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Criminal - Con Artist
Criminals come in all shapes, sizes, and shades of grey. Some are merely opportunistic jacks of all trades, such as pickpockets and thugs, while others are highly specialized, spending time researching and planning focused criminal enterprises. This latter group could include bank robbers, cat burglars, forgers, and confidence tricksters. The criminal either works for someone, usually an organized "mob" or crime family, or works solo, perhaps occasionally teaming up with others when the reward is worth the effort and risk. Freelance thugs might work as muggers, stickup men, and armed robbers. Whether bootleggers, corner-boys, or thugs, these are the soldiers of organized crime. They are supported by criminal organizations and they are the ones usually expected to take the fall for the gangsters above them. eir
silence and loyalty is expected and rewarded.
Confidence tricksters are usually smooth talkers. Working alone or in a team, they descend on wealthy individuals or communities, fleecing their targets of their hard-earned savings. Some schemes are elaborate, involving teams of scam men and rented buildings; others are simple affairs, transactions requiring only one con man and no more than a few minutes
Occupation Skill Points: EDU × 2 + APP × 2
Credit Rating: 10–65
Suggested Contacts: Other confidence artists, freelance
Skills: Appraise, Art/Craft (Acting), Law or Other Language, Listen, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), Psychology, Sleight of Hand