Sepulcher of the Mountain God

Nov 14, 2022 10:01 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodThe Town of Hillkant
Early spring

It had been more than six months since the townsfolk of Hillkant discovered the Curwen depravities. Since then, our brave men and women did their best to forget about the horrors they encountered at the Homestead.

It was almost as if normal life did not want them though. Nightmares have visited our heroes frequently, reminding them of goat-eyed men, demons made of mud and humans used as cattle.

Some have tried to find their redemption in faith, others in studies of the occult and magic. There were also those who have tried to banish the dreams through tough physical work, be it the one of a warrior or a thief.

Sometimes it worked. When it did not, screams have guided our local heroes to finally awaking.

All of them were in need of closure, one way or another.
Sooner or later, all of our heroes would finally learn about a clue, a rumor about a weird family matching the Curwen description, wandering around the village Inira - a settlement on the northern side of the mountains - where they have been talking nonsense into young folk, trying to persuade them to join some odd faith.

It would not take much more for our characters to prepare for the journey.
Alright people, happy to see things moving forward once again!

This will be a short adventure following up on the escape of the Curwen trio, with a short set-up phase in the village of Inira. Feel free to describe what your characters were doing for the past 6 months and if they are travelling from Hillkant or some other location where they have undergone their training!

Whatever story you decide to go for, you should all end up in Inira. There is not an inn per se (this is a small village), but travellers can ask for food and lodging at the small temple to Ira the Mountain god in exchange for donation.
Nov 17, 2022 8:14 am
Following the events at the Curwen's manor, Riffen has found himself living further on the outskirts of society. His farm has fallen into disrepair with only the wretch tending the turnips and maintaining the house. Villagers have become increasingly concerned as strange sounds and lights are noticed coming from the depths of the house. Riffen has also undergone some physical change with the hair on his head going completely white over the course of a few weeks since desecrating the alter in the grinder below. Riffen arrives at the village of Inira looking for answers...
Nov 17, 2022 12:56 pm
Jasen and Josen have taken it upon themselves to be the wardens of the forest around the old Curwen place. They do their best to run off the few nosey folk and to keep the 'cattle' contained. No good answer has presented itself with respect to those surviving 'cattle' and the cousins have decided that as long as the 'cattle' stay on the Curwen farm, they can live out what's left of their lives.

Dewayne has built a small temple on the edge of Hillkant and ministers to the wretches and a few of the town folk. He's trying to establish a sense of good, hoping to push away the foul influence of the Curwens.

Not much is known about Wyna's days. She is often gone for a week at a time and when she does appear, it's in a new set of clothes and with a few spare coins. Some of which she offers to Dewayne's temple, she never misses a service if she's in town.
Last edited November 17, 2022 12:56 pm
Nov 18, 2022 8:36 pm
Since Mother Breadwife has become a cleric to Ira, her story fits in well with Inira, and I thought it might be a good way to introduce the rumors of Curwens in Inira and also get the gang back together.

Feel free to to use the notes as a motivation, or ignore it if your characters have other motivations for going to Inira
Mother Breadwife

Having returned from the adventure to her farm, she could not settle in. She felt the call of something greater and was pulled to the town of Inira. There she discovered a temple to Ira and was for the first time since the Curwen's, she felt at peace. She was given lodging in the temple and devoted herself to the study and and service of Ira.

For awhile, her existence was content. That is until one day she was running errands and got a glimpse of a small group that looked similar to the Curwens who escaped. Once again she was troubled with thoughts of the Curwens, this time at the idea of them running loose in the same town that she is now calling home. SHe asked around and heard some rumors of a new family who moved into town, but there wasn't much else to go on. No one seemed to know much about them ,or where to find them.

Not knowing what else to do, she wrote a series of notes to her fellow adventurers: "I cannot say for sure, but I have some reason to believe the Curwen might be in Inira. If you chose to come, you can find me at the temple." and had them delivered via a courier passing through Inira.


Having returned to town, Cynwe realized her existence so far has been rather, short sighted. Her practice of astrology was still going strong, but she now knew was much more than just reading some tea leaves or the moon phases. Having seen real magic, and having some of the spell books to help, she found she had a natural aptitude for spellcraft and spent her time practicing and learning.

Cynwe had just found mastered the basics of the art, and felt that she had gone as far as she can without going off in search of a teacher when a note from Mother Breadwife arrived. This gave her the motivation she needed and she headed off for Inira.


