2022 3:59 pm
I chose 'Goblin' as my secondary language. If Rook were a native of Bent Fork- what practical secondary language would he learn in his experience either as a bouncer or a member of the city watch?
Sep 25, 2022 5:00 am
I picked Trenash and Xchiqua for languages, since my character, Fenhari, is a hunter and probably interacts with other hunters.

I submitted my character with two changes (pending DM approval) from what's in the PHB:
* I replaced the scale mail given from the ranger class and replaced it with the chain shirt (same cost, no stealth disadvantage).
* I replaced the musical instrument proficiency from the Outlander background with the woodcarver's tools proficiency.

I have other things to add, such as personality traits and a picture, which I'll keep working on this weekend.
Sep 25, 2022 6:10 am
SenorDeebs says:
I chose 'Goblin' as my secondary language. If Rook were a native of Bent Fork- what practical secondary language would he learn in his experience either as a bouncer or a member of the city watch?

rpgventurer says:

* I replaced the scale mail given from the ranger class and replaced it with the chain shirt (same cost, no stealth disadvantage).
* I replaced the musical instrument proficiency from the Outlander background with the woodcarver's tools proficiency.

Makes sense. Sounds great
Sep 25, 2022 6:46 pm
The adventure starts with you arriving in Brothers, but before you left Bent Fork, you would've done some shopping and preparing for your journey. You begin with whatever starting wealth you have from your background and you may pool your money with other players if you wish.

The following is a list of common methods of travel available in Bent Fork:
#1 Horseback - horses cost 75gp and have a daily maintenance fee for food and stuff of 1gp
#2 Giant Marmot - 50gp these guys require 2sp per day and recommended for those with animal handling
#3 Giant Sage Rat - 25gp and 2sp per day (animal handling highly recommended.)
#4 Horse drawn Wagon - 500gp is for wagon only, horse not included.
#5 mules these pack animals are available for 5gp and require 5sp of daily maintenance. Can not take riders who are larger than Medium.
#6 hitch a ride - You could hitch a ride on a wagon for work trade or 5gp

You may also deliver letters for the post office. Roll a d6, there are that many letters going to Brothers (per character.) If you wish to deliver them for the post office you will be paid 5sp per letter upon delivery.

You may also trade or sell anything you want to get rid of from your inventory.
Pass a DC 10 Persuasion check to take 10% off of any one item on the list
DC 15 will take 15%
Sep 25, 2022 7:01 pm
My charcater would sell his shield (wich he is nto using) and pick up a sword instead. (+10 gp for shield sale, -15 gp for longsword)
Last edited September 25, 2022 7:02 pm
Sep 25, 2022 10:29 pm
Oop, I did point buy. I'll swap it to array
rpgventurer says:
My ranger, Fenhari, is a hunter familiar with the ways of the desert. I can definitely see him asking a former guard for help with a crime.
Current lower ranking paladin, sent to assist the town more as a political showing, than meant to be actual help. Perhaps Fenhari is a hired guide?
Last edited September 25, 2022 10:30 pm
Sep 26, 2022 7:09 pm
SchadDad says:
Oop, I did point buy. I'll swap it to array
rpgventurer says:
My ranger, Fenhari, is a hunter familiar with the ways of the desert. I can definitely see him asking a former guard for help with a crime.
Current lower ranking paladin, sent to assist the town more as a political showing, than meant to be actual help. Perhaps Fenhari is a hired guide?
Sure, the city will cover 6 days of guided travel at 5gp per day. This means they will pay Fenhari 30gp up front. They'll also provide a horse for the paladin.
Sep 26, 2022 9:51 pm
Digging the dynamics so far- so our Paladin is kind of a face, without much interest in local law? Our ranger has been hired on as a local guide. I guess my character would be into the justice aspect of it all... you know wanting to do good after months of paperwork (although he's not a hero type at all). And the halfling rogue? I love the idea. Do we know her nature or is that something we'll find out during play (lol- if ever). Can't wait to start playing.
Sep 26, 2022 10:20 pm

Here is her background and her personality/ideals/bonds/flaws.

Basically, she ruined someone, feels guilty about it, and is trying to do good acts to make amends. Despite all of that, she is still herself. She lies, cheats, and steals, but has a deep core of goodness somewhere down in there.

So, she would probably lie about herself for a bit. But, you will get slivers of truth laced with strands of lies and untruths.
Sep 27, 2022 7:22 pm
I did point buy. I hope that's OK. I'm done except for some shopping.

Things the PCs would learn about him or notice after traveling a few days (copied from his character sheet):

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 185 lbs

* Common
* Trenash, the language of the home country of a community of traders and fur trappers who live inside Bent Fork.
* Xchiqua, the indigenous language of a nomad tribe who follow big game seasonally.

