Player Characters OOC

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Dec 9, 2022 2:45 pm
This is for Players that choose to provide and update Player Character descriptions.
Dec 9, 2022 5:27 pm
Ovak: Female Half-Orc that is a Guild Artisan: Leatherworkers, Skinners, and Tanners. Ranger 2, Rogue 1

Personality: Ovak is always seems to be thinking yet doesn't come up with much of anything. She is hostile and short tempered. She is generally suspicious and one not to be told to do anything. She totally avoids large groups and seldom is ever seen in town in daylight. She almost never talks about other people.

Appearance: Ovak is usually in her chain shirt with shield over her back with her longbow & quiver. She sports a shortsword and dagger combo on her weapon belt. With a backpack and pouch to her side she is ready to travel.

Description: Ovak is a good six feet three inches tall and a lot of upper body build. She is by no means a small person. And ugly, yeah she has straggly short black hair with aged whitening. Her light amber eyes always watching. Those tusks she has don't add a bit to her looks at all. Then there's those large pointed ears. All that and ugly sickly light green skin to top it off. Her sloping forehead and jutting jaw lets you see her prominent teeth. She has a collection of scars on display and she appears to be in her twenties which is a longer life then many Half-Orc's enjoy.

Known: Ugly Female Half-Orc. Scavenger and works with leather.

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