Warlock! Something is Rotten in Grim Biskerstaf...

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Jan 30, 2023 12:33 am
"Nice and quiet. We’ll be on the water in no time!" Lambert says, also setting to work.

"We should be alone when we get there. Keep an eye out, all the same!"
Jan 30, 2023 1:18 am
Stealing Borrowing Foghorn's Boat
There's work to do to make the boat ready, and to oar it out into the river... there are watchmen to keep a lookout for, and there's the matter of navigating at night to a set of normally sunken ruins...
Alright, kind of a skill challenge thingy here!

⛵ Someone needs to keep watch -- roll Spot! Fail this and someone will know you're putting out into the river when you perhaps shouldn't be.

⛵ Get the ship ready and row it out into the river proper -- roll Endurance, +2 if someone helps, but the helper will share in the consequences if there's a failure (which will be along the lines of tiring yourself out (lost Stamina), losing something from your inventory or the boat, or damaging the boat)

⛵ Navigate the river and find the ruins in the dark -- roll Navigation at -2 if you go in the dark, +2 if you light torches or lamps. Helping is difficult but possible -- one helper can make a Spot check. Success means +2, failure means -2 to the Navigation roll. Failure on the Navigation roll will mean a mishap or lots of time taken on this task, getting noticed, etc.


Jan 30, 2023 1:31 am
Player huddle:

Trusova has +6 spot, +5 endurance, and +6 navigation... Lookout or Navigator are her best options, but if somebody is better, feel free to do those options instead.
Jan 30, 2023 2:01 am
Banio has a +6 Spot, a +4 Endurance and a +4 Navigation. This boating business is definitely not his strong suit. He may be most useful assisting with the rowing.


Jan 31, 2023 1:50 am
Spot +8, Endurance +5, Navigation +5.


Jan 31, 2023 1:57 am
How's this look?
Spot: Lambert (+8)
Endurance: Maybe Banio can help Lambert or Trusova to bring it up to +7.
Navigate: Trusova (+6)
Jan 31, 2023 2:05 am
Looks solid from here.

Remember with navigation to let me know (and roll appropriately) if you're using torches or lanterns or not...
Jan 31, 2023 5:09 am
Works for me. I'll toss Banio in once events are unfolding.


Jan 31, 2023 5:42 am
"Eyes peeled." Lambert says, as he watches the water. He didn’t expect to see light out here, not another vessel. He prayed he didn’t see anything long or sleek.

Elven like…
Lambert, you cheeky chappy!
Last edited January 31, 2023 5:42 am


Spot - (1d20+8)

(12) + 8 = 20

Jan 31, 2023 6:44 am
Stealing Borrowing Foghorn's Boat
The docks are as quiet as the Mermaid is loud, and Wolke grins as the watchmen make their rounds... moving away from Foghorn's ship, which Banio and Trusova are making ready...
The coast, she's clear!
Jan 31, 2023 7:15 am
Trusova gets the ship underway with Banio's help, but her expertise on the road does not translate well to the sea. The start of the journey is a rocky one!
I'll wait to see the results of this fumble before moving forward!
Last edited January 31, 2023 7:17 am


Endurance (+5) with Banio's help (+2) - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14


Jan 31, 2023 8:11 am
"That’s it! Keep ‘er steady!" Lambert coaches as he keeps an eye out.
Jan 31, 2023 6:13 pm
Banio does not so much row as straighten the craft, clinging to the oar with all of his childlike strength as Trusova propels them forward in lurching quarter-circles. He barely manages to keep them on course, but even that effort makes sweat bead on the little man's brow.

"So- about payment-" Banio huffs through clenched teeth. "After this- gonna need your- HELP-" Phelbt grunts as a particularly strong pull from the other side of the boat almost drags him off of his seat. "With a little thing. Hissainian ship. Simple enough for you."
Last edited January 31, 2023 6:15 pm
Feb 1, 2023 5:20 am
Stealing Borrowing Foghorn's Boat
The coast is clear, but once the boat is untied and oars are dipped into the dark water -- Foghorn's expertise is immediately and sorely missed. The docks are a crowded and congested place, even at night, and avoiding other boats, barnacle-covered pilings, and dangerous-looking driftwood is a chore as Trusova and, to a lesser degree, Phelbt struggle to get the vessel out into the river proper.
1d6 for the cost of this failure:
On a 1-2 damage is suffered, On a 3-4 attention is attracted, On a 5-6 the boat is damaged

Feel free to narrate heading downstream for the exposed ruins, and let's see that navigation roll!


The Cost of Failure - (1d6)

(3) = 3


Feb 1, 2023 9:56 am
Lambert was just about to start up about the coinage that would be passed dished out for tonight’s work, when Banio mentions a favor for a favor.

"Hissanian ship, is it? Want me to lift some silk for you? Easy enough." he whispers back as he tries to spot the ruin.

"That way! Get us over that way!" he gestures to the woman, assuming she’ll figure out the hows of navigating the docks.
Feb 2, 2023 5:04 am
Navigation roll next, please. At -2 in the dark, +2 if you have some light sources...
Feb 2, 2023 5:56 am
Trusova confirms her willingness to help with the Hissainians. "A favour for a favour - fair trade."

Trusova isn't at home in the water, but she tries her best to guide the fisherman's damned temperamental boat. To the casual observer, it would seem she was using a steady stream of curse words to command the ship to obey her will, all the while wrestling the tiller into submission. Ultimately, she decides to light the ship's lanterns. She doesn't fancy capsizing the ship and taking a swim with the kind of things they had hauled out of the river earlier.
Lights on for the +2
Last edited February 2, 2023 5:57 am


Navigation (+6) and light (+2) - (1d20+8)

(10) + 8 = 18


Feb 2, 2023 7:49 am
The camera pans back. A dark elf vessel. Unknowingly, it slices through our ship like butter, leaving us floundering in the murky lumpy water.

The camera pulls back even more. A whole fleet of ships, set on invading the city.

Panicked cries, alarm bells ring. The fighting starts. And we’re out of harms way. It’s come up roses for us again.
Feb 3, 2023 7:34 am
At the Ruins of Kellebrek
It is not easy going once the boat is steered out into the river proper; the current is strong and the water is so low that there are many obstacles to avoid -- obstacles that are normally covered by ten or even fifteen feet more of water. The bottom of Foghorn's pride bumps and scrapes unknown things in the dark water several times, but with the aid of lanterns hung fore and aft, they eventually make their way towards the strange, dark silhouettes that usually aren't present above the waterline.

As they silently drift closer, mottled red stone structures becomes visible -- ancient walls, rooves, and towers that are usually submerged, and that are covered in eelgrass, seaweed, and barnacles. The once smooth stone is knobby and nodulous in places; two of the three towers that loom before the three adventurers are broken and jagged. They look easier to scale than the third, which is the tallest by far, and in the best condition.

The trio is considering their approach when the ship lurches and almost capsizes. Turning sideways against the water, there are thumps and the groan of wood as it gets hung up on remains of the old city lurking just below the water. By the time it comes to a rest, the boat is listing almost forty degrees to the port side, and each of the three crew tumbled and slide towards the water!
Everyone please roll Luck or Athletics at +4, please, to avoid ending up in the drink. Also, what are you all wearing in terms of armor and such?

Or what Lambert says above!


Feb 3, 2023 10:21 am
Just a thick cloak for me! Light, and breezy!


Luck 7 - (1d20+11)

(16) + 11 = 27

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