Pinebox Middle School [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
Ever hear of Pinebox, Texas? It's a little town in the eastern part of the state and home to East Texas University. Like all small towns, it has an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school as well. It also has more than its share of supernatural happenings. Don't get me wrong; Pinebox is a great place to live, so long as you don't mind the occasional strangeness.
I recently backed the Savage Worlds SWADE Horror Companion and went all in. While the Horror Companion (the alpha is expected next year) has yet to be released, I do have an alpha of Pinebox Middle School, a supplement and campaign setting. In this campaign, you play a 6th grader in Pinebox Middle School. In addition to the trials that all kids face, you also have to contend with the weirdness that is native to Pinebox (and if you've ever played or run East Texas University, you know how weird it can get!).
They have gone out of their way to make playing a kid exciting and it looks like a blast! For example, you get Bennies for kid tropes, like thinking that you are invulnerable, having meltdowns, and sneaking out after dark. Instead of a base, the kids get a clubhouse. There are rules for weapons like super soakers and water balloons. I (obviously) cannot share the book, but I'm willing to work with you to generate your characters if you are interested.
So what say you? Are you ready to return to the days of your misspent youth? Do you have what it takes to delve into the mysteries of Pinebox?
I recently backed the Savage Worlds SWADE Horror Companion and went all in. While the Horror Companion (the alpha is expected next year) has yet to be released, I do have an alpha of Pinebox Middle School, a supplement and campaign setting. In this campaign, you play a 6th grader in Pinebox Middle School. In addition to the trials that all kids face, you also have to contend with the weirdness that is native to Pinebox (and if you've ever played or run East Texas University, you know how weird it can get!).
They have gone out of their way to make playing a kid exciting and it looks like a blast! For example, you get Bennies for kid tropes, like thinking that you are invulnerable, having meltdowns, and sneaking out after dark. Instead of a base, the kids get a clubhouse. There are rules for weapons like super soakers and water balloons. I (obviously) cannot share the book, but I'm willing to work with you to generate your characters if you are interested.
So what say you? Are you ready to return to the days of your misspent youth? Do you have what it takes to delve into the mysteries of Pinebox?
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
First, everyone in Pinebox Middle School is human (so far as you know), so your character will also be human. Your character begins in the 6th grade and is between 10 and 12 years old. Most characters will be 11 years old, but it is possible to be slightly older or younger if you were held back or skipped a grade.
All characters start with the Small and Young (Major) Hindrances and you may take up to four points of additional hindrances as usual. You may not take Hindrances that don’t make sense for the theme of the setting, such as Bloodthirsty, Death Wish, Elderly, Habit (Major), Illiterate, or Wanted. Thera re also new Hindrances in the forum.
As young kids, Pinebox Middle Schoolers begin with a d4 in each of their five attributes and have only 3 additional attribute points to increase them. In order to capture the feeling of being an inexperienced kid in a larger world, attributes are capped at d6 during character creation, except one, which may be bought up to a d8. During Advancement, no attribute may be raised above d8. In addition, kids subtract 1 from all Strength rolls (including damage!). Don't worry these limits will relax as you grow up.
Since all the kids have the Young (Major) Hindrance, they only have 10 points to distribute among their skills. Each die type in a skill costs 1 point up to and equal to its linked attribute, and then 2 points per step after that. All skills are capped at d6 during character creation except two, which may be bought up to d8. During Advancement, no skill may be raised above d8. Again, this will relax as the campaign progresses.
As in real life, the kids of Pinebox are not all cut from the same cloth. Some have specific disabilities or disadvantages, and many have found strategies to live a normal life despite these challenges. Savage Worlds offers a variety of Hindrances that attempt to approximate some physical and mental shortcomings in a simplified way. They are there in service of creating fun challenges in a game. They do not exist to create arbitrary roadblocks or exclude characters from engaging with the adventures presented.
With this in mind, some players may wish to play a kid with a disability—a character with a mild form of cerebral palsy, for example, or one with ADHD, or even a hero in a wheelchair. This is perfectly possible, but we encourage both player and Principal to keep certain guidelines in mind when creating adventures and running games for heroes like this. If you wish to portray a hero with a disability, let me know and I will discuss it with you.
