Tiny Q&A

Oct 23, 2022 4:40 pm
Players post questions and anyone can post answers
Dec 2, 2022 5:06 am
There are a couple of ways to roll dice for a Test

1. At the bottom of the page Role section. With the drop down set to Basic click Add. Enter some text as a description on the Reason field. Then enter a roll of the following formula #d6 where # can be 1 for disadvantage, 2 for a basic test, or 3 for a test with advantage.

2. Below Rolls are characters available for you to quick access in this game. Clicking a character it will expand that sheet below the buttons. Tap/click one of the test buttons to add a roll. Set the Focused check box if you have focused first.


Focus DC 4 - (2d6)


Dec 3, 2022 3:33 pm
@tibbius and any others who have played TinyD6 a question about how you have had zones used in other games.
As I see it now the party is split into 2 zones as some advanced and the others remained standing
Zone 2 Degs and Shmautz + 3 zombies and 1 skeleton
Zone 2 Ed and Nix + 1 skeleton
As I would use Zones you can attack anyone in your own zone (close/near) with a melee but anyone else needs a ranged or magic attack.
tibbius says:
Eddisham .. gives the skeleton a sharp nod and death glare ...
... then shakes his shillelagh at one of the zombies who menaces Degs.
I would say to reverse the targets - magic attack the zombie on Degs and shillelagh the skeleton
I will use the zones more and not distances in feet in my descriptions from now on and added Range & Zones the the What is Tiny D6 section for reference.
I want to keep this in theater of the mind, which TBH, I hadn't played much so am open to feedback and d8s on how we manage distances.
Dec 3, 2022 6:12 pm
Psybermagi says:
@tibbius and any others who have played TinyD6 a question about how you have had zones used in other games.
I think you're doing it right, Degs and Shmautz are in a zone that is Far from Eddisham and Nixly.
Psybermagi says:
tibbius says:
Eddisham .. gives the skeleton a sharp nod and death glare ...
... then shakes his shillelagh at one of the zombies who menaces Degs.
I would say to reverse the targets - magic attack the zombie on Degs and shillelagh the skeleton
These both are spelltouched attacks, shaking the shillelagh is flavor for using it as a magic wand
Dec 3, 2022 6:49 pm
got it, thanks for clarifying
Jan 23, 2023 11:45 pm
Just a quick recap and intro add there have been a couple of fights and we have some newcomers

Each time your character gets to act you can choose one of these standard actions or discuss other options with the game master (GM). PS that's me 😁

In combat I do not enforce strict order of who goes when other than breaking it up by teams. This is too slow players to pay whenever they have time and not need to wait on teammates. Ex player characters (PC) then Non player characters (NPC) controlled by the GM. When it is your teams turn each character getd 2 actions each. These should be posted all at once.
See Combat Actions for details
Feb 2, 2023 2:39 am
I'm now seeing the actions that you have listed Psybermagi, I hope I haven't taken too many liberties.

Question: Do you want me to share the rolls I use to determine my narrative choices like I did in my last post? Or is it easier to keep those on my end? I tend to do a lot of solo play, so I'm in the habit of asking questions of my dice and seeing how it influences my evolving character. I don't want to confuse anything though by providing too much roll detail.
Feb 2, 2023 1:07 pm
Now worries. This is a game and the rules are just there for a interactive frame of refference.
Any rolls you make are fine as I simply interpret them as you intent for character action. Adding dice roll randomness to character decision making is totally fine. Its all about the story and yours is great so go to town with whatever help. :)
Feb 24, 2023 10:56 pm
I am working on a Price Guide that can be found on the Tiny Notes sheet under Stores. This is for reference as I don't plan on tracking equipment much in this game. It is just to let you know general prices if you want to get something.
May 23, 2023 1:57 pm
Where can you find a list of heritage? The cheat sheet PDF didn't seem to have them, and I the tiny d6 whatever website seems to be down.
May 23, 2023 1:59 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Where can you find a list of heritage? The cheat sheet PDF didn't seem to have them, and I the tiny d6 whatever website seems to be down.
On your thread there should be a post with the words character creation in red. That links you to another thread with almost everything you need.
May 23, 2023 2:01 pm
Mnrtoler says:
DaChiefPI says:
Where can you find a list of heritage? The cheat sheet PDF didn't seem to have them, and I the tiny d6 whatever website seems to be down.
On your thread there should be a post with the words character creation in red. That links you to another thread with almost everything you need.
I think I found them. They just aren't identified as heritages. There's no header on that section..

