Character Creation

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Sep 23, 2022 3:18 pm
We'll use this space to discuss characters and relationships in greater detail. At the beginning of the adventure the players have traveled from the major City of Bent Fork and have just arrived in the small town of Brothers (population >20), So I imagine at this point there is probably some relationship between the characters. Perhaps rpgventurer's ranger has enlisted the help of Xur'Tual in Bent Fork in his pursuit of the kidnapper?
Sep 23, 2022 3:54 pm
Is there any method you prefer for character creation? Standard array, roll in thread, etc.? Do you allow the 'variant human' option in the 5e rules (lol- and feats)? Thanks for the invite- sounds like a fun game.

My character- Rook Alderghast-is a former town guard- who left after becoming embroiled in the politics the region. He hated how justice seemed tailored to those with influence (think cop who was fed up with the bureaucracy of the system)- so a chance to do some good (without promise of reward) is right up his alley. Although he has a drive to see justice served he is practical, down to earth, and pragmatic. Lol- is that how to spell Bureaucracy?!?
Sep 23, 2022 4:03 pm
SenorDeebs says:
Is there any method you prefer for character creation? Standard array, roll in thread, etc.? Do you allow the 'variant human' option in the 5e rules (lol- and feats)? Thanks for the invite- sounds like a fun game.

My character- Rook Alderghast-is a former town guard- who left after becoming embroiled in the politics the region. He hated how justice seemed tailored to those with influence (think cop who was fed up with the bureaucracy of the system)- so a chance to do some good (without promise of reward) is right up his alley. Although he has a drive to see justice served he is practical, down to earth, and pragmatic. Lol- is that how to spell Bureaucracy?!?
Yeah, let's go with the standard array and I'll say yes to variant human in order to give us a little more variety in characters.
Sep 23, 2022 4:03 pm
If I were to choose to play a halfling, and I focus on deception as a skill, could we say that my guy often plays off like he is a human child?

If so, I would love to play a halfling rogue.
Sep 23, 2022 4:06 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
If I were to choose to play a halfling, and I focus on deception as a skill, could we say that my guy often plays off like he is a human child?

If so, I would love to play a halfling rogue.
Yeah. sounds great.
Sep 23, 2022 4:50 pm
Awesome! Then I have some questions about character creation rules.

Are we using standard ability score modifiers, or can we use Tasha's adjustments, to allow us to float the +2 and +1 where we want?
Sep 23, 2022 5:06 pm
I did max hp for level 1- let me know if I should roll in thread or modify.
Sep 23, 2022 5:17 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
Awesome! Then I have some questions about character creation rules.

Are we using standard ability score modifiers, or can we use Tasha's adjustments, to allow us to float the +2 and +1 where we want?
I'm not familiar with Tasha's adjustments, but I will say that we will go with standard unless you provide a reason why your character is unique.
SenorDeebs says:
I did max hp for level 1- let me know if I should roll in thread or modify.
Let's go with take the standard HP or roll for it in here.

Sophia Sunmeadow

HeroAmongMenInactive for 5 months

Sep 23, 2022 9:35 pm
Sophia Sunmeadow
Hey @TrustyJustin, can you please allow Custom character sheets, also? I have a modded-out custom sheet ready for Sophia Sunmeadow.
Sep 23, 2022 10:57 pm
Hi everyone!

According to the PHB, 1st level characters start with maximum hit points. Would you prefer us to roll?
Sep 24, 2022 12:07 am
rpgventurer says:
Hi everyone!

According to the PHB, 1st level characters start with maximum hit points. Would you prefer us to roll?
You're right, I'm sorry. max HP is fine.
HeroAmongMen says:
Hey @TrustyJustin, can you please allow Custom character sheets, also? I have a modded-out custom sheet ready for Sophia Sunmeadow.
I thought that I had. But I will do so now.

Edit: Should be good now
Sep 24, 2022 5:22 am
My ranger, Fenhari, is a hunter familiar with the ways of the desert. I can definitely see him asking a former guard for help with a crime.

I am trying to pick an appropriate favored enemy. Are there any local humanoids or creatures that are threats to the city of Bent Fork?