Trait: Reputations are earned by actions not words.
Trait: Uncomfortable in cities and large towns.
Ideal: The natural beauty and simplicity of the desert is unsurpassed.
Bond: The safety of the group (people and animals) is my responsibility.
Flaw: Doesn't trust easily. Trust lost is never regained. Harm done is repaid in equal measure.

Physical Description: Human male. Long black hair, full beard, brown eyes, large ears. Tattoo of desert lion on left bicep.

Background: Fenhari is from a small village outside of Bent Fork. His parents passed away a few years ago. He is the second of three children, and his older brother and younger sister are living out of the area. He trades regularly with the merchants and other hunters in the city, although he spends as little time there as possible. Fenhari is not a loner but prefers small groups.

He does not have strong ties to anyone in Bent Fork, but the kidnapped child's aunt and uncle saved Fenhari's life in the past. He is helping out of gratitude for their kind action.
Last edited September 28, 2022 12:31 am
Sep 27, 2022 7:44 pm
Rook Alderghast: 5'10 human 180 lbs. Brown hair, brown beard with the beginnings of grey sneaking in there, green eyes. Rook tries to do the right thing but has no lofty ideals about honor. He's more of a practical person. He is brave but not dumb, and has zero problem cutting and running in the face of superior odds- but he would never leave a companion behind unless the situation were hopeless. He can come off as a bit gruff or stern at first but he quickly softens once you get to know him a bit. He has a soft spot for children/orphans- as he and his sister were orphaned at a young age. His experience of being a City Watchman as well as his experience growing up would make him want to help save the kidnapped kid.
Sep 28, 2022 5:44 am
Xur'Tual comes from a dormant line of sorcerers lost to history. They were seen as trouble makers and ill omens, so he does his best to hide this fact. When he started to develop powers, he chose to join the paladin order to hide them as gifts from a benevolent god. He keeps his head down and tries not to draw attention to himself. Taking the kidnapping case to get away from the city was perfect for him, even if there's no real faith that anything will come of the investigation.
Sep 28, 2022 4:10 pm
So, we have two paladins, a rogue, and a ranger in the party so far. Cool.

@TrustyJustin, what clue(s) led to the small town of Brothers? Also, before the party left Bent Fork, Fenhari would have questions for the parents of the kidnapped child. Should I ask them here or wait until the game thread starts?
Sep 28, 2022 5:15 pm
rpgventurer says:
So, we have two paladins, a rogue, and a ranger in the party so far. Cool.

@TrustyJustin, what clue(s) led to the small town of Brothers? Also, before the party left Bent Fork, Fenhari would have questions for the parents of the kidnapped child. Should I ask them here or wait until the game thread starts?
One paladin, one fighter, a ranger and a rogue.

A rider returning from Brothers spotted a hooded figure on a black horse travelling the road with a small child. That horse had a white diamond in the middle of her forehead.

The child and figure both wore scarves that covered most of their heads and faces, they did not exchange words but the man seemed friendly enough and gave a wave as they passed.. The rider didn't think much of the face wraps at the time as this is normal protection against wind and sand. Upon return to the city, news of the kidnapping seemed far too coincidental not to report.

You may ask any questions you have for the family here.

I also have a question for the group, how did the halfling end up in this adventure party? Why has the party agreed to travel with what they think is a child?
Sep 28, 2022 6:02 pm
TrustyJustin says:

I also have a question for the group, how did the halfling end up in this adventure party? Why has the party agreed to travel with what they think is a child?
That is a good question... Maybe in Bent Fork Rook has thrown a copper or two Sophia's way? Helped her out of a scrape? Or had her run an errand for the Watch? I wouldn't say he'd be comfortable with her tagging along if he thought she was a mere child so either he has sussed out something is up with her (all is not as it seems) OR she follows the group at a distance and reveals herself when it is too late to turn back...? These are just suggestions though, I'm sure we can think of something.
Last edited September 28, 2022 9:22 pm
Sep 28, 2022 9:20 pm
Perhaps someone in the party thinks that Sophia might also be a target for kidnappers and doesn't want to leave her in Bent Fork?

Fenhari's questions for the parents:
1. Do you have any enemies?
2. Do you belong to a group that has enemies?
3. Do you know anyone in Brothers?
4. Is there something unusual about your child?
5. Is your child a boy or girl?
6. What is your child's name?

