Thunder_Lungz says:
If I already roll 3d6 for a ranged shot from specialization and then add Weapon adept technique from a martial trait, does that give me 4d6 to an attack?
No. If you are Proficient in Light Melee and have Weapon Mastery with battle axe, then you only get to use 3d6 when you use a battle axe. But, if you have Weapon Adept, then you use 3d6 with any Light Melee weapon: battle axe, sword, spear, dagger, mace, etc. In effect, it means you now have Weapon Mastery across the whole group, rather than just one weapon. And if you gain Weapon Mastery with a weapon in another weapon group, say Ranged, then you suddenly get to use 3d6 with any ranged weapon.
As a side note, if you ever think something gives you 4d6 for a Test, either you read it wrong or it was written wrong. You can only ever get 3d6 for a Test.
Let me give examples.
- If you have Weapon Proficiency in Light Melee weapons and Weapon Mastery with axe, then you roll 3d6 with an axe, but 2d6 for any other Light Melee weapon, and 1d6 for Ranged and Heavy Melee weapons. Add in Weapon Adept and you roll 3d6 for all Light Melee weapons, but still only 1d6 for Ranged and Heavy Melee weapons.
- If you have Weapon Proficiency in Light Melee weapons and Ranged weapons, and Weapon Mastery with bow, then you roll 3d6 with with a bow, 2d6 for any other Ranged weapon, 2d6 for any Light Melee weapon, and 1d6 for any Heavy Melee weapon. Add in Weapon Adept and you roll 3d6 for all Ranged weapons, 2d6 for all Light Melee weapons, and 1d6 for all Heavy Melee weapons.
- If you have Weapon Proficiency in Light Melee weapons and Ranged weapons, and Weapon Mastery with both bow and short sword, then you roll 3d6 with a bow or short sword, 2d6 for any other Ranged weapon or Light Melee weapon, and 1d6 for all Heavy Melee weapons. Add in Weapon Adept and now you roll 3d6 for any Ranged or Light Melee weapon, and 1d6 for all Heavy Melee weapons.
Thunder_Lungz says:
With the sniper trait, would that negate disadvantage from darkness or the like?
It would appear so. So, darkness, or very close range or very distant range no longer impose disadvantage with your ranged weapon.
Last edited Mar 11, 2024 2:48 pm