One: The Town of Brothers

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Nov 7, 2022 9:24 pm
Cooper sells you all of the items and accepts your offer on everything.
All great choices. You've selected my finest waterskins. That's real sheepskin ya know. make em myself.
Nov 7, 2022 10:00 pm
At a loss for what to get, Rook takes stock of what Fenhari buys. he will get a hooded lantern, 2 full waterskins, 6 flasks of oil, 5 torches, 10 pitons, chalk, a candle and some string. He'll also ask about a hat and a poncho for sale.
Nov 7, 2022 10:21 pm
Cooper directs you to a rack of different patterned textiles in a variety of colors.
I have ponchos for 1 gp,
he then directs you towards a display of hats running above the rack.
These range from 5 to 15gp.
The less expensive hats are very nice but plain the 10 gp hats are lined and double stitched with a hatband and the most expensive hats look like something you might see at a rodeo or a parade many with different decorative elements like embroidered floral designs or extra wide woven bands with buckles.
Nov 7, 2022 10:44 pm
'I knew I shoulda kilt them boys and took a hat...' Rook grumbles. Thrifty by nature the fighter sours at spending coin unneccesarily... but he relents. 'I'll take a poncho. Nothin too flashy... and one of the fair to middlin' hats... I ain't a farmer so I'll need one with a band. Thank ye, Sir. Have you anything to smoke, among your wares? A pipe is nice but something rolled up would suit me, if I can afford it, that is. and I aint above bottom shelf or homegrown, to be onnest.''
I think he spent 17.5 gold total and 1 silver (of his 20 gold total). Admittedly numbers are my enemy.OH- i guess i should get a tinderbox for 5 sp so that brings me up to 18 gold 1 silver? My math is garbage so if I am in error please correct.
Last edited November 7, 2022 10:53 pm
Nov 8, 2022 2:30 am
Tell you what pardner, just make it an even 18GP and i'll throw in this little packet of hand-rolled cigars
He gives you a packet with 5 tightly rolled cigars of very dark colored tobacco.
Nov 8, 2022 9:25 pm
Rook smiles and gives the merchant a nod 'Much appreciated, Sir.' He looks at his companions then jerks a thumb at 'Riley'. In a much lower voice says 'So... we're takin' the kid with us?'. He means the comment to be a question but he clearly doesn't understand why they would do that.
Last edited November 8, 2022 9:26 pm
Nov 9, 2022 2:01 am
Fenhari's voice matches Rook's in volume. "Yes. We'll explain outside."

Then he adds a simple tan hat (5 gp) to his purchases and exits the store.
Nov 9, 2022 7:22 pm
As the adventurers exit the stage stop and step back onto the dusty road. They see Roy and Clayton Junior standing in front of The Waterin' Hole engaged in conversation. Roy is doing all the talking and Clayton Junior looks like he's getting angrier and angrier.
Nov 9, 2022 7:23 pm
Which onnea you fellas whooped my pa?! hic! I'm callin' you out!
Nov 9, 2022 8:44 pm
lol- was it Rook? I think so?
‘That’d be me. You can call out whatever whyfore you want, Son. Yer drunk and I’d advise you to sleep it off afore you hurt yourself.’ Rook growls, spitting in the dust of the street. He separates from his companions, never taking his eyes off of Clayton Jr. Standing in the middle of the open street he says ‘Your move, Son.’
Last edited November 10, 2022 10:36 am


Intimidation - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Nov 10, 2022 6:44 pm
Dangit Dad! You're Jangled! I told you this weren't no frolic. Them boys fight like hellcats.
Nov 10, 2022 6:46 pm
Hmmm... Well, you're lucky my boy is here. Maybe you fellers better just mosey along now.
Nov 12, 2022 12:10 am
’We’re just leavin as a matter of fact. We’ll be outta your hair in two shakes.’ Rook turns back to his companions.
Nov 12, 2022 11:19 pm
The adventurers arrive at the stables just after high noon. Inside the entryway is a cubby full of grooming supplies and tack for the horses. The paladin's horse and Maya's two horses are waiting for them in the first three stalls. There is a slim gray horse in the fourth stall. Maya is here. She is brushing one of the horses.
Nov 13, 2022 4:20 am
Fenhari walks up to Maya. "I wanted to personally thank you, Aapo, and Hadwin for lending us your horses. This town is certainly generous. Even this young girl wants to help us." He gestures to Riley.

"Have you heard anything about this crack in the ground? Does anyone know what's down there?"
Nov 13, 2022 6:17 pm
'Sure that's not a boy, pardner? Looks kinda boyish...' Rook sighs. He echoes Fenhari's thanks to Aapo and her kin.
Nov 13, 2022 10:42 pm
What I can tell you about that part of the desert is mostly knowledge given to me from my Grandmothers. Before The Crack in the Ground appeared, there was no New Frederick Road. That whole area belonged to the Choitll people. My people, the Xchiqua have a long relationship with the Choitll.
The first Xchiqua was a Great Cat called Q'Qeqchi. She wandered the entirety of the Earth and when she came into the desert she encountered the Coyote, this was the first Choitll.
Q'Qeqchi was a hunter so she stalked the coyote into the desert. The coyote was very smart and knew that he was being followed, so he tried to lose her in the darkness, that was when Q'qeqchi took a mighty handful of sand and threw it into the sky creating the stars and the moon that light up the desert at night. So now, coyote tried to confuse her by twisting the earth and the trees and the stars in the sky, making them turn slowly around trying to make her lose her way. Q'Qeqchi became so angry that she threw a giant boulder into the sky. This became the sun and suddenly the whole desert was lit up. Energized by the sun she chased coyote into a small cave. She had him backed into a corner. So Coyote fought for his life. This fight should have been easy for Q'Qeqchi, but every time she tore coyote with her claws, Coyote would give a howl and the hair and blood would turn into another coyote who she would also fight turning into even more coyotes. Pretty soon she was surrounded and if it had not been for her incredible speed, she would have surely been devoured.

Today we have the memories of this encounter and we do not wander into their territory without good reason.
Nov 15, 2022 11:06 am
'So my guess is the Choitll don't care for visitors? Or would they be able to help us find this kid?' Rook asks.
Nov 15, 2022 6:45 pm
For the most part, you are correct, they are very territorial. They are also rarely seen. And if you do see one, there are most likely many more nearby.
Nov 16, 2022 8:39 pm
"I wonder how that tale sounds from the other side. Mayhaps we'll find out at some point." Xur'Tual sets to saddling his horse.
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