Character Creation

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Sep 30, 2022 3:02 pm
SenorDeebs says:
Can we ask the parents for one of Osmond's toys, or a treasured belonging he would recognize to get him to trust us?
Sure. It is a small wooden wheel carved to look like the wheel on a ship. It is mounted on a wooden block and when you turn it, it makes a clicking sound.

He loves wheels

you can add toy steering wheel to your inventory
Sep 30, 2022 6:09 pm
I would like to start the first scene of the game on Monday. The only thing I need before then is a decisions on travel.

The group has one horse so far. two people could conceivably ride the horse together.
In addition, there is a small group of hunters who will be traveling by wagon. They intend to travel 50 miles on the first day and to arrive in Brothers on the second day. They are willing to take anyone along who will agree to watch over the camp at night or cook their meals. They will also agree to take anyone who just wants to pay 5gp. Since Sophia is hidden, If you decide to pool your money, she doesn't contribute anything. Likewise Sophia doesn't pay the hunters to ride in their wagon.

Here are the prices again from the earlier post:
#1 Horseback - horses cost 75gp and have a daily maintenance fee for food and stuff of 1gp
#2 Giant Marmot - 50gp these guys require 2sp per day and recommended for those with animal handling
#3 Giant Sage Rat - 25gp and 2sp per day (animal handling highly recommended.)
#4 Horse drawn Wagon - 500gp is for wagon only, horse not included.
#5 mules these pack animals are available for 5gp and require 5sp of daily maintenance. Can not take riders who are larger than Medium.
#6 hitch a ride - You could hitch a ride on a wagon for work trade or 5gp

You may also deliver letters for the post office. Roll a d6, there are that many letters going to Brothers (per character.) If you wish to deliver them for the post office you will be paid 5sp per letter upon delivery.

You may also trade or sell anything you want to get rid of from your inventory.
Pass a DC 10 Persuasion check to take 10% off of any one item on the list
DC 15 will take 15%
Sep 30, 2022 10:39 pm
A wagon seems the most economical. Fenhari offers to guard the wagon on the trip to Brothers. He will also carry letters to the local post office.
Sep 30, 2022 10:44 pm
Rook will offer to work as a guard and also deliver letters. He will also sell his shield (or give it to any party member who will use it- not sell it)

Ok my math is crap- I rolled garbage on my persuasion so I deduct 15% off the list price of a shield- 10 gold. So I’d gain 7 gold 5 silver? I think?
Last edited Sep 30, 2022 10:50 pm


Letters - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Persuasion - (1d20-1)

(8) - 1 = 7

Oct 1, 2022 12:16 am
SenorDeebs says:
Rook will offer to work as a guard and also deliver letters. He will also sell his shield (or give it to any party member who will use it- not sell it)

Ok my math is crap- I rolled garbage on my persuasion so I deduct 15% off the list price of a shield- 10 gold. So I’d gain 7 gold 5 silver? I think?
No, you're fine, you can have the full value. The persuasion check just represents you negotiating for a lower price on the livestock or wagon. a failed check simply means no discount.
Oct 1, 2022 3:44 pm
Also do you want us to roll for starting gold in thread? I have yet to do so.
Oct 1, 2022 4:10 pm
SenorDeebs says:
Also do you want us to roll for starting gold in thread? I have yet to do so.
No rolls for gold. Your starting wealth is determined by your background.

Sounds like the ranger, rogue and fighter will be riding the wagon with the paladin on horseback. If you have time and the desire, you can describe one bonding interaction between you and one of the other characters during your trip to Brothers.
Oct 1, 2022 4:19 pm
TrustyJustin says:
Sounds like the ranger, rogue and fighter will be riding the wagon with the paladin on horseback.
Is the rogue hiding/stowing away? Also- if we’re working as a guard on the wagon we still have to pay 5 gold?
Last edited Oct 1, 2022 4:52 pm
Oct 1, 2022 4:56 pm
SenorDeebs says:

Is the rogue hiding/stowing away? Also- if we’re working as a guard on the wagon we still have to pay 5 gold?
Everyone is riding for free, and Sophia is assumed to be hiding unless she chooses to reveal herself prior to arriving in Brothers
Oct 1, 2022 5:02 pm
Ok- my character will make small talk and share his background with the other characters in the wagon and the paladin if he’s riding close to the wagon. Ending with some direct questions for his companions.
"A good chance for me to finally do some good, this is. How bout you folk? Why pitch in? And do you think we’ll find the kid alive? I can’t wrap my head around anyone taking a child without the end being - ugly." Rook will then ask the hunters if they have a flask of something strong for sale.
Oct 2, 2022 1:55 am
Xur will be reading and re-reading the case information on the kidnapping. He'll also ask the caravan if they have any information that he might be missing and add it to his notes.
Oct 2, 2022 4:53 am
TrustyJustin says:
SenorDeebs says:

Is the rogue hiding/stowing away? Also- if we’re working as a guard on the wagon we still have to pay 5 gold?
Everyone is riding for free, and Sophia is assumed to be hiding unless she chooses to reveal herself prior to arriving in Brothers
Sophia would not reveal herself, if possible. She will stay hidden until Brothers.
Oct 3, 2022 3:48 am
Before leaving the Bent Fark, Fenhari will buy a shield with the money from the city.
SenorDeebs says:
Ok- my character will make small talk and share his background with the other characters in the wagon and the paladin if he’s riding close to the wagon. Ending with some direct questions for his companions.
"A good chance for me to finally do some good, this is. How bout you folk? Why pitch in? And do you think we’ll find the kid alive? I can’t wrap my head around anyone taking a child without the end being - ugly."
The ranger will breath in the fresh air outside the city before answering. "I am here to repay a debt. Relatives of the child saved my life some time ago. I am happy to use my skills to help them in any way I can."

"I think the child is still alive. Some slavers like to take young children since they are easier to control and train. Their former life becomes a distant memory in time. I hope someone in Brothers has more information about the man seen with the child."
Last edited Oct 3, 2022 3:51 am
Oct 3, 2022 9:56 am
"as do I..." Rook replies. "Slavers.. Rook says in disgust, spitting over the side of the wagon. "Well- you seem familiar with the wilds. That can go a long way in tracking this man. I'll help in any way I can." he says patting his glaive.

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