Surly is anxious to eat and gives Rook a few nudges of encouragement to move him along.
As they begin riding Eastward the sun rises directly into their line of sight. It doesn't take long for the remaining puddles to evaporate and for the heat to begin. At this hour, the desert is active with life. Rabbits and sage rats dart into hiding spots or freeze in their tracks as the horses approach. Migratory waterfowl make a V in the sky. It is still morning when the group arrives at the first turn from the main road.
Old Frederick Road heads south towards the Rat Shit Hut. The main road continues to the East. On the otherside of the road, to the Northeast, the group notices an elk that has already spotted them. It stands frozen. A small herd stands behind it. Some of them still grazing, others beginning to notice the group.