Apr 5, 2023 7:41 pm
Exploring the stables, the floor, the shelves, the cots and the bedrolls all seem to be buried in piles of rat turds. Some of the shelves appear to have collapsed under the weight of them. Moving around in here requires wading through the pellets. It appears that the two scorpions had made themselves a couple of dugout nests in the turds near eroded baseboards that would've allowed them in and out of the stable easily. Rook finds a broken branding iron spilled out from a collapsed shelf.
Fenhari discovers through reading the walls, that they are absolutely covered. Mostly there is lewd poetry and dirty drawings, but there are also drawings of insects and animals and some sort of symbols scattered throughout that he doesn't recognize as letters. He does find a list of names scrawled into the wood, amongst them is Clayton, Clayton Jr and Roy.
Fenhari discovers through reading the walls, that they are absolutely covered. Mostly there is lewd poetry and dirty drawings, but there are also drawings of insects and animals and some sort of symbols scattered throughout that he doesn't recognize as letters. He does find a list of names scrawled into the wood, amongst them is Clayton, Clayton Jr and Roy.