Chapter 1: The Portal

Nov 15, 2022 1:47 am
We're going to kick off and anyone who is not ready can join in when they get their character done.
Entering the portal, you feel your stomach being wrenched in different directions and for a moment, you fear that you may empty the contents of such. Then, the feeling passes. You are standing in a wooded clearing. The air is warm and the sunlight on your body feels good in contrast to the cold climate of New York. Turning, you find that the portal that you stepped through is gone! There is no sign of it from this side.
Dec 19, 2022 1:33 am
Stumbling a bit as he steps out of the portal Shawn struggles to keep his lunch down. Glancing around quickly looking for any immediate danger he cinches his pack tight in case he needs to run. A tall lean man, just out of college really, with dark hair, light skin, and green eyes. Dressed in sneakers, jeans, and wearing a light hooded sweater he stands ready to run while assessing the area quickly then with more care.
Dec 19, 2022 9:10 am
Zaqueue (a.k.a. Zak) is a young boy. Possibly early teens, with matching attire: jeans, puffy jacket, cool trainers. After steadying himself he is equal measure of confusion and aggression. To any other humans that underwent the same ordeal. "Who are you? where are we? what happened?"
Dec 19, 2022 11:50 am
Wes sits down to regain his composure and let his stomach settle, taking off the black watch cap he had been wearing as it's now entirely too warm. Sitting there in combat boots and cammie trousers with a faded OD green sweatshirt, it's obvious he was in the military or was a huge fan of the aesthetic. He doesn't seem overly tall, but it's obvious his muscles have muscles. He runs a hand over his shaved head and looks at the kid.

"I'm Wes. Don't really have answers for your other questions."
Dec 19, 2022 12:33 pm
"And I'm Zak." and I proceed to explore a..... ooooh, a full 10ft radius! :-P
Dec 20, 2022 11:48 pm
The area you are standing in is a wooded clearing, surrounded by thick forest. The trees here are quite tall, some measuring at least 60 feet or more.
Anyone with Academics (Biology) can make a roll at -2. If you don't have the skill, you can roll 1d4-4 (and don't forget your wild die at -4).
Dec 20, 2022 11:58 pm
I'm Shawn, from California.. Looking around here pauses to listen. . .
Did you two step through the portal? Where are you from?
do penalties apply to the wild dice?
How do penalties affect Aces?
Last edited December 20, 2022 11:59 pm


KS Academics - (1d6-2, 1d6, RA)

1d6-2 : (5) - 2 = 3

1d6 : (64) = 10

Dec 21, 2022 12:27 am
Yes, penalties do apply to the Wild Die, but you made it easily enough so...
You notice with some interest that several of the plants in this area are odd. The it strikes you. They haven't existed for millions of years!
Dec 21, 2022 3:51 am
John is almost disappointed when the stomach churning sensation is over. For the briefest moment it brought him back to how he felt at the start of every race, just before the go light went off. Not that he would ever tell anyone that of course.

He's surprised to find others here, he thought he was the only one who could see the portal. Gathering his things, he walks over to the other three with a slight limp in his right leg. A lanky, tall man with blond hair spilling out of a dark cap on his head, leather goggles rested atop the brim. Youngish but with a slightly beat up and weathered looking face. He wears a white undershirt with a navy jumpsuit covered in what looks like grease and dirt. (If we were casting, he'd be played by Owen Wilson) "So that was trippy, ey?" he says, with a just barely detectable accent. "I'm John by the way."

Looking around the area, it dawns on him the winter weather is gone! "Where the hell are we?"
Dec 21, 2022 5:45 am
As soon as Lilith is on stable footing, she looks around. Not at the scenery to try and make sense of it all, but for a spot to - *ulgh!, yeah. After taking a few moments to simply breathe, she brushes some stray strand of hair from her face.
"Ugh... That was thoroughly, urp, unpleasant..." she mutters, clicking her tongue as she finally starts to look around.
"Oooo, my head... Erm, I suppose you all could just call me Lilith. Not Lily, just Lilith. Please."
Dec 21, 2022 11:08 am
Pick a random direction, walk to the edge of the forest... look back.... pull knife out and shrug.

"You never know who or what is...."
Dec 21, 2022 2:21 pm
Hold up a sec Zak. Everyone quiet for a moment Shawn tries to keep everyone together and quiet for a moment. He explains he want to listen for water or movement. While listening he will also look around for any small trees or branches to make simple clubs or staves. Water will be important, anyone have a water bottle or any other container? We are more likely to solve problems if we pool our resources. Any one got a lighter? Zak's knife can help us make walking sticks or clubs for those who want them, just in case. Also we are more likely to find other people if we follow the water. As he explains he takes out his phone, checks for any signals and turns off all services that are useless to conserve battery life then takes a couple of pictures of the area we arrived at.


Notice - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (7) = 7

1d6 : (3) = 3

Dec 21, 2022 2:54 pm
"I've got a pair of canteens in my bag, and a canteen cup. They should be mostly full," Wes replies, "And a survival knife. It has a few waterproof matches, a flint, some fishing line, a couple of hooks, a wire saw, and a compass in the pommel. I guess if we're going over all out assets, I also have a solar powered LED flashlight, it's waterproof and can charge my phone. Oh, and a first aid kit. Nothing too expansive, but it's something at least."
Last edited December 21, 2022 2:55 pm
Dec 21, 2022 3:33 pm
Dibs! Uh I mean, mind if we stick together? All I have is a few snacks, extra layers for weather, my phone, and a solar charger for it. Well I also have my multi tool but I'm not seeing the need for a screwdriver much around here.
You carry all that stuff with your all the time? I bet you were an eagle scout or something weren't you?
Shawn chuckles as he gives Wesley another appraising look.
Dec 21, 2022 4:21 pm
"Eh, Marine actually. I did my first enlistment but wasn't a fan of all the politicking BS so I didn't re-up. After I got out, I realized... I didn't really have a plan," Wes chuckled as he stood up, adjusting the web belt running the beltloops of his cammies. "Came back to New York, and was sort of job hunting and couch surfing. Kept the shit with me because streets aren't always welcoming, y'know?"

He sighs and looks around. "Water runs downhill, so unless we want to go up for a vantage point, generally heading down isn't a bad idea. We can make some weapons... although we're gonna look like assholes if we end up walking into a 7-11 with pointy sticks."
Dec 21, 2022 4:38 pm
Chuckling at the idea of a 7-11 after stepping through a random portal Shawn replies Natural walking sticks are kind of in with the outdoorsy crowd. I think we could pull it off. In the meantime having anything bigger than my 3" utility knife blade seems pretty good to me, as does heading down hill. I'll look for a good walking stick on the way
Dec 21, 2022 8:03 pm
"I was taking a walk in the park. I have a knife, a sling, some cash because I was gonna meet my g/f...." here he pauses a tiny bit. "A watch, phone, nothing else. My mum's gonna kill me....." here it looks like a pause but it ends up being the end of his sentense.
Dec 21, 2022 8:51 pm
The phones get cell signal; not a strong one, but enough to place a call. You can find plenty of fallen branches from which to make spears/clubs/walking sticks.
Dec 21, 2022 8:53 pm
Before they start walking, Wes will tap his phone lightly and then try to call one of his buddies.
Dec 21, 2022 8:54 pm
To his surprise, Wesley gets an empty ring.
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