You gotta understand mister, my grandpa, he's from a different generation. Don't believe in talkin' bout other people's business. I'm not like that. I'll talk. I'll tell you everything I know.
Me and my pa came out here and went up Old Frederick Road, east of here. We rode way out to uh ... to a place that we stop sometimes. Anyways my dad tells me he got this theory you could get out to New Fred Road by travellin east cross the open desert. I tell him that's crazy, he tells me "lemme show you boy." so we ride out in the desert. Sure enough we didn't have to go too far before we could at least see the road. Well, not the road per se, but we saw a dude on a horse ridin' up it. Wouldnna even seen the road if it hadn't been for that horse, and boy could that thing move.
Way we figured, he musta just come out of the crack in the ground, but in all the years I've been coming out here with my old man we ain't never seen nobody go out that way, nobody that ever come back anyhow.
It has to be your guy, I'm almost sure, no, I'm certain, He definitely was holding a little baby. I never thought it, but now you say it, I know you're right, there he was ridin that horse, holdin that baby.
That's it. I told you everything I know, we didn't do nothing wrong, now just leave us alone already.