Walt was always gambler and now with some gold from his adventurers, he plunged back into the gambling dens with renewed vigor. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side and after racking up a significant debt, he had no other choice but to turn to less legal means of making a living, namely that of a thief. This suited Walt jsut fine however, and he quickly raised enough to pay off his debts, at the cost of others gold.

Finding thievery to be more lucrative (and more fun) than gambling had been, he traveled to Inira in search of new targets. He was just waking in a room he rented when the letter from Mother Breadwife found him, and seeing as he was a short distance from the temple ,decided to pay a visit.


Kari returned to her mushroom farm, and just kept farming mushroom. She found it rather easy to sink back into the routine. She missed Tiny, but life comes and life goes, something the dwarves had been comfortable with for generations. She did however, realize the importance of staying in practice with fighting skills, and devoted more of her time to training, a part of heritage she had previously ignored. She was just in the middle of a training session when a courier arrived with an interesting letter.

While Kari felt content in her current station, she also did not want to leave the Curwens go unpunished, or worse, to cause more trouble elsewhere, grabbed her gear, and set off to the temple.
Last edited November 18, 2022 8:40 pm
Nov 19, 2022 9:14 am
Duri has returned to his trade in Hillkant, a stonemasons life seemed rather simple and safe since the events of yesteryear. Most of his trade was in tombstones and even that infrequent. Duri has kept the sword of his fallen comrade sharp and remained in contact with Slim. Upon receiving mother Breadwifes note, he dutifully packed his belongings closed his workshop and made his way to Inira.
Nov 19, 2022 9:20 am
Odric having lost his brother Adric in the grinder has walked the fringes of the region. Sleeping under the stars in all weathers and stopping only briefly in towns to collect essential supplies. Rumours of a cloacked unkempt wild man filter through the towns, some say he is looking for vengeance against some evil, some suggest he's cursed and brings misfortune with him, others disregard him as a man who has lost his mind...

Odric arrives in Inira hungry, unwashed and on the trail of something.
Nov 21, 2022 2:06 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain GodThe village of Inira
Early spring

It took a week or two, but finally many of the original Curwen cullers, as some would call them, arrived to Inira. While waiting for her companions, Mother Breadwife had the time to investigate more about the Curwens and found out the following:

1) There were more people accompanying the Curwens now, as it would seem that the family has acquired a following since their disappearance. It would not be hard to guess how they did it, as the surrounding towns and villages reported some of the poorest families missing - those, who would many times struggle with surviving the winter.

2) There are less travelers around than usual at this time of the year.

3) After getting some help from Walt and Wyna, Mother Breadwife managed to find out that one of the ancient tombs the saints of Ira - Aven-Kruz the Tribal king, has been broken into. The Curwen activity is the strongest around here, so it may be a good place to start the search.

As the whole group meets at the temple dedicated to Ira - the only stone building in the whole village - it is time for Mother Breadwife to present her findings and to set up the expedition sooner rather than later.
Pinging @Dsquid as Mother Breadwife will probably start things off!

Nov 21, 2022 3:28 pm
Dewayne's alignment is good and he serves Ulesh.
Nov 22, 2022 9:29 pm
Mother Breadwife looks at the group assembled before her at the temple. She was glad to see them again and it felt a bit like coming home, regardless of the fact that they were currently gathered at the Ira's temple.

"Its great to see you all again, and I'm sure we will have to time to catch up. But let me get to right to the point as it appears the remaining Curwens have traveled here and are active. I shouldn't need to remind you what kind of trouble they can cause if they are left to their own devices and I like it here. I would hate to see this place ruined by whatever foul work they are up to."

She pauses for a moment to gather her thoughts and continues, "As you know this temple is dedicate to Ira, the mountain god. This is a special place as it also close the tombs and crypts of the saints of Ira. One of those was recently defiled. Some people matching the description of the Curwens have been spotted in the area and seem to be the likely suspects. Beyond that we don't much. I suggest we head out to the tomb and look for any clues post haste."

She pauses again this time with a glimmer of amusement in her eyes, "Of course, only after we have had time to take our fill of the bounty of Ira. she says with a smile and unveils a table filled with fresh berries, breads and mead. "Please, help yourself and we can head out packs and bellies full of the blessing of Ira."

