Fate of the High Seas [ EDIT ]

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Embark on an adventure on the high seas. Welcome to the land of Amorisk. The archipelago lands filled with monsters, evil empires, orc raiders, where pirates and privateers are the free peoples' last line of defense against death and tyranny.

The alchemists of the Malicine Empire created a powerful extract called "alchemists fire" that burns uncontrollably when mixed with water. They've used this power to conquer the surrounding territories. Alchemist fire has made their fleets nearly indestructible in naval warfare. But still, there are those who resist. The free ports of Amorisk have recruited scoundrels and warriors into fleets of privateers to raid the ships of Malicine. Only through plundering the merchant fleets and treasuries can they keep the empire at bay.

Still there are other dangers that the seafarers of Amorisk must be wary of. Gnollish raiding ships, Merfolk tridents, wandering sea monsters, and ghost ships. For some unknown reason, when some ships drift too far out-to-sea, they return with a crew of the walking dead.

Sail out into the waters, if you dare!

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Fate Condensed Rules

Replace the driving skill with sailing

High Fantasy Magic System from Fate Core
Magic is rare, so your high concept should justify its use

Late medieval fantasy (no gunpowder/cannons)

Fantasy Races with a Twist

Character style:
Heroic Outlaws
Noble pirates, smugglers with a heart of gold, scoundrels with limits, etc.


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