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Mar 11, 2024 3:11 pm
Weapon-Specialization requires weapon mastery Pick a single weapon that you have mastery of to specialize in. All attacks with a specialized weapon automatically gain focus. This can only be taken once. Heavy weapons that are specialized deal +2 damage on a critical hit instead of +1.
Weapon Adept : (Weapon Specialization) Attack with advantage using any weapon of the same type as your specialization

So if you have master and specialization then take Weapon Adept: Only your 1 specialized weapon gains focus for free, all other weapons of that type simply have advantage so there is no need to gain master in other weapons of that type.

Will work to reword things for clarity:

Updated/clarified Sniper : Using the focus action allows you to roll 2d6 when at disadvantage and shoot targets at very far range.

Note that shooting in the dark or while blind only works if there is some other clue to the targets location. Noise, smell. etc.
Mar 11, 2024 5:17 pm
Are these prestige traits, or do they have a no-mystic-traits prerequirements? (Or neither?)
Last edited Mar 11, 2024 5:18 pm
Mar 11, 2024 5:32 pm
Bunt says:
Are these prestige traits, or do they have a no-mystic-traits prerequirements? (Or neither?)
Which are "these"?

martial traits are weapons and armor
so weapon specialization is a martial trait, weapon savant is a martial prestige trait

mystic traits are magic or other fantasy powers. This is just a classification I created for separating normal/mundane/martial from magic/psionic/spiritual. I did this initially to just ensure that players only started with 1 mystic (magic/super) power. I later expanded it a bit with the weapon savant.
Mar 11, 2024 7:57 pm
Let me rephrase the question, then:

Are martial traits such as "Weapon specialization" incompatible with players who have taken any mystic trait such as Spell-touched or Alchemy?

I remember you were planning one such feat with prerequirement of NOT having any mystic trait, so I'm trying to figure out if that's the case
Mar 11, 2024 8:06 pm
They are compatible with two exceptions:
1) You can only take one prestige trait. (Though that one trait might be taken more than once, if supported.) So, if you have an Archmage trait, then you can't take any other prestige trait, including Martial Savant.
2) One technique in the Martial Savant prestige trait options is indeed incompatible with mystic traits. But none of the others are.
Last edited Mar 11, 2024 8:07 pm
Mar 11, 2024 8:09 pm
they are compatible except for the martial technique
Mundane says:
(No mystic traits) All saving throws against mystic forces roll with focus and succeed on a 4,5,6.
So a warrior who advances to a Savant can take that technique and become extremely resilient to mystic forces if they have none. Makes them very scary to the mages, especially if they are also Resolute.
Resolute says:
You gain Advantage on all Save Tests
Mar 11, 2024 8:22 pm
Wonderful. Thanks for the clarification
Mar 12, 2024 12:58 pm
I cleared out the Posting Rate Preffrence Poll and set up a new one. Please indicate your preffered posting rate. For the newcomers I use this to try and group playrs with similar posting availability as much as possible.

Please go to the Poll and indicate your prefference
Mar 18, 2024 1:24 pm
Just as a quick note, my posting rate is going to go down this week and next. I am going to be highly distracted these two weeks, so anything requiring actual creativity will be pumped out at a slower rate these two weeks. This applies to both as a player (the Tower tests) and a coGM (the Underdark thread). I'll still be here and posting, but I might not be able to make substantial posts until the evenings.

I will still be pushing things forward, though. Just more slowly. (Still at the 1+ a day rate, though. :-) )
Mar 20, 2024 12:08 pm
Busy with work, posting will be dealyed
Apr 5, 2024 6:17 pm
Going to be pretty scarce from Saturday (4/6) through Tuesday (4/9). Traveling to (hopefully) watch the eclipse. If I get time, I'll check in, but likely only once/day.
Apr 5, 2024 7:01 pm
Nice! I’ll be hopefully seeing the eclipse too, but no traveling - we live in the Cleveland, Ohio area.
Apr 5, 2024 7:45 pm
I am on vacation Sunday through Tuesday so posting will be spotty or non-existent
Apr 12, 2024 2:05 pm
Quick side question: Is Arc strong enough to carry Ealdwig for short distances? I figure everyone else is way too heavy. But Ealdwig should only be 30-40 pounds soaking wet.
Apr 12, 2024 2:36 pm
Arc can descend/glide while carrying objects as heavy as he is. A short flight should not be an issue but more than that and any rolls while doing so will have difficulties.
Apr 22, 2024 5:15 am
That sounds cool! I assume Arc could not, but having the possibility to flight carrying someone, even for short distance, does seem helpful!
Apr 23, 2024 6:43 pm
Also, as an aside to the Underdark group, how am I doing? Are you having fun? Are there things I could be doing better? I just want to make sure things are working for everyone and that I am making it worth your while!
Apr 23, 2024 8:08 pm
Co-GM, you are doing so well! Lots of fun! I think we need some linear progression, at least, I think I’m getting antsy for something new.
Apr 23, 2024 10:30 pm
Well, once everyone agrees they are back at the underground camp, we'll award XP and see where you want to go next. As I describe in-thread, going deeper is all new. Finding the other goblin tribe builds on what has happened before. Or you can go in another direction. 😊
Apr 24, 2024 12:05 pm
daryen says:
Also, as an aside to the Underdark group, how am I doing? Are you having fun? Are there things I could be doing better? I just want to make sure things are working for everyone and that I am making it worth your while!
Having a lot of fun
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