Warlock! Something is Rotten in Grim Biskerstaf...

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Oct 7, 2022 5:31 am
KCC says:
It’s night, or approaching night, is it? We’ve done full day’s skimming?
Correct. You were coming back after a full day on the water, and the sun is starting to get low. Two thoughts on where you might all be staying -- or you can split up, certainly. There's the Manky Mermaid, a well-known watering hole down the Dredge nearby where you can sleep on the floor for a few pennies a night, or there's one of the many ruined and abandoned towers that dot the exterior curtain wall. Many are taken over and used by squatters. That could be you lot as well. If you really want to lie low, there's always Dredge, just written up in the gazetteer.
Oct 7, 2022 12:24 pm
Harrigan, you've mentioned the Dredge a couple of times. What is that exactly? I don't have the Kingdom book.


Oct 7, 2022 3:21 pm
"We beg your pardon!" Lambert says to the man with the accent.

"Won’t she mind the stink? And this thing…" the thief says, poking the dead monstrosity with the fish hook.
Last edited October 7, 2022 3:21 pm
Oct 7, 2022 3:55 pm
"It's enough you got me on the water during the day, ah ain't interested in fishing for dark sludge in the night. I'm heading to the tavern, and any with wits about them can join me."
Oct 8, 2022 1:41 am
Ciriaco says:
Harrigan, you've mentioned the Dredge a couple of times. What is that exactly? I don't have the Kingdom book.
Dredge is the poor part of town -- I just wrote something up for it (and some other locations) in the gazetteer. Have a peek -- and there's a map of the city in that thread too, though it's kind of low-rez. If you go here, you can zoom in and see Dredge in the SW part of the city. It's awful!

Also, best if you don't dive into Kingdom, btw -- I'll be drawing on it heavily for inspiration...

PS: Got the location of the Mermaid wrong. It's in the Docks quarter. Will edit above.
Oct 8, 2022 1:45 am
Standing in the boat while his companion keeps the craft steady, the Hissainian who called ashore peers at the still-smoking pile of flesh, teeth, and bone. "Well you need to move it! Whatever it is! And yourself, and your boat!"
Oct 8, 2022 6:03 am
"Fine, fine," Foghorn grumbles. After everyone is paid what is owed, the fisherman works to clear the Amity out of the berth. The damn blob is the guards' problem. He's for heading right back out (yes, at night, you cod-bellied cowards!) but with his damn crew unwilling, well, there ain't much he can do, is there?
Last edited October 8, 2022 3:01 pm


Oct 8, 2022 6:57 am
"Spose this might be considered mutiny, would it? If we were a proper crew, that is!" Lambert asks, with a jovial kind of toothy smile. Well, what teeth he has left to smile with…

"You lot go on ahead! I’ve a meeting with a madame, if you catch my meaning!"
How ‘near’ is near the Dredge to meet Lady Meageller?
Last edited October 8, 2022 6:58 am
Oct 8, 2022 2:35 pm
Just to be clear, did Foghorn ignore Banio's request for payment and go off to move his boat?
Oct 8, 2022 2:52 pm
No, I just forgot to include it. Foghorn would've paid the man. And he moved the boat but couldn't have headed out without a crew.

So I suppose it's the Dredge then.
Oct 8, 2022 2:57 pm
Ah, okay! Do you want to edit that into your last post, or should we just assume that Foghorn paid Banio out of the money the Confessor provided before Foghorn responded to the Hissainian folks? In the fiction, Banio spoke to Foghorn and Foghorn didn't answer him, so I wasn't sure where we stood.
Oct 8, 2022 3:07 pm
Okay, edited. Although, technically, if we're going strictly by what's been described, Rausimod hasn't shared any of the money. The Confessor paid the dwarf, not Foghorn. I assumed we could just read between the lines. Or is that bad form? Sincere question.
Oct 8, 2022 3:10 pm
"Sooner we get to the tavern, sooner we can get this coin split and poured down our gullets by lusty maidens," Rausimod says to the captain and other man. He wasn't sure what to make of them yet, but they seemed to lack common sense. Was he supposed to chop the currency in half?
Oct 8, 2022 3:11 pm
Oh, I was talking about the initial silvers that the Confessor paid for collecting the barrels of sludge. We all rolled for how much of the stuff we'd collected and how much we'd be paid, and Tyrinious went around paying folks. But Harrigan started us off with the prompt that Banio didn't want the Confessor to remember him, so Banio was hiding when Tyrinious paid out the silvers. I made an OOC note suggesting that Banio's share was paid to Foghorn as the captain of the ship, which admittedly would have been easy to miss! As far as I know, Rausimod still has the two gold pieces that the Confessor paid for bringing in the blob.

In terms of RP etiquette, I made a post where my character spoke to your character directly. It's absolutely fine to ignore another PC, but I think it's a good idea to state that explicitly in your response, so the other person knows that you saw and responded to the initial overture.
Last edited October 8, 2022 3:16 pm
Oct 8, 2022 3:33 pm
I honestly just forgot about it. Sorry about that!
Oct 8, 2022 3:50 pm
It's fine, and I'm glad we got it sorted out! Banio's behavior would be different if he thought he was stiffed, so I figured it was worth discussing.
Having retrieved from Captain Foghorn the three silvers that he imagines himself to be owed, Banio nods curtly to the fish warden and slouches off towards the two Hissainians in their launch. Lazily, and with every appearance of being a terminally bored customs bureaucrat, he extends that same fat little hand towards them, palm up.

"Docking fee," he drawls.

After all, Banio reasons, the fellow who would normally attend to arriving vessels is now lying dead in a pool of his own blood. Maybe Phelbt can pitch in.


Luck Test - (1d20+12)

(15) + 12 = 27

Oct 8, 2022 3:54 pm
Yeah, let's presume those three silvers for the sludge Banio spotted / collected has been paid. On the matter of the larger payment for the blob, I think I'd like to see you all play out just how it does get divided. The gold coins, indeed, need to be split / broken.

It sounds like you're headed for food, drink, and a place to sleep. The Manky Mermaid, or somewhere truly cheap and nasty in Dredge? (We're talking sleeping right next to open sewage.) Or is there a ruined tower one of you knows about where you could hole up after getting a meal? See the gazetteer section on "The Wall."
Oct 8, 2022 3:56 pm
Test your Luck, please, Banio. So that's 1d20 + Luck, trying to hit 20. Once you've rolled, reduce your Luck by 1.
Oct 8, 2022 4:07 pm
The outraged man from Far Hissain, who's been busy sweeping his arms and otherwise gesticulating, narrows his eyes at Banio Phelbt.

"And... and how much is this docking fee?!" he asks suspiciously.
Little transparency -- passing Luck means they haven't already paid one. :)
Oct 8, 2022 4:18 pm
Banio rolls his eyes, as if to say, Foreigners. Do they know anything at all?

"Well there's the basic berthing fee," he says, speaking slowly as one would to a child. "That's five silvers for a ship your worship's size. Then there's the dock maintenance fee, which is another seven silvers. That's if you'd like all of this cleaned up before your party disembarks."

Banio twiddles his fingers at the smoking sludge monster, then at the bloody corpse a little further down the dock.
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