Dec 6, 2022 9:32 pm
This is a list of the Mods we'll be using. There's no expectation that anyone memorize these, or reference them, etc. When something comes up, we'll introduce it and address it. This is just a heads up for the primary ones I'd like to try and use.

1. Drama Dice - Similar to Smallville RPG, Contests in Cortex Prime are framed around one character petitioning for something they want from another character. In this Mod, engaging in those petitions can result in you getting drama dice. Drama dice can be used for stunts (adding to dice pool, using as effect die, or character growth during tag scene).

This is how you get drama dice:
- Say Yes. When you grant a big deal petition (stage 2 in the Petitioning section, above), you get a drama die (from the petitioner, if they have any, a d6 if they don’t).

- Accept a Rejection. When someone denies your big deal petition and you accept that without escalating to a contest, you get a drama die (from the person you petitioned, if they have any, a d6 if they don’t).

- Challenge a Trait Statement. When you challenge a statement attached to one of your traits, not only do you get to roll three dice for it instead of one and then step back the die rating (in line with the standard rules from the trait statement mod), you also immediately get a drama die of the rating of your challenged trait (before it was stepped back).

- Give Help. When you successfully help someone recover from stress or a complication you turn that stress or complication into a drama die of the same size.

2. Shaken and Stricken - I'm just gonna post a screenshot from the book. Essentially, stress is connected directly to a Trait Set. We're going to be using the Emotions Trait Set.
[ +- ] From the Book

We'll also use ad hoc complications, but only when the scene calls for it.

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