TrustyJustin, can one or more party members make a skill check regarding the white diamond symbol on the horse's forehead?
Sep 28, 2022 10:37 pm
I think she might have heard the child’s name and some other things about them somehow (maybe eavesdropping on the house when she heard about the kidnapping, and then gathering info about the kid around the neighborhood), and when she felt comfortable enough, she went up and BSed her way into convincing you people that she actually knew the child and could verify the child’s identity.

How does everyone feel about that explanation?
Sep 29, 2022 12:56 am
HeroAmongMen says:
I think she might have heard the child’s name and some other things about them somehow (maybe eavesdropping on the house when she heard about the kidnapping, and then gathering info about the kid around the neighborhood), and when she felt comfortable enough, she went up and BSed her way into convincing you people that she actually knew the child and could verify the child’s identity.

How does everyone feel about that explanation?
Sounds good to me!
Sep 29, 2022 1:26 am
Lol. That’d have to be some spectacular bs for an adult to bring a kid out on a dangerous mission.
Sep 29, 2022 3:05 am
Well, she has expertise in deception, so she should be the BS queen *lol*.
Sep 29, 2022 6:44 am
Gonna need some insight rolls for this level of shenanigans. The best way I think would be maybe following the group and getting found out when it was too late to turn them away.
Last edited September 29, 2022 6:47 am
Sep 29, 2022 2:44 pm
Oooh! A stowaway! I liked that thought!
Sep 29, 2022 3:40 pm
rpgventurer says:

Fenhari's questions for the parents:
1. Do you have any enemies?
2. Do you belong to a group that has enemies?
3. Do you know anyone in Brothers?
4. Is there something unusual about your child?
5. Is your child a boy or girl?
6. What is your child's name?

TrustyJustin, can one or more party members make a skill check regarding the white diamond symbol on the horse's forehead?
Answers to your interview with the family. The mother is essentially inconsolable and her emotions are a blend of anger and sadness. She seems to be taking a lot of her anger out on her husband and is quick to temper. The father just seems sad and beaten at this point. He had taken the child to the weekly town market, turned around to buy some fruit from a produce vendor and when he turned back around, the child was gone from his stroller. The boy, Osmund, is very young, he has curly hair, understands language, but is just beginning to speak. The father claims to have no enemies, but the mother interupts claiming that he fights with everyone including the neighbors, his employer and his family. He works for the city and other than the city union of government employees, he belongs to no groups that would attract enemies. As far as he knows, very few people actually live in Brothers and the only people who travel through are hunters, merchants or people planning to take a long journey across the dessert to whatever country lies beyond.

And when you ask the rider about the diamond on the horse's forehead, it is merely a marking of white fur in the shape of a diamond on an all black horse.


HeroAmongMenInactive for 5 months

Sep 29, 2022 5:12 pm
SchadDad says:
Gonna need some insight rolls for this level of shenanigans. The best way I think would be maybe following the group and getting found out when it was too late to turn them away.
Perhaps she stowed away in one of the crates or bags or wagons that the party leaves with?

Last edited September 29, 2022 5:31 pm
Sep 29, 2022 6:52 pm
Can we ask the parents for one of Osmond's toys, or a treasured belonging he would recognize to get him to trust us?
Sep 30, 2022 3:02 pm
SenorDeebs says:
Can we ask the parents for one of Osmond's toys, or a treasured belonging he would recognize to get him to trust us?
Sure. It is a small wooden wheel carved to look like the wheel on a ship. It is mounted on a wooden block and when you turn it, it makes a clicking sound.

He loves wheels

you can add toy steering wheel to your inventory
Sep 30, 2022 6:09 pm
I would like to start the first scene of the game on Monday. The only thing I need before then is a decisions on travel.

The group has one horse so far. two people could conceivably ride the horse together.
In addition, there is a small group of hunters who will be traveling by wagon. They intend to travel 50 miles on the first day and to arrive in Brothers on the second day. They are willing to take anyone along who will agree to watch over the camp at night or cook their meals. They will also agree to take anyone who just wants to pay 5gp. Since Sophia is hidden, If you decide to pool your money, she doesn't contribute anything. Likewise Sophia doesn't pay the hunters to ride in their wagon.

Here are the prices again from the earlier post:
#1 Horseback - horses cost 75gp and have a daily maintenance fee for food and stuff of 1gp
#2 Giant Marmot - 50gp these guys require 2sp per day and recommended for those with animal handling
#3 Giant Sage Rat - 25gp and 2sp per day (animal handling highly recommended.)
#4 Horse drawn Wagon - 500gp is for wagon only, horse not included.
#5 mules these pack animals are available for 5gp and require 5sp of daily maintenance. Can not take riders who are larger than Medium.
#6 hitch a ride - You could hitch a ride on a wagon for work trade or 5gp

You may also deliver letters for the post office. Roll a d6, there are that many letters going to Brothers (per character.) If you wish to deliver them for the post office you will be paid 5sp per letter upon delivery.

