Core Rules, Optional Rules, and Houserules

Oct 6, 2022 5:02 pm
Notable Core Rules
- Characters die at 0HP! If we find that the dice in GamersPlane are particularly lethal, I will consider using a Death's Door variant.
- Nonweapon Proficiencies (NWP) represent a higher focus of training in an area, and so your character needs a proficiency to attempt. Fire-building is building fires in the rain, endurance is marching for days, and ancient languages is self-explanatory. If you feel an action is reasonable for the average character, it might just be.
- Rounds are one minute. Turns are ten rounds.
Option Rules Used
- Individual Initiative with Weapon Speeds and Casting Speeds. Each round, the initiative will change to reflect the chaos of combat, and you will include an initiative roll in your post. I will post the entire round once everyone has included their round.
- Level limits will be enforced (though PbP doesn't often lend to reaching those levels), but your character can continue leveling at double the XP rate past the limit.
- Individual Class XP will be used, and I will update XP values frequently. Leveling does not require training, and can happen at any time.
- Characters start with max HP at level 1, and roll at later levels.
- Group XP will include both monsters defeated (through strength of arm or wiles of mind), as well as the gp-value of treasure collected.
- Replacement characters (whether due to character death or player disinterest in a character) will come in with the lowest XP value of a class level that can be reached with the lowest XP of the other characters. We will go over this when it happens in game.

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