Rook gets Surly to circle back in order to give himself the space to get a good run up to the fence, Fenhari begins walking the fence looking for a hidden gate. As the three split directions, the hawk remains with the paladin.
Once Rook has travelled across the clearing in front of the stable he gets Surly to do an easy 180 and takes a look at the distance leading up to the fence. He backs up the horse until he feels he has the space that he needs. Fenhari notices an interesting rock near the fence-line, but once picked up, turns out to be plain. The hawk cocks its head as if asking a question.
Rook gets Surly into a rhythmic canter as the horse runs toward the fence. Fenhari notices a spot about a hundred yards away where a stack of rocks has been wrapped in fencing like a column and integrated into the fence. The hawk, upon seeing Rook coming flaps up and away from the fence as if to give space for the stunt.
Rook gets his body into jumping position and grips the reins tightly. Fenhari notices that the fence post next to the rock column seems to be attached to it by a loop of barbed wire at the top and the bottom, it looks like if you simply unloop the top of the fence post, you could pull it away and open the fence, and in fact he can see in the dirt that this very thing had been done in the past.
Rook pulls on the reigns in attempt to get the horse to jump. As Surly's head is pulled back he notices the fence right in front of him and hits the brakes hard digging in and rising up. refusing to jump.
Rook make a dex save in order to hang on to Surly