Post-Punk Interdimensional Cosmic Vampiric Demon Hunters [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
The Hook -
You're an avant-garde post-punk band traveling the world on your own dime in the year 1979. But that's just your "day job." Between shows you and your bandmates battle the Breakthroughs--interdimensional creatures that gluttonously consume human emotion. Using the power of your emotive underground rock you, quite literally, blast these vampiric demons back to the plane from whence they came.

System -
We'll be using Cortex Prime, and I'll have the mods and dice ratings on Character Generation Info section of the Game Page. If you don't know, it's a dice pool system where you roll a pool, take two dice to be your total and a separate third die to state the effect your effort has.
It's a narrative system though, so we'd try to only roll when asked for! It's also pretty simple to use, at it's core, and the link below perfectly shows what the game is:
Link to Cortex Prime's Primer
Tone and Style -
The goal is to have a game of inter-PC drama (bands relationships can be tough, ya know), gonzo Cthulhu-like investigation, musical showdowns, and exaggerated fiction in a monster of the week format. PCs will battle each other via RP and Contests, and they'll battle monsters who make them feel feelings via Tests and Challenges. Oh, and of course the band will need to perform at least at the beginning of each episode.
We're going to be focusing on character emotions and relationships--which will be trait sets in the game. So character interaction is a must or it doesn't really work.
I'm going to shamelessly employ T.V. style framing devices--references to camera, etc.--and focus on scenes. That's the plan anyway.

Who's Welcome -
I'm welcoming players of any experience level. The system can be a little complicated at times, but it's not too hard to explain.
All marginalized groups and persons are welcome. Characters in this game world specifically and explicitly don't judge each other based on gender, race, orientation, preferences, physical ability or appearance and the same is expected of the players.
Frequency and Length -
I'm planning this as a test run. This game idea is intended to be episodic, so we'd do 1 episode (the Pilot) and we'll see how it goes. I can imagine it taking around three months (including the collaborative character creation) if we keep a steady posting pace. BUT, I think that length can only be hit if our posting frequency is consistent. I'm asking for minimum 1 post a day, excluding the weekends--you don't have to post on weekends.
Applying -
If you're interested, respond to this post. Mention what instrument your character would play, and how other bandmates (i.e., other PCs) would "see" them, whether it's truly how they are or not. Remember, you'd be in your early 20s, and a member of a fledging but super cool band.
I'm looking for 3-4 players.

Thank you for your time.
You're an avant-garde post-punk band traveling the world on your own dime in the year 1979. But that's just your "day job." Between shows you and your bandmates battle the Breakthroughs--interdimensional creatures that gluttonously consume human emotion. Using the power of your emotive underground rock you, quite literally, blast these vampiric demons back to the plane from whence they came.

System -
We'll be using Cortex Prime, and I'll have the mods and dice ratings on Character Generation Info section of the Game Page. If you don't know, it's a dice pool system where you roll a pool, take two dice to be your total and a separate third die to state the effect your effort has.
It's a narrative system though, so we'd try to only roll when asked for! It's also pretty simple to use, at it's core, and the link below perfectly shows what the game is:
Link to Cortex Prime's Primer
Tone and Style -
The goal is to have a game of inter-PC drama (bands relationships can be tough, ya know), gonzo Cthulhu-like investigation, musical showdowns, and exaggerated fiction in a monster of the week format. PCs will battle each other via RP and Contests, and they'll battle monsters who make them feel feelings via Tests and Challenges. Oh, and of course the band will need to perform at least at the beginning of each episode.
We're going to be focusing on character emotions and relationships--which will be trait sets in the game. So character interaction is a must or it doesn't really work.
I'm going to shamelessly employ T.V. style framing devices--references to camera, etc.--and focus on scenes. That's the plan anyway.

Who's Welcome -
I'm welcoming players of any experience level. The system can be a little complicated at times, but it's not too hard to explain.
All marginalized groups and persons are welcome. Characters in this game world specifically and explicitly don't judge each other based on gender, race, orientation, preferences, physical ability or appearance and the same is expected of the players.
Frequency and Length -
I'm planning this as a test run. This game idea is intended to be episodic, so we'd do 1 episode (the Pilot) and we'll see how it goes. I can imagine it taking around three months (including the collaborative character creation) if we keep a steady posting pace. BUT, I think that length can only be hit if our posting frequency is consistent. I'm asking for minimum 1 post a day, excluding the weekends--you don't have to post on weekends.
Applying -
If you're interested, respond to this post. Mention what instrument your character would play, and how other bandmates (i.e., other PCs) would "see" them, whether it's truly how they are or not. Remember, you'd be in your early 20s, and a member of a fledging but super cool band.
I'm looking for 3-4 players.

Thank you for your time.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
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