One: The Town of Brothers

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Oct 13, 2022 2:23 am
Fenhari was headed to the Postmaster to drop off the letters, changes his mind when he hears Riley's request, then turns and saunters toward the merchant. He says to Riley, "I can help with that, young one. The language is Trenash. I am familiar with it." He tells her what the handle says.
Last edited October 13, 2022 2:27 am
Oct 13, 2022 6:09 pm
Fenhari translates it to say "Fun-wrecker"

Cooper's demeanor immediately changes to one of delight.
Ah! my Ternashi brother! That's right, if it ever seems like somebody is having a little too much fun in the shop, that's when I grab the old Fun-Wrecker.

Now Then, what can I do for you two?
Oct 13, 2022 6:15 pm
At the campsite, the man turns from the donkeys towards Rook. He gives a quick glance towards the tent and picks up a wood axe in a manner that is not casual.

What d'you want?

The voices inside stop talking.
Oct 13, 2022 6:35 pm
Rook glances at Xur’Tal to check his reaction. He whispers to the paladin ‘I hope you know what you’re about.’ The fighter scratches his beard with his free hand. ‘Easy, Pard. We just wanna palaver with you, your kin is welcome to listen in. Can we pull up a stump? Sid down and chew fat? The knight and I are tracking a stolen kid and just looking for the word on the street, so to speak. Can he ask a few questions? I’ll put my pig sticker down if it’ll help- honest I mostly use it for cooking up coneys." Rook tries to seem affable enough but he uses this time to try and suss out what this crew is about.
Last edited October 13, 2022 6:36 pm


Insight - (1D20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9


HeroAmongMenInactive for 5 months

Oct 13, 2022 6:51 pm
rpgventurer says:
Fenhari was headed to the Postmaster to drop off the letters, changes his mind when he hears Riley's request, then turns and saunters toward the merchant. He says to Riley, "I can help with that, young one. The language is Trenash. I am familiar with it." He tells her what the handle says.
"Thank you, sir! Gee, it seems a bit too big for me to carry."
TrustyJustin says:
Fenhari translates it to say "Fun-wrecker"

Cooper's demeanor immediately changes to one of delight.
Ah! my Ternashi brother! That's right, if it ever seems like somebody is having a little too much fun in the shop, that's when I grab the old Fun-Wrecker.

Now Then, what can I do for you two?
"I overheard some men talking about this guy who had a baby coming through here. I heard the guy may have seemed nice, but he’s actually a really mean guy.

"Did you see a guy like that sometime? Maybe I can help those guys looking for that mean man, and who knows? Maybe I can take care of the baby, you know, bring it home to my ma and pa to be safe.

"I’ve always wanted a sibling."
Last edited October 13, 2022 6:52 pm
Oct 14, 2022 5:20 am
Fenhari looks at Riley. "Hmm. I am looking for that 'mean man,' too, with the others. The man stole a young boy from Bent Fork. That boy has to go back to his own parents."

He turns to the merchant. "I'd be grateful for anything you can tell me. I'm sure the authorities in the city would be grateful as well."

Then he turns back to Riley. "Little one, this is a task for grown-ups. You need to go home. There is too much danger."
Oct 14, 2022 6:49 pm
Hmmm... maybe. Do you know anything else about this fella? What's he look like? how he's getting around? anything like that?
Oct 14, 2022 6:58 pm
Rook: A quick glance around the camp and you see tools, pans and gloves laying around. It appears that they are miners. You heard voices inside the tent, so you know that there are at least two people inside, but it could be holding more.
Oct 14, 2022 7:01 pm
The man looks from Rook to Xur'Tual, he does not put down the axe and he does not take a seat.
I don't know nothin' about no kid.
Oct 14, 2022 7:16 pm
‘Uh course you don’t. We know the people that took ‘im are long gone. You’d have to be dumb as dishwater to stay round after takin’ a kid. The Kid was from Bent Fork- little boy, only child…come through the rickets but then got took. His folks are awful broke up about it..’ Rook sticks the blade of his glaive in the dirt then squats. ‘You and your folks, miners are ye? Hard work, that. You seen any strange folks about. Ridin’ through maybe not wantin to be seen so much? One rode a black horse with a white diamond on its forehead, face all rapped in a scarf. Or anything out of the usual- that’d help us... and I’d be much obliged.’ Rook picks a dry weed up from the sandy ground and chews at it. ‘Gotta get me a hat- not used to so much sun, like to boil my brain.’
Last edited October 15, 2022 2:04 pm
Oct 14, 2022 9:31 pm
TrustyJustin says:
Hmmm... maybe. Do you know anything else about this fella? What's he look like? how he's getting around? anything like that?
"I don't know what he looks like. He wore a scarf around his face. If it helps, he is riding a black female horse with a white diamond on her forehead. If he came here, it would've been within the last few days."
Oct 15, 2022 10:24 pm
Xur'Tual raises an eyebrow at the open hostility. He's hot in the armor, and it's making him a bit irritable. "We're just here looking for information. Would you kindly ask your compatriots to step out here? I'm not much a fan of repeating myself." he unsheathes his greatsword and puts it tip down in the dirt in front of him with his hands on the pommel.
I'm on the road atm, so my posting may be sporadic. But I'm doing my best to remember to check in!
Last edited October 15, 2022 10:24 pm


