The Monsignor was an old man, who enjoyed more than a small glass of wine with his vespers prayers. Perhaps his mass was so great that he could drown the host of Christ himself in the blood of that sacrament. However, at this time, the drink had not sullied his senses. He had listened patiently to the concerns of the young knowledgeable man and muttered in reply.
True enough young man. It is said that evil cannot bear the words of Light and so by this, and others may we test the girl. As for now, you may assist me if you please to do so.
With a beckoning finger, the priest called Alderic to his side as they went out from the hallowed grounds of St. Etienne to speak with the crowd.
Raising hands in a gesture to end the crowds torment of the girl, her teeth chattering, her blue feet frozen in cold, and to hear his general proclamation. Good my flock. I know why you have come, you come with a case against this woman. You will his words, stern and commanding, pass her along to me. Here I shall keep her and question her further. You have done as you see right by our teachings and with the help of the Lord and His saints, I must now be allowed to do my work.
With a gesture aside to Alderic. Take this girl to our lower crypt and bind her. I will join you soon, after I have prayed.
Now good people, to your work and to your farms!