Nov 5, 2022 12:45 am

The Chain is an archipelago, a series of small-ish islands which have been under a massive storm for as long as anyone can remember (there are references to it in nearly pre-historic tomes). However, around three decades ago, the storm lifted. The devil-worshipping Elterian Empire saw this as a sign of diabolic provenance; the world itself was opening up to their recent displays of power. So, they began warring against their neighbours, quickly enveloping and absorbing anyone in their path. Many were taken as slaves, while some got the chance to serve as serfs under Imperial rule. However, their overreach was their undoing; by going to war on so many fronts, even the superior numbers, advanced technology and Hellish interference the Empire could call upon couldn't stop them from over-extending. The Empire withdrew from the fronts to regroup, but not before razing the lands they stood in, to make sure no-one could use them until they returned.
Those who fled the wars moved east, away from the Western Empire and towards The Chain. Now that these islands, seemingly uninhabited, had become available, many chose to set up new lives here, hoping against hope the Empire would not be able to recover enough to move this far East. Now, decades later, they are already putting out feelers as far as the far east of The Chain. Many locals see it as their sworn duty to avenge their fallen friends, family and countrymen, and will defend their new lands to the death.
You are on the front lines of a brewing war. What better time to make a bit of cash?
So - this game is a pirate-themed "saltbox" game, loosely based on the Pathfinder Skulls & Shackles AP. I might lift some elements here and there, but this game has no path to follow but what the players choose.
I will be using Blood & Treasure 1e to run this game - it's an OSR system that should be simple to learn for new folks, and flexible enough that I can change some stuff up to suit the game and genre.
If you've never played it before, don't worry - it's broadly compatible with most other OSR games, so if you know one you can manage. I am happy to take newer players as well.
Themes and Content - Players will take the role of pirates - as such, the content may get a little salty (pardon the pun). The bad guys are slavers and devil-worshippers, so there may be some dark themes with them. I can see it being an R-rated game; grim and gritty violence, plenty of bad language and sexuality. After all, you're pirates. Content and themes are open for discussion.
As a rule, players will not associate themselves with the Empire - no slavers, no turncoats, no colonizers. You are playing the underdog, the broken and battered of a dozen lands, all united under the hope of a better future.
As it is a pirate-themed game, yes there will be black powder firearms and cannon.
This also means the game is not only open to, but actively encourages LGBT folks and minority or marginalized peeps to apply and for characters to follow suit - we kinda need an underdog story right about now!
Game Duration & Posting Frequency - I would hope for a daily posting rate, at least. Obviously, things come up and we can work around it. As for duration, we can run an adventure or two and see what we think?
How To Apply - I am fairly new to running games here, so I am happy to go first come, first served in this thread. Probably looking for 5 players at most.
I will post up some more info about cultures and classes shortly, but feel free to throw your hat in the ring before I do!
Last edited November 5, 2022 12:48 am