Nov 21, 2022 10:47 pm
^^^this pull-down menu^^^ is really handy to quickly tag (or send a note/private note to) the other players in a game.
I was wondering, could there be a 'Quote' command added to the pull-down menu?
So, at the bottom of the pull-down menu it would be:
Add note
it would be handy if one wants to quote only a sentence in a long post by another player. Currently, to do that one has to press 'Quote' under that player's post, then delete the parts one doesn't want to quote. Seems more intuitive to paste a section, then surround it with tags?
Since Quote relies (just like Note, Private, Mention) on the player name(s) to be correctly inserted in the tag, it would make sense to me to also include the Quote command in this menu.
Just a thought, in case it is deemed useful!