Chapter 19 - This means war

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Nov 27, 2022 3:37 pm
Nope, doesn't hear her
"Logan, aim for the chest. There's something solid-ish in there!" Al shouts as she looks around for a small rock or solid piece of earth. She picks it up and throws it at the worm-creature, not really aiming to hit what she hopes is a hidden weakness but just to distract it, shouting the first insult at it that comes to her mind. "Hey! Dummy! You're the wormst!"
I'm trying to make it vulnerable to an attack from Logan
Last edited November 27, 2022 3:40 pm


Notice - (1d6-1, 1d6-1, RA)

1d6-1 : (3) - 1 = 2

1d6-1 : (2) - 1 = 1

Taunt - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (41) = 5

1d6 : (2) = 2

Nov 27, 2022 3:56 pm
let's see, Taunt is opposed to Smarts. Yep, works like a charm!
Worm Thing
The thing on the ceiling 'turns' to face the spot where Al's rock impacts the ground, poised as if to defend from a danger coming from that direction and offering Logan and Johnny a blind spot of sorts.
nice one, Vulnerable until end of its next turn (and still Shaken)


Smarts - (1d6, RA)

(1) = 1

Nov 27, 2022 4:04 pm
Logan sees his opportunity! With Johnny lifting him up and providing a strong stable grip, he raises up and up and up near the low ceiling where the thing is crawling, then holds the bat like a stake with both hands, takes his time to aim and thrusts hard where he thinks the loathsome 'core' will be!
this attack is too careful to be a Wild attack, I'd say. So regular attack, +1 Support (-2 called shot cancelled by +2 Vulnerable). Bennies might flow!


Fighting, Wild - (1d6+1, 1d6+1, RA)

1d6+1 : (64) + 1 = 11

1d6+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Nov 27, 2022 4:06 pm
ha! Parry 5: 5s, 9r1 enough to get an extra d6 damage

rolling Strength+d4 bat+ d6 bonus damage, vs Toughness 7

ka-pow! 7s 11r1 , on a Shaken status that's 2 Wounds


Str+bat+bonus - (1d6+1d4+1d6, RA)

(2) + (1) + (65) = 14

Nov 27, 2022 4:07 pm
At least one of us can actually roll

Worm Thing


Nov 27, 2022 4:19 pm
Worm Thing
A loud guttural sound pervades the cave as Logan's bat finds the core of the strange crawling being. The bat squashes the dark 'heart' against the hard vaulted ceiling, encountering clay-like resistance. The core splits under the tremendous pressure, exploding in a black gruesome splat that stains the ceiling.

A million worms, once the glueing force is gone, rain down on all the hunters in a wide radius, like a squelching, gelatinous hailstorm! The hunters find themselves plummeted by endless squidgy bodies, falling on their hair, in their mouths, and all over them.

Logan loses his balance under the uncanny precipitation, and both he and Johnny fall on the ground, cowering under the myriad of bodies!
Nov 27, 2022 4:36 pm

When silence returns to the cave, only the Hunters' breath and a million squelching sounds are left in the cave, now only lit by the flashlight left on the dirt floor.

The flashlight reflects on the multitude of glistening bodies...

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 27, 2022 4:37 pm
Al spits out the worms that have fallen into her mouth and brushes them out of her hair. She realizes how lucky she is that this happened today and not yesterday, when they would have definitely gotten tangled in her mass of curls.

Once she is satisfied with her worm-free-ness, Al quickly bends down and scoops up a handful of dirt with some worms. If possible, she wants to keep them and see if they're just normal or if they'll still act weird. Then something occurs to her.

"We need to get out and find that girl! She has the fulcrum. And Ripper!" She doesn't wait for a response but instead runs for the tunnel entrance to try and get out as fast as possible.
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 27, 2022 4:38 pm

On the surface, Bev hears the dying call of the Worm-thing. Ripper stops barking.
Nov 27, 2022 4:45 pm
The shriek Bev hears sends chills up her spine.

Bev has picked up the biggest and leafiest branch she can manage. "This will knock the worms apart," she calls to the dog.

She perches right above the opening, prepared to swing on the next thing that comes out of the hole.
Nov 27, 2022 4:55 pm
give me a Notice roll from Bev, to see if she realises Alana is the next thing out of the hole!

On a fail, give me a Fighting roll vs Parry 4, and a Damage roll (STR+1d4 bat) vs Toughness 4 if she hits!!
Nov 27, 2022 4:59 pm
Bev feels something is about to emerge...

...and Notices it's the girl from the cave. She holds her swing and shouts, "Get clear! I'm gonna knock it apart!"
Last edited November 27, 2022 5:00 pm


Notice * - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (62) = 8

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 27, 2022 5:04 pm
"We already defeated it!" Al shouts as she runs out into the daylight again. After blinking until her eyes have adjusted, she spots her dog. "Ripper, you're safe!" She bends down to her puppy, petting her with one dirty hand while keeping her worms in the other. She then turns to this strange girl as the others are hopefully following. "We're monster hunters, so that was nothing! And so you should know that you won't stand a chance either if you keep trying to steal the fulcrum!"
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 27, 2022 5:10 pm
Bev furrows her brow, anger plain on her face. "I didn't steal anything! I found a magic artifact, and that monster was its gaurdian!"

She lowers the branch and shows off her investigation skills. "It was probably controlling all the crazy birds. Worms; birds. See?"
Last edited November 27, 2022 5:11 pm
Nov 27, 2022 5:13 pm
Logan climbs out next, finding the two girls in confrontation, a sturdy branch between them.
"Everybody OK? Let's all calm down, yeah?"

Jack the Ripper


Nov 27, 2022 5:15 pm
Jack the Ripper
Ripper is oh so happy that Al is back. She wags her tail madly, and rolls on the ground.

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 27, 2022 5:18 pm
"It's not the fulcrum that's controling the birds! It's Solomon and he's looking for the fulcrum, dummy!" Al argues. "We're hiding it from him and now you stole it. How do we know you're not working for him like Chet!"
I assume Bev would also know Chet, though maybe she hasn't had quite as much personal troble with him as the hunters.
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 27, 2022 5:21 pm
absolutely, Bev knows Chet Paxton and his bullies, they are the school scourge. Logan and Al can also remember having seen Bev in school
Nov 27, 2022 5:41 pm
"I said I DIDN'T steal it!" Her voice cracks on the word steal and tears start to run from her eyes down her cheeks.

She throws the branch at Alana, though it's half-hearted and easily dodged.

She wipes at her cheeks smudging dirt and tears. "And if you mean Chet Paxton, he's a jerk and an idiot, and I dont work for anyone! And you're not the only ones who can hunt monsters."
Last edited November 27, 2022 5:42 pm

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 27, 2022 5:45 pm
The girl's reaction gives Al pause. She seems to genuinely be upset at this accusation and if she was a fulcrum-thief working for Solomon, why would that upset her? Maybe this is all a big misunderstanding.

Al takes a breath and then asks, "But if you're not here to steal - I mean take - the fulcrum for Solomon, why are you here?"
Alana "Al" Patterson
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