Looking at the spread, you start to realize why it is that Mother Breadwife seems so content here.
Last edited November 22, 2022 9:29 pm
Nov 23, 2022 11:07 pm
Folks let me know whether you want to roleplay a bit of feasting or if you want to go straight to good ole' dungeon crawling!
Nov 24, 2022 5:04 am
I'm good with going straight to the crawl, but wanted to give folks a chance to get anything they wanted in before we headed out!
Nov 25, 2022 9:31 pm
I'm ready to head back into the grinder :)
Nov 26, 2022 8:32 pm
Straight into the crawl works for me, gloss over the frivolities and catch up stuff.
Last edited November 26, 2022 8:32 pm
Nov 27, 2022 11:25 am
Sepulcher of the Mountain God
Early spring
The tomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king

It takes about a half a day of a treck through the mountains to reach the tomb of Aven-Kruz. A tribal king who lived a centuries ago, he unified the smaller tribes of the mountains and ended the war with the giants, and while doing so, adopting their devotion to Ira - the God of the Mountains.
Ira has since become a patron of the local land, a lawful deity teaching respect to the cycle of nature and finding growth in struggle against odds.

Luckily for the group, Mother Breadwife knows the way well and is able to lead the group without any hitch. As the adventurers finally cross one last grassy hill, they see a stone entrance about the size of two very tall men standing on top of each other.
Entrance into the tomb

The stone door with an iron ring in the middle is left slightly open, indicating that the seal that should protect the place had been broken. Upon entry, the group finds themselves in a dark passage, through which it would be unwise to continue without any source of light.
I have noticed that none of you have any torches or lanterns! I would strongly advise purchasing some - they are fairly cheap and you would have troubles navigating the tomb otherwise. We can say you did this retrospectively during your preparations, just let me know in post what (or how much) did everyone buy!
The passage opens to a wide natural cavern where a group of skeletal corpses lie in stately repose. A larger, decorated corpse lies on a black stone bier at the back of the chamber. There is flowstone everywhere here, giving the room an eerie vibe.
Wind whistles strangely here, as if the cavern is breathing.
A search check would be in order here! For those intending to do so, please roll a 1d20+Int modifier!
Flowstone curtains, present almost everywhere in here
Dec 4, 2022 6:47 pm
I have adjusted the character sheets to show the retroactively bought torches, 2-3 for my characters. Duri has traded for a shield as we discussed.

Everyone else had a tough week? Or has this game stalled? I'll be more active over the next few days hopefully.
Odric begins to search the room methodically with a sort of grim patience. The remains not as disturbing having seen what he has this last year.


Checking the room - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Dec 4, 2022 8:33 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain God
The tomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring
I'm hoping it's just a classic stall, happens sometimes in PbP games. Let's see if we can get things moving again!
Odric is the first one brave enough to explore the tomb. Carefully, he sheds light from his torch forward, not going further than needed.
There are eight bodies within side alcoves, all placed around a central stone slab on which the ninth body resides. This has to be Aven-Kruz, the ancient tribal chieftain. Buried along with his most loyal ones and covered by what seems to be... A cape of multi-colored feathers?

There is no way such a thing should survive for so long, the tomb is clearly ancient. Confused, Odric turns himself around and notices that a passage leads to the south, hidden behind the curtains of flowstone.
I will leave it to you whether you wish to examine the cape or proceed further!
Dec 4, 2022 8:43 pm
Jasen and Josen enter the room and take up positions just inside the door, bows ready.

Dewayne enters behind Odric and says a short prayer honoring the dead.

Wyna begins a slow circle around the room peering over the bodies. Ostensibly she's looking for signs the bodies have been disturbed recently. But that doesn't stop her from noting items that may want to travel with her later.
Dec 4, 2022 9:17 pm
Sepulcher of the Mountain God
The tomb of Aven-Kruz, the Tribal king
Early spring

Once Wyna steps closer to the bodies, the one thing that nobody wanted to happen does happen - dust rises into the air as long dead men reanimate, prepared to defend their resting place.
Aven-Kruz himself starts rising as well, blue demonic light rising in his eyes!
Everyone please roll initiative! From now on, we will roll for initiative separately for each character, that meaning every one of your characters should roll 1d20+Agility modifier!
Warriors please remember you add your Class level (+1) to your roll!
Those using two-handed weapons roll 1d16 instead of 1d20.


Aven-Kruz Initiative - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Dec 4, 2022 9:23 pm
Fudge :P


Jasen - (d16+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Josen - (d16+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Dewayne - (d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Wyna - (d20)

(15) = 15

Dec 5, 2022 3:39 am
Initiative rolls
Riffen has speed of the cobra as his sign which says -1 to initiative does that not make him slower....?


Odric - (1d16+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Riffen - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Duri - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

load next

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