There's list of beast folk, spirit folk and I think the other were mortal folk.. each of those expands out to different races which I expect are the heritages?

If nothing else for future new players to know.
May 23, 2023 2:25 pm
Yup that's it
May 23, 2023 2:47 pm
I added headers for future reference.
May 24, 2023 12:20 am
This has come up a couple of times so I wasn't too clarify Trades for everyone
Select a trade you were either trained in or were familiar with before you began your adventure. This can be any type of job or lifestyle such as librarian (random knowledge and knows how to find records), carpenter(woods, shaping, building, etc), street urchin(city directions, loosing a tail, where you can steal from and where you shouldn't), or hermit(wild fruits and vegetables, weather, natural remedies)
Note: trades give knowledge and basic skills that in no way are equal to traits.
Ex : street urchin it's familiar with stealth and sleight of hand but without those traits still has to roll 2d6 on those activities. However they can roll 3d6 on finding scraps to live on, hiding spots in a city, knowing when to run vs beg, etc
So if it is a knowledge about something specific or a skill not applied against other pc or npc then a trade can grant 3d6. If your want to be good at something to overcome difficulties then that should be a trait.
May 24, 2023 3:34 pm
Psybermagi says:
This has come up a couple of times so I wasn't too clarify Trades for everyone
Okay, then to clarify further.

1. You list the trade, and then in parentheses you have listed a series of benefits that are engendered by that trade. Do you want us only to list the name of the trade, and when it does or does not apply is up to you? Or do you want us to predefine situations, skills, that would be related to the trade, in parentheses like you did?

2. Do we list a single trade? Are you suggesting that we might have more than one? Sure it's realistic that someone might have been involved in more than one trade before they started exploring... But it might be more practical to only list one, the one that they are most adept in? Didn't know.
May 24, 2023 3:43 pm
A trade is basically a general area of expertise and experience. A single word or short phrase is enough detail
Ex of abilities given a trade:
Cook : cooking food, handling knives, cutting meat, recognizing ingredients, making a fire, recognizing certain things by smell
If you have questions about what a usage can do your can ask
This game is meant to keep things simple if you want a broader skill set then it should be easily expressed and understood.
Barbarian hunter, City apothecary, gypsy merchant, roving bounty hunter
Jun 1, 2023 4:09 am
Marmy49 says:
how do i add those little dropdown attachments
@Marmy49, here is a brief tutorial for the newcomers. Details in the BCC code thread
The quick reply has many features, most are self evident. You can click these then fill in the brackets they create or highlight text then click one to apply the format to it.
These are the features from LEFT to RIGHT
Bold , Italic , Underline , Strikethrough ,
- Linebreak
Color : Red, Blue, Green or type in your own choice
Insert Picture : by web url, upload file, etc
Table : crates a table with cells separated by '|'
Poll : mostly used by DM but anyone can create one and get feedback
Link : link text with a url and it will appear RED
Quote : block quote text. If you set `quote=someone` it will be posted as
DM says:
block text
Note : There are 3 types of notes @player mentions the player and adds a link for them on their homepage, Notes are only able to be read by players they are addressed to and the DM, everyone else only sees a block. Private is the same as a Note but no one else sees the block.
Psybermagi sent a note to Psybermagi
OOC : this is just another block text specifically for Out of Character chatter. I prefer chatter not related to a scene be put in the TinyChat thread. The odd comment is not a big deal but any kind of discussion should be move there.
Snippet : This is another block text but it starts collapsed. You can put other blocks inside of here including pictures, tables, quotes, etc.
Jun 3, 2023 2:17 pm
As this game was designed for newcomers I wasn't sure how long people would stick around. Thus I had no plan on character progression. Since then I have had several stick around I referenced the Tiny system which only has some suggestions. So here are the basics of character progression that I worked up.
Characters who make it through their first introductory arc will gain 1 additional ability
After that you will gain 1 ability for each 2-4 story arcs, depending on their length and complexity

Abilities can include
Weapon Group Proficiency - light, heavy, ranged
Weapon Mastery - of a single weapon you are proficient with, attack with 3d6
Trait - create/add a new trait
Prestige Trait - only available after characters have at least 1 Mastery and 4 traits (race +3) based off an existing trait these increase the output
Jun 3, 2023 6:08 pm
Works for me. :)
load next

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