Oct 4, 2022 7:31 am
✅ The Game System and Rules Version:
We will be using Stargazer Games Warrior Rogue and Mage as well as multiple house rules
✅ The Pitch:
Dragonlords of Annunak will be a very low magic game set in a world not unlike ancient Sumer, though the technology will be closer to the Roman Principut.
✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes:
Slavery and Dark Sorcery will be themes here as well as extreme legalism. Think a Lawful Evil society but run by people who are Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil.
✅ Character Restrictions:
While the world is human only, we will be using racial talents from all the races in character creation. Also magic will be unlocked when the player forms covenants with the various cults in Annunak and is therefore locked at character creation.
✅ Game Duration and Post Frequency:
I like to run long games. This one has no set duration. I tend to have time to post daily.
✅ Specialized Software and Resources:
Discord, use it, love it. Embrace the chaos.
Add me on Discord Jomsviking#4924
✅ Player Experience Requirements:
You can literally read the game rules in 30 minutes. You don't need experience but please do read the rules.
✅ How to Apply:
Let's get some spitball concepts here then iron out details over Discord.
Add me on Discord Jomsviking#4924
✅ "This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups."
Last edited October 4, 2022 9:57 pm