Session 1
Oct 24, 2022 9:46 pm
The action opens with the heroes sailing upon The Mad Mare. The ship is carrying rum stolen from the Malicine Empire. Boatswain Samual calls out, "aye, that be a ship on the horizon mates." Samual scopes the ship. "Aye, it be Malicine, just one of the patrol boats, not one of em big dragon-ships (large naval vessels that shoot alchemist fire). But it be plotting a course this way. What shall we do sirs?"
Oct 24, 2022 9:59 pm
Darrok turns to look behind them. He's a large grey-skinned individual, with strong heavy facial features and wild unruly hair pulled back into a pony tail. He wears black leathers, and while his greataxe is stowed away below, he still has a cutless and large knife in his belt. "Turn about." he says in a low gravelly voice. "Let's take them."
Oct 25, 2022 12:16 am
Bailin moves forward and stands beside Darrok. Eh, it's been a while since I've been in a decent fight. Let's see what they've got.
Looking over his shoulder at a nearby crewmember, Bailin issues simple instructions. Let everyone know we're about to engage the enemy. Break out weapons, but keep it quiet. Lest we lose surprise.
Looking over his shoulder at a nearby crewmember, Bailin issues simple instructions. Let everyone know we're about to engage the enemy. Break out weapons, but keep it quiet. Lest we lose surprise.
Oct 25, 2022 2:19 am
From below decks Elwood hears the crewmate’s call to arms. He takes a peek at the enemy vessel through one of the portholes and smiles slightly, relieved at the sight of the smaller boat. We can handle a boat like that. Let them sink for all I care!
As he makes his way to the main deck, he arms himself with a crossbow and turns the crank to cock it. For fear of accidental discharge, he is always careful not to load a weapon until the last possible moment before firing.
On the deck, Elwood joins the crew in quiet anticipation as The Mad Mare swings around towards her target.
As he makes his way to the main deck, he arms himself with a crossbow and turns the crank to cock it. For fear of accidental discharge, he is always careful not to load a weapon until the last possible moment before firing.
On the deck, Elwood joins the crew in quiet anticipation as The Mad Mare swings around towards her target.
Oct 26, 2022 1:16 pm
The Mad Mare approaches the Malicine ship. The crew is careful to keep their weapons hidden from view. The patrol ship signals to the Mad Mare to prepare for boarding. The Mad Mare deviously complies. As the ships get close, a complement of 10 marines stand on the deck of the enemy ship. The ships board, throwing ropes across to each other, and still the crew of the Mad Mare wait to spring the trap. 5 marines and a bureaucrat walk across the gangway towards the mad mare when a hail of crossbow bolts unleashes at them.
Combat begins.
Combat begins.
Oct 27, 2022 10:24 am
Are we using the Initiative system from Fate Condensed? If so we need to decide who goes first as a group. I volunteer to if no one else wants to or cares.Oct 27, 2022 3:25 pm
Let's actually switch from the Fate Condensed Initiative to First-Come First-Serve.
You get 1 action per round, but you can post whenever.
That should work better for PBP.
Let's actually switch from the Fate Condensed Initiative to First-Come First-Serve.
You get 1 action per round, but you can post whenever.
That should work better for PBP.
Oct 27, 2022 10:16 pm
Seraphine hears the "Sail ho!" and feels the ship come about, even if she can't see anything.
Bad enough that she had been tossed in the brig, but being hog-tied, blindfolded and gagged made trying to work out what was going on doubly difficult.
"I ain't taking no chances wit' you," the big, scarred, bastard had said, "You're worth a tidy sum of gold to me."
He had grabbed her as she came out of the tavern a few days ago. And, as far as she could tell from the view of his boots, he hadn't taken his eyes off her until now.
Bad enough that she had been tossed in the brig, but being hog-tied, blindfolded and gagged made trying to work out what was going on doubly difficult.
"I ain't taking no chances wit' you," the big, scarred, bastard had said, "You're worth a tidy sum of gold to me."
He had grabbed her as she came out of the tavern a few days ago. And, as far as she could tell from the view of his boots, he hadn't taken his eyes off her until now.
Last edited October 27, 2022 10:20 pm
Oct 29, 2022 11:28 am
Elwood fires a bolt of his own along with the rest of the crew. He aims his at the group of marines back on the patrol ship. In a surprise attack, no foe should be left feeling safe.
Rolling Shoot
2 Positive, 2 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +2 (+2) = +4
Oct 31, 2022 9:48 am
Darrok draws his cutless and dagger, and steps up to the flunky in charge. "You picked the wrong ship bub." He slashes across the man's chest, hoping to down him quickly.