Insight on the miner about the kid - (1d20+0)

(15) = 15

Intimidation - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Oct 17, 2022 4:57 pm
Ya know, now that you mention it, It was evening maybe three days ago, a man wrapped in scarves carrying a bundle stopped here. He strapped the bundle onto his horse and came inside to resupply before riding east from here. Probably woudn't have even noticed the man, but that horse, ... majestic. He wasn't here long, didn't speak much, just got his things and rode on.
Oct 17, 2022 5:01 pm
The miner looks from Rook to Xur'Tual and considers his options, after a moment he looks back to the tent,

You two better get out here

Two younger men step out of the tent. One is holding a hammer, the other a sword.

You got questions to ask, ask them.

TrustyJustin sent a note to SchadDad
Oct 17, 2022 6:08 pm
Rook wonders why the paladin would use words that worked at complete cross purposes with his? Maybe just his personality? Some people were just contrary by nature. Or maybe he was playing at good guard/bad guard?- that sometimes works (but a tough sell when you're outnumbered). Rook stands up in any case and removes his glaive from the dirt, holding it at a relaxed but ready manner (like he was taught to do when on patrol). 'HOWDY FELLERS! Hey, any of you seen any strange folks about? Ridin’ through maybe not wantin to be seen so much? One rode a black horse with a white diamond on its forehead, face all uh wrapped in a scarf like he was burnt by acid or somethin. Or anything out of the usual- that’d help us... Like I told this feller here we're trailin a guy who stole a kid out of Bent Fork. Parents are REEL broke up about it. Kid made it through hoof and mouth disease only to get carried off by some hoodlum. Some poor folks lives are just a misery. Anything you could tell us would help.' Rook tried to be optimistic about getting out of this without giving or receiving bodily harm. He generally preferred to be on the giving end of any bodily harm taking place- but could see it going either way as the numbers were in the favor of the miners. He hoped Fenhari was having better luck than they were.
Last edited October 17, 2022 6:14 pm
Oct 17, 2022 8:20 pm
"Thank you, sir. That helps. I appreciate your time. I'll take a bag of biscuits for the journey ahead." He pays the merchant. "By the way, what would be the next settlement east of here?"
I spent a 1 GP for biscuits and possibly other food that a child would be able to eat.
Last edited October 18, 2022 8:13 pm
Oct 18, 2022 6:45 pm
If you're planning on going all the way to Burns your gonna need more than a few biscuits. that's got be, what, I reckon 300 miles from here. There is Hampton Station about halfway, but that's even less of a stop than Brothers and there's a pretty good chance nobody's there running it. Make sure you bring plenty of water.

Of course, just before you get to Hampton, there's Old Frederick Road and New Frederick Road. Those both run south into the desert. Not much of a road either one of 'em, but there are a couple of grass farmers and ranchers out that way.
Oct 19, 2022 1:47 am
"Hmm. I see there are multiple options which I will want to discuss with my companions. Good day, sir. I will be back if need be."

Fenhari turns to Riley. "I will escort you home first, young man. Where do you and your parents live?"
Last edited October 19, 2022 1:48 am


HeroAmongMenInactive for 5 months

Oct 19, 2022 5:05 am
Riley looks at Fenhari, and says, "Seriously?!? I’m a girl!"

She then runs off, crying. She turns a corner and attempts to hide.


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Oct 19, 2022 6:01 am
"Dagnabit! Wait!" Fenhari is visibly embarrassed by his error. "I'm not used to children."

The ranger looks for tracks in the street to see what direction she went.
Going with Survival, but Fenhari's Perception is also +5 if you prefer to use that.


Tracking Riley (Survival) - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

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