The GP Advent Calendar - Door 7

Dec 7, 2022 12:40 pm
Hey there, lovely GP community!

Throughout the next 24 days, we, the mods, want to highlight some fun, exciting, cool or otherwise interesting GP posts, just to give you all a glimpse of what might be going on on the site outside of your own games and to share some gaming enthusiasm around.

Since we can only be in a small number of games, compared to all the many going on at the same time, there will definitely be some amazing posts that none of the mod team are aware of. If you saw a great post in a game you're in or you have written something that you're particularly proud of, please share it with me in a private message and we will put it under consideration for a future advent calendar door. Unfortunately, an advent calendar only has 24 doors so it's possible we won't be able to share everything that gets submitted to us if we get a lot of messages, but I'd still love to read as many posts you find fascinating as possible so don't be shy about submitting one or more posts you think would get other people excited 😊
Today's submission comes from user Verrain, who wanted to highlight a fun post from his group's Wild Beyond the Witchlight game.

Verrain plays a human bard named Beven. When Beven hears approaching songs herald the arrival of a named villain, he busts out his bardic skills and a rap battle ensues! Verrain's vicious verbal volley vexed the villains verily!

[Presented with a GM post by Len for context]

Dungeon Master


Dec 7, 2022 12:40 pm
The group moves forward into the Tollway. The creaking of the Tollway planks and the crackling of burning slash piles is the only sound in this otherwise eerily quiet domain. But, as you go further, you find copses where the mangroves have stubbornly (and rapidly, it seems) grown back, as if Prismeer itself is fighting against this industrial project. In these copses, the air is cleaner but the mists are thicker and the planks are choked with vines making it even more treacherous to walk on.
"It may come down to shillelagh law in the end. Are any opposed, should it come to that?"
As Quennan is asking the question, first Jules and then the rest (except Sarynn of course) hear the sound of bagpipes in the distance. They are accompanied by off-key singers belting out a familiar tune - it is the same song you heard the Harrengon brigands sing on your first morning in Prismeer:

With sticks and stones, we’ll break your nose;
We’ll beat you blind and steal your clothes.
But none among us can compare
To one wily, swift, and stand-up hare—
Scarf that’s glorious, thief notorious,
His deeds are truly meritorious!

With a wink and a grin, he’ll show his cunning;
A flash of his scarf, he’ll take off running.
Quick as a bolt, his long scarf trailing,
Gasping, grasping, you’ll end up flailing.
You’ll pout, you’ll moan, you’ll huff, you’ll sneer;
Thanks to Agdon Longscarf, brigand prince of Prismeer!

It doesn't take long before the party spots ominous figures at the edge of the mist. On either side of the walkway, two skiffs edge in the murk and a single solitary figure walks the planks between them. They are mere silhouettes at this point. The figure on the walkway is holding something like a spear with a tip that glows red-hot. A long scarf billows from their neck despite the air being completely still.
Dungeon Master
Dec 7, 2022 12:41 pm
Beven swings his lute into his hands and start to play along with their melody. When they finish their second verse, Beven brings it around to the beginning and sings back.

With sword and mail, we’ll make you quail;
We’ll spell you down and steal your snail.
So those among us can compare
To the wily, swift, and stand-up hare—
Scarf that’s glorious, thief notorious,
Against us, we’ll be victorious!

With a call and a spell, we showed our cunning;
A face in the mud, they took off running.
We gave them chase, and left them wailing,
Pleading, wheedling, they end up failing.
We free, our fee, right here, said clear;
Well wishes to Agdon Longscarf, brigand prince of Prismeer!

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