Pinebox Middle School

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ClosedSavage WorldsPrivate3 / weekWhtKnt
Ever hear of Pinebox, Texas? It's a little town in the eastern part of the state and home to East Texas University. Like all small towns, it has an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school as well. It also has more than its share of supernatural happenings. Don't get me wrong; Pinebox is a great place to live, so long as you don't mind the occasional strangeness.

I recently backed the Savage Worlds SWADE Horror Companion and went all in. While the Horror Companion (the alpha is expected next year) has yet to be released, I do have an alpha of Pinebox Middle School, a supplement and campaign setting. In this campaign, you play a 6th grader in Pinebox Middle School. In addition to the trials that all kids face, you also have to contend with the weirdness that is native to Pinebox (and if you've ever played or run East Texas University, you know how weird it can get!).

They have gone out of their way to make playing a kid exciting and it looks like a blast! For example, you get Bennies for kid tropes, like thinking that you are invulnerable, having meltdowns, and sneaking out after dark. Instead of a base, the kids get a clubhouse. There are rules for weapons like super soakers and water balloons. I (obviously) cannot share the book, but I'm willing to work with you to generate your characters if you are interested.

So what say you? Are you ready to return to the days of your misspent youth? Do you have what it takes to delve into the mysteries of Pinebox?

Dec 26, 2022 9:28 pm
"Welcome to Pinebox, Texas, pardner. I'm Ryan, and since you're new to these parts, let me show you around. As a 6th grader, you'll be attending PineBox Middle School with the rest of us kids. Don't worry, all the teachers are pretty nice here except Mr. Lee, who teaches 6th-grade Math. Oh, okay, he's tough but fair, and I guess that he's pretty nice, too, most of the time. Just be sure to get your homework in on time.

"Outside of school, the townsfolk are really nice; most of them, anyway. You'll learn pretty quickly who to avoid and who's okay. But then there is the weird factor. It's like somebody cranked the weird meter up to 11 in this place. There are ghost sightings, chupacabra attacks, and even stranger stuff. Don't get me wrong. Pinebox is a great place to live, you just have to get used to things around here.

"A lot of it is centered on East Texas University, but there's some spill-over into the town. But don't worry too much, me and some of the other kids have a group that investigates the weird things going on here. We'll keep you safe. Of course, you could also join us, if'n you're up for it..."

As Ryan explained, in this campaign, you'll be a 6th-grader attending Pinebox Middle School. Don't worry; the designers have made it a blast to be a kid again! It's sure to be a lot of fun!! This is a Savage Worlds (SWADE) campaign set in the modern era. Build your character according to the character generation rules found in the forum.

Everyone is welcome in this game (up to the limit of 7 players), regardless of creed, color, sexual identity, sexual preference, or anything else you can think of to mention. Newbies are welcome to join and I can help you with character creation and the rules, if necessary. Tolerance among players (not necessarily characters) is expected. If you can't play nicely, you don't get to play.
Last edited December 26, 2022 9:33 pm
Dec 27, 2022 7:54 am
I'm definitely interested in joining this game! I don't have a specific character concept in mind yet. If you want me to, I can come up with something for the application but I'm happy to see what other players want to play and then come up with something based on that.

I am already playing in a fairly similar game to this (SWADE kids investigating supernatural occurrences), so if you are getting more applications that you have spaces, feel free to skip me over for someone else. But I really like this kind of game, so here's me expressing interest

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