During childhood, most of us lock in a few likes and dislikes that we carry with us well into adulthood. It could be a strong aversion to green beans, jazz music, or something completely off-the-wall like Polo shirts or the color chartreuse. At the same time, a kid might jump up and down excitedly for musical theatre, the feel of garden clogs (Crocs to you and me), or black licorice (yuck)! Come up with a few likes and dislikes during character creation (three is plenty) and make note of them on your student record. They can flesh out your hero while also providing the Principal with ideas to pepper into their adventures.
The following Edges are not available for player character kids in Pinebox Middle School: All Arcane Background Edges, Beast Master, Brave, Connections, Liquid Courage, and all Edges with the requirement of Veteran or higher (middle schoolers don’t advance to Veteran Rank until after graduation. However, see the list of new Edges in the forum. Pinebox kids get one free Edge as usual.
Each student begins with $200 USD in her virtual wallet which she may use to purchase her starting gear. Alternatively, with Principal approval, players can determine their pre-existing inventory sans funding, basing it on real-world access to various items. In addition to the base gear, every kid usually begins with some form of personal transportation according to her wealth level. If a student opts not to start with a skateboard or bicycle, she may take an extra $200 (adjusted for wealth of course) with which to buy starting gear.
All characters start with the Small and Young (Major) Hindrances and you may take up to four points of additional hindrances as usual. You may not take Hindrances that don’t make sense for the theme of the setting, such as Bloodthirsty, Death Wish, Elderly, Habit (Major), Illiterate, or Wanted. Thera re also new Hindrances in the forum.
As young kids, Pinebox Middle Schoolers begin with a d4 in each of their five attributes and have only 3 additional attribute points to increase them. In order to capture the feeling of being an inexperienced kid in a larger world, attributes are capped at d6 during character creation, except one, which may be bought up to a d8. During Advancement, no attribute may be raised above d8. In addition, kids subtract 1 from all Strength rolls (including damage!). Don't worry these limits will relax as you grow up.
Since all the kids have the Young (Major) Hindrance, they only have 10 points to distribute among their skills. Each die type in a skill costs 1 point up to and equal to its linked attribute, and then 2 points per step after that. All skills are capped at d6 during character creation except two, which may be bought up to d8. During Advancement, no skill may be raised above d8. Again, this will relax as the campaign progresses.
As in real life, the kids of Pinebox are not all cut from the same cloth. Some have specific disabilities or disadvantages, and many have found strategies to live a normal life despite these challenges. Savage Worlds offers a variety of Hindrances that attempt to approximate some physical and mental shortcomings in a simplified way. They are there in service of creating fun challenges in a game. They do not exist to create arbitrary roadblocks or exclude characters from engaging with the adventures presented.
With this in mind, some players may wish to play a kid with a disability—a character with a mild form of cerebral palsy, for example, or one with ADHD, or even a hero in a wheelchair. This is perfectly possible, but we encourage both player and Principal to keep certain guidelines in mind when creating adventures and running games for heroes like this. If you wish to portray a hero with a disability, let me know and I will discuss it with you.
During childhood, most of us lock in a few likes and dislikes that we carry with us well into adulthood. It could be a strong aversion to green beans, jazz music, or something completely off-the-wall like Polo shirts or the color chartreuse. At the same time, a kid might jump up and down excitedly for musical theatre, the feel of garden clogs (Crocs to you and me), or black licorice (yuck)! Come up with a few likes and dislikes during character creation (three is plenty) and make note of them on your student record. They can flesh out your hero while also providing the Principal with ideas to pepper into their adventures.
The following Edges are not available for player character kids in Pinebox Middle School: All Arcane Background Edges, Beast Master, Brave, Connections, Liquid Courage, and all Edges with the requirement of Veteran or higher (middle schoolers don’t advance to Veteran Rank until after graduation. However, see the list of new Edges in the forum. Pinebox kids get one free Edge as usual.
Each student begins with $200 USD in her virtual wallet which she may use to purchase her starting gear. Alternatively, with Principal approval, players can determine their pre-existing inventory sans funding, basing it on real-world access to various items. In addition to the base gear, every kid usually begins with some form of personal transportation according to her wealth level. If a student opts not to start with a skateboard or bicycle, she may take an extra $200 (adjusted for wealth of course) with which to buy starting gear.
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