OK we have a couple of new members so I am going to do a brief announcement on the game and some features
Game Play
1. Spelling I am not the best speller and my mind tends to autocorrect my mistakes when I review my own posts. Ask if something does not make sense.
2. Setting This is our world. I have created a canvas and painted some outlines of how it should look but feel free to add details. These can be about your character, places they have been, stories they have heard, or the room they are in now.
DM"you enter a room with a table"
Player "I sit on the chair and grab a cup from the table". All good, sit back relax and take a drink. of course as this is the first time you have seen the cup you have no idea what may be inside it (evil laughter echoes in the distance)
3. Magic This game tries to keep things simple. Thus magic is limited to line of sight and requires you to roll each time you wish to create or maintain an effect.
4. Rolls Outside of combat or other encounters simple things do not need rolls unless I ask for them. Anything more complicated can be rolled with Focus, which increases you chance of success, to reflect you are not under pressure or pressed for time. You can add a roll any time you like or think there is a chance of failure. If it is not needed I will just announce you succeed regardless of the rolls.
1. Sheets Your character as well as others the DM shares with players, including the
~Tiny Info~ for this game, can be accessed directly in any thread below the "Rolls" section. They appear as grey buttons. Clicking a button will expand that character below the buttons so you can read or click or pre built rolls from your sheet.
2. Rolling This can be added manually by clicking "Add" in the "Rolls" section as it has may features and options. This game is very simple so we don't need that much and simple entering the reason along with 1d6, 2d6, 3d6 is all that is needed. If you focus ad "focus DC 4" in your reason and it will highlight the results differently. These rolls are built into each character sheet. Expand it as explained above and click the check box to enable/disable focus the click the 1d6, 2d6, or 3d6 button and it will add to roll to your post.