I did point buy. I hope that's OK. I'm done except for some shopping.
Things the PCs would learn about him or notice after traveling a few days (copied from his character sheet):
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 185 lbs
* Common
* Trenash, the language of the home country of a community of traders and fur trappers who live inside Bent Fork.
* Xchiqua, the indigenous language of a nomad tribe who follow big game seasonally.
Trait: Reputations are earned by actions not words.
Trait: Uncomfortable in cities and large towns.
Ideal: The natural beauty and simplicity of the desert is unsurpassed.
Bond: The safety of the group (people and animals) is my responsibility.
Flaw: Doesn't trust easily. Trust lost is never regained. Harm done is repaid in equal measure.
Physical Description: Human male. Long black hair, full beard, brown eyes, large ears. Tattoo of desert lion on left bicep.
Background: Fenhari is from a small village outside of Bent Fork. His parents passed away a few years ago. He is the second of three children, and his older brother and younger sister are living out of the area. He trades regularly with the merchants and other hunters in the city, although he spends as little time there as possible. Fenhari is not a loner but prefers small groups.
He does not have strong ties to anyone in Bent Fork, but the kidnapped child's aunt and uncle saved Fenhari's life in the past. He is helping out of gratitude for their kind action.
Last edited September 28, 2022 12:31 am