1 Positive, 2 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +0 (+4) = +4
Oct 31, 2022 12:39 pm
Bailn's rapier slid into his hand with a practiced ease. Twirling and spinning the blade, Bailin approached the closest funky. Flashing a devil may care grin, Bailin lunges the blade in a swift and sudden attack.
Adding the +4 modifier would bring it up to +2.Last edited October 31, 2022 12:58 pm
1 Positive, 0 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -2
Oct 31, 2022 1:06 pm
The crew of the Maryton is caught off guard by the sudden attack (free boost for one player).
They scramble to defend themselves from the onslaught.
Elwood and fellow sailers will take-out the marines on the other ship.
Darrok will tie the defender, so you get a boost on your next turn, or you can use the boost to get 2 shifts.
Bailin will miss the enemy, unless he wants to use the boost to turn that into a 1 shift hit.
They scramble to defend themselves from the onslaught.
Elwood and fellow sailers will take-out the marines on the other ship.
Darrok will tie the defender, so you get a boost on your next turn, or you can use the boost to get 2 shifts.
Bailin will miss the enemy, unless he wants to use the boost to turn that into a 1 shift hit.
Athletics to avoid Elwood's crossbow shot
0 Positive, 1 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -3 (+2) = -1
Fighting to parry Darrok
2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+3) = +4
Fighting to parry Bailin
2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+2) = +3
Oct 31, 2022 1:10 pm
The big scarred bastard hears the sounds of battle above, and grumbles, "what the blasted seas is going on," and draws a scimitar. "A rescue party for the lass perhaps? Not on my watch." Seraphine sees his boots trample away and hears the sound of running footsteps followed by relative quiet in the decks below.
Nov 1, 2022 5:27 pm
Zones are:
Deck of the Mad Mare
Deck of the Patrol Ship
Below Decks on the Patrol Ship (aspect: cramped quarters)
In the water
Deck of the Mad Mare
Deck of the Patrol Ship
Below Decks on the Patrol Ship (aspect: cramped quarters)
In the water
Nov 1, 2022 8:02 pm
Marcos sits, uncomfortably, with his back to the bulkhead, his wrists still chained. He watches the big, scarred, bastard tease the bound woman.
"She won't be worth anything if this ship gets taken. None of us will. Unlock me," he raises his hands and shakes the chains, "and I'll add my arm to our cause."
"She won't be worth anything if this ship gets taken. None of us will. Unlock me," he raises his hands and shakes the chains, "and I'll add my arm to our cause."
Adding Requested RollLast edited November 1, 2022 9:01 pm
Overcome The Jailers Wits - (4d6+1)
(2434) + 1 = 14
Overcome The Jailers Wits
3 Positive, 1 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +3 (+1) = +4
Nov 1, 2022 9:47 pm
Seraphine can't believe that a fellow prisoner is trying to buy his freedom at the expense of hers.
If I could just get this gag off I'd given him a piece of my mind, she rails furiously in her own head.
Maybe, just maybe her captor is sufficiently distracted that she has a chance to get out of her bonds. Maybe loosen her gag or some of the ropes binding her.
I'm happy to spend a Fate point if I end up close enough to succeed by spending one.
If I could just get this gag off I'd given him a piece of my mind, she rails furiously in her own head.
Maybe, just maybe her captor is sufficiently distracted that she has a chance to get out of her bonds. Maybe loosen her gag or some of the ropes binding her.
If added a roll, but feel free to ignore it if it's not appropriate. I'm thinking that maybe there a suitable skill to help here. Maybe Atlhetics or Physique, but I'll leave it at +0 for the moment.I'm happy to spend a Fate point if I end up close enough to succeed by spending one.
trying to get free
1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1
Nov 2, 2022 1:45 am
The gruff jailor throws open the cell door and tosses a dagger to Marcos, "very well. Help me defeat these pirate scum and you can have your freedom. Your not worth 1/10th what she is to me."
Seraphine tucks her head down and manages to wiggle out of her gag and can speak freely now.
OOC: You can spend a fate point to completely wiggle out of your bonds.
Seraphine tucks her head down and manages to wiggle out of her gag and can speak freely now.
OOC: You can spend a fate point to completely wiggle out of your bonds.
Nov 2, 2022 2:43 am
Seraphine's covert struggles make some progress and it seems that she can almost get out of the bonds. She waits until her captor and the other prisoner have left to join the fight and then makes one big last effort to free herself.
Spending a fate point to invoke element of surprise. Fate 4 --> 3
I keep forgetting that spending Fate points means invoking an aspect. In this case I think invoking the scene aspect element of surprise makes the most sense. She can use the confusion to get it done without alerting anyone.Spending a fate point to invoke element of surprise. Fate 4 --> 3
Last edited November 2, 2022 5:04 am
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