You may also trade or sell anything you want to get rid of from your inventory.
Pass a DC 10 Persuasion check to take 10% off of any one item on the list
DC 15 will take 15%
Sep 30, 2022 10:39 pm
A wagon seems the most economical. Fenhari offers to guard the wagon on the trip to Brothers. He will also carry letters to the local post office.
Sep 30, 2022 10:44 pm
Rook will offer to work as a guard and also deliver letters. He will also sell his shield (or give it to any party member who will use it- not sell it)

Ok my math is crap- I rolled garbage on my persuasion so I deduct 15% off the list price of a shield- 10 gold. So I’d gain 7 gold 5 silver? I think?
Last edited September 30, 2022 10:50 pm


Letters - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Persuasion - (1d20-1)

(8) - 1 = 7

Oct 1, 2022 12:16 am
SenorDeebs says:
Rook will offer to work as a guard and also deliver letters. He will also sell his shield (or give it to any party member who will use it- not sell it)

Ok my math is crap- I rolled garbage on my persuasion so I deduct 15% off the list price of a shield- 10 gold. So I’d gain 7 gold 5 silver? I think?
No, you're fine, you can have the full value. The persuasion check just represents you negotiating for a lower price on the livestock or wagon. a failed check simply means no discount.
Oct 1, 2022 3:44 pm
Also do you want us to roll for starting gold in thread? I have yet to do so.
Oct 1, 2022 4:10 pm
SenorDeebs says:
Also do you want us to roll for starting gold in thread? I have yet to do so.
No rolls for gold. Your starting wealth is determined by your background.

Sounds like the ranger, rogue and fighter will be riding the wagon with the paladin on horseback. If you have time and the desire, you can describe one bonding interaction between you and one of the other characters during your trip to Brothers.
Oct 1, 2022 4:19 pm
TrustyJustin says:
Sounds like the ranger, rogue and fighter will be riding the wagon with the paladin on horseback.
Is the rogue hiding/stowing away? Also- if we’re working as a guard on the wagon we still have to pay 5 gold?
Last edited October 1, 2022 4:52 pm
Oct 1, 2022 4:56 pm
SenorDeebs says:

Is the rogue hiding/stowing away? Also- if we’re working as a guard on the wagon we still have to pay 5 gold?
Everyone is riding for free, and Sophia is assumed to be hiding unless she chooses to reveal herself prior to arriving in Brothers
Oct 1, 2022 5:02 pm
Ok- my character will make small talk and share his background with the other characters in the wagon and the paladin if he’s riding close to the wagon. Ending with some direct questions for his companions.
"A good chance for me to finally do some good, this is. How bout you folk? Why pitch in? And do you think we’ll find the kid alive? I can’t wrap my head around anyone taking a child without the end being - ugly." Rook will then ask the hunters if they have a flask of something strong for sale.
Oct 2, 2022 1:55 am
Xur will be reading and re-reading the case information on the kidnapping. He'll also ask the caravan if they have any information that he might be missing and add it to his notes.
Oct 2, 2022 4:53 am
TrustyJustin says:
SenorDeebs says:

Is the rogue hiding/stowing away? Also- if we’re working as a guard on the wagon we still have to pay 5 gold?
Everyone is riding for free, and Sophia is assumed to be hiding unless she chooses to reveal herself prior to arriving in Brothers
Sophia would not reveal herself, if possible. She will stay hidden until Brothers.
Oct 3, 2022 3:48 am
Before leaving the Bent Fark, Fenhari will buy a shield with the money from the city.
SenorDeebs says:
Ok- my character will make small talk and share his background with the other characters in the wagon and the paladin if he’s riding close to the wagon. Ending with some direct questions for his companions.
"A good chance for me to finally do some good, this is. How bout you folk? Why pitch in? And do you think we’ll find the kid alive? I can’t wrap my head around anyone taking a child without the end being - ugly."
The ranger will breath in the fresh air outside the city before answering. "I am here to repay a debt. Relatives of the child saved my life some time ago. I am happy to use my skills to help them in any way I can."

"I think the child is still alive. Some slavers like to take young children since they are easier to control and train. Their former life becomes a distant memory in time. I hope someone in Brothers has more information about the man seen with the child."
Last edited October 3, 2022 3:51 am
Oct 3, 2022 9:56 am
"as do I..." Rook replies. "Slavers.. Rook says in disgust, spitting over the side of the wagon. "Well- you seem familiar with the wilds. That can go a long way in tracking this man. I'll help in any way I can." he says patting his glaive.

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