Also, are there other human languages besides Common?
Last edited September 24, 2022 5:24 am
Sep 24, 2022 11:32 am
It makes sense for Rook to be from a city thats on the larger side if he's burnt out from corruption and stuff- Does Bent Fork have a city watch? If so he can absolutely be from there. That's be a good place for him to connect with Fenhari, Xur'Tual, and possibly Sophia Sunmeadow.
Sep 24, 2022 3:52 pm
rpgventurer says:

I am trying to pick an appropriate favored enemy. Are there any local humanoids or creatures that are threats to the city of Bent Fork?

Also, are there other human languages besides Common?
Bent Fork is a mountain town near streams, rivers and forests. The biggest threats come from beasts and humans. There are occasional whisperings of non human humanoids encountered in the woods or further into the desert, but they're rarely taken seriously.

In addition to common there are the indigenous languages of the nomad tribe who follow big game seasonally. Their language is called Xchiqua. There are also a couple of non migratory tribes that live outside Bent Fork who speak their own languages: Choitll or Sagnwa In addition there is a community of traders and fur trappers who live inside Bent Fork. They speak the language of their home country: Trenasch.

Other exotic languages or normal d&d languages are available, but they would be highly specialized and rare and most likely require specific study.
Sep 24, 2022 3:53 pm
SenorDeebs says:
It makes sense for Rook to be from a city thats on the larger side if he's burnt out from corruption and stuff- Does Bent Fork have a city watch? If so he can absolutely be from there. That's be a good place for him to connect with Fenhari, Xur'Tual, and possibly Sophia Sunmeadow.
Yes to all of this
Sep 24, 2022 3:59 pm
I chose 'Goblin' as my secondary language. If Rook were a native of Bent Fork- what practical secondary language would he learn in his experience either as a bouncer or a member of the city watch?
Sep 25, 2022 5:00 am
I picked Trenash and Xchiqua for languages, since my character, Fenhari, is a hunter and probably interacts with other hunters.

I submitted my character with two changes (pending DM approval) from what's in the PHB:
* I replaced the scale mail given from the ranger class and replaced it with the chain shirt (same cost, no stealth disadvantage).
* I replaced the musical instrument proficiency from the Outlander background with the woodcarver's tools proficiency.

I have other things to add, such as personality traits and a picture, which I'll keep working on this weekend.
Sep 25, 2022 6:10 am
SenorDeebs says:
I chose 'Goblin' as my secondary language. If Rook were a native of Bent Fork- what practical secondary language would he learn in his experience either as a bouncer or a member of the city watch?

rpgventurer says:

* I replaced the scale mail given from the ranger class and replaced it with the chain shirt (same cost, no stealth disadvantage).
* I replaced the musical instrument proficiency from the Outlander background with the woodcarver's tools proficiency.

Makes sense. Sounds great
Sep 25, 2022 6:46 pm
The adventure starts with you arriving in Brothers, but before you left Bent Fork, you would've done some shopping and preparing for your journey. You begin with whatever starting wealth you have from your background and you may pool your money with other players if you wish.

The following is a list of common methods of travel available in Bent Fork:
#1 Horseback - horses cost 75gp and have a daily maintenance fee for food and stuff of 1gp
#2 Giant Marmot - 50gp these guys require 2sp per day and recommended for those with animal handling
#3 Giant Sage Rat - 25gp and 2sp per day (animal handling highly recommended.)
#4 Horse drawn Wagon - 500gp is for wagon only, horse not included.
#5 mules these pack animals are available for 5gp and require 5sp of daily maintenance. Can not take riders who are larger than Medium.
#6 hitch a ride - You could hitch a ride on a wagon for work trade or 5gp

You may also deliver letters for the post office. Roll a d6, there are that many letters going to Brothers (per character.) If you wish to deliver them for the post office you will be paid 5sp per letter upon delivery.

You may also trade or sell anything you want to get rid of from your inventory.
Pass a DC 10 Persuasion check to take 10% off of any one item on the list
DC 15 will take 15%
Sep 25, 2022 7:01 pm
My charcater would sell his shield (wich he is nto using) and pick up a sword instead. (+10 gp for shield sale, -15 gp for longsword)
Last edited September 25, 2022 